
Welcome to the Company Watch Data API. Start integrating Company Watch Data by following our Getting started guide or jump straight into the documentation for each endpoint in the following product sections: UK Companies, Irish Companies, UK Directors Data, Irish Directors Data, UK Non-limited Businesses, Company Reports.

Monitor changes to UK and Irish companies by integrating our Company Monitoring API.

The content of this site is: Commercial in confidence

Getting Started

  1. Click here to request credentials to access the test site (the request form will open in a new window).
  2. Develop your integration, do data quality and acceptance testing against test.
  3. Once you’re ready to go live with your integration, request access to production.


The Company Watch Data API is hosted on multiple sites, each with a specific purpose.

Purpose URL
For production use.
Use for data quality testing. Accurate data, but the requests are rate-limited.

Each site requires a different pair of credentials to access resources.

In the test environment you are only allowed 150 requests every 24 hours.


Register using the API access request form.

Once registered, you will be given credentials for the test environment. When you’re ready to go live with integration, contact us again to get access to production.

Interacting with the API

The Company Watch Data API is a RESTful service. All requests made to the service must be authenticated and be done over SSL. Responses are returned as JSON unless otherwise specified.

The examples provided in this document are demonstrated using cURL which should make understanding the functionality of the API easier.

Use your preferred HTTP client library for your platform to develop your integration. To work with JSON, we’ve provided a list of some recommended libraries for various platforms:

Language Library
Java Jackson
Scala json4s


Use your supplied credentials to authenticate requests via Basic Authentication

curl '' \
  --get \
  --user username:password

Any requests made to the API must include authentication information. We currently support authentication using Basic Authentication over HTTPS. The credentials consists of a username and password pair.

Requests and Responses

Request parameters

Including/Excluding null-values

Applies to: all endpoints

By default, responses will return all fields for an endpoint even if the value of the field is unavailable. The value of a field may be null due to a lack of data or if the field is not applicable in a given context. For example: latestPeriodEndDate, an accounts-related item, would have a value of null for a company that has not filed its first set of accounts.

You can remove null-value fields from the response by including the following parameter in the request:

Parameter Type Description
includeNulls boolean Defaults to true to include null values in the response. false removes such fields.


curl '' \
  --get \
  --user {credentials} \
  -d q=john+doe \
  -d limit=100 \
  -d offset=0
curl '' \
  --get \
  --user {credentials} \
  -d q=john+doe \
  -d limit=100 \
  -d offset=100

Applies to: selected endpoints

Pagination support is included on endpoints that may return a large list of objects as part of the response. On such endpoints, there will be at most one paginate-able array of objects. By default, endpoints will return the entire list of objects (with some exceptions).

Add the parameters limit and offset to the request to retrieve a sub-set of the results at a time. If you’re familiar with SQL the parameters work the same way.

Parameter Type Description
limit int The maximum number of rows to receive in the response.
offset int Defaults to 0. The number of rows to skip. If included in the request, the limit parameter must be included.

Endpoints supporting pagination return a pagination object as part of the response,

Field Type Description
total integer The total number of available items to paginate on.


Example of a successful response

  "id": "1234567",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 38
  "response": {
    "registeredAddress": "...",
    "headOffice": null,
    "tradingAddresses": [
          "address": "..."
          "address": "..."

An error message

  "message": "The requested resource does not exist."

Responses are divided into two categories: a success or an error.


Successful responses return an HTTP code 200 and a JSON response with the following form (unless mentioned otherwise):

Field Type Description
id string This is the directorNumber identifier for a director, or the cinumber / cwid identifier for a company that this response belongs to.
pagination object Applicable to endpoints supporting pagination.
response object or an array of objects Depending on the endpoint, the contents of the response field may contain a single object or an array of objects.


Unsuccessful responses return a non-200 HTTP code and a JSON response of the following form:

Field Type Description
message string The details of the error that occurred.

HTTP response codes

The following table describes the set of HTTP codes that you may encounter from our API.

Code Meaning
200 OK – Request completed successfully.
400 Bad Request – The parameters provided in the request did not follow the expected format.
401 Unauthorized – Your API credentials are invalid or your account has been deactivated.
403 Forbidden – You do not have access to the requested endpoint.
404 Not Found – The requested company/director does not exist or the endpoint does not exist.
423 Locked – The requested company cannot be accessed from our database. A detailed reason is included in the error message.
429 Too Many Requests – You have exceeded the maximum number of requests allowed in the current time window.
500 Internal Server Error – We had a problem with our server.
503 Service Unavailable – We’re temporarily offline for maintenance.

Change management

We follow a semantic versioning policy when it comes to introducing changes to the API.

The full version number is of the form <major>.<minor>.<patch>.

The major version number of the API is specified as part of the path (example: /v1/) and is only incremented when any stable endpoint is changed in a way that breaks backwards-compatibility. Referencing an API by its major version will always refer to the most up-to-date minor and patch for that version.

Non-breaking changes

In principle, the following classes of changes increments the minor version:


  1. A new endpoint is added
  2. A new method is supported by an endpoint
  3. A new endpoint parameter is added
  4. A required endpoint parameter becomes optional
  5. An optional endpoint parameter is added
  6. A new field is added
  7. A required field becomes optional

Breaking changes

In principle, the following classes of changes increments the major version:


  1. A stable endpoint is renamed
  2. A stable endpoint is removed
  3. Support for an endpoint method is removed
  4. An endpoint parameter is renamed
  5. An endpoint parameter is removed
  6. A required parameter is added to an endpoint
  7. The meaning of the response changes
  8. A field is renamed
  9. A field is removed
  10. An optional field becomes required
  11. The type of the field becomes a more restrictive sub-type or changed to a different type

Multiple version support

Since introducing a breaking change to the API results in a new major release, we’ll try our best to ensure that such changes are only done when necessary to keep disruption and development effort on your part to a minimum.

When a new major version of the API is released, we aim to have at least TWO versions of the API running in parallel: the latest and the previous version. We’ll communicate you well in advance before removing any previous supported version.


As the API and our data sources evolve over time, we may mark certain aspects of the API as “deprecated”. Marking an endpoint, request method, parameter, or field for deprecation is considered a non-breaking change and increments the minor version. Items that have been deprecated will be removed in the following major release.

UK Companies

Our UK Company database contains the population of private and listed companies in the United Kingdom (England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales).

Base endpoint


Endpoints support calls using the Companies House registration number instead of a cinumber. For example you can retrieve data on “Company Watch” by using the cinumber,

GET /api/v1/uk/companies/1455001

or by using the registration number,

GET /api/v1/uk/companies/regnum=03597613

Searching for companies

Search for companies registered in the United Kingdom.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies?q=<query>&filters={<filter options>}

This database is included in the general search endpoint:
GET /api/v1/companies?q=<query>&filters={<filter options>}

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d q="company+watch" \
 -d limit=2 \
 -d offset=0
  "pagination": {
    "total": 113208
  "response": {
    "timeTaken": 19,
    "maxScore": 3.11631,
    "results": [
        "activityCode": "82990",
        "activityDescription": "Other business support service activities",
        "address": "Unit 312, Coppergate House, 16 Brune Street, London, E1 7NJ",
        "id": "1455001",
        "isoCountry": "GBR",
        "isoCurrency": "GBP",
        "isSubsidiary": true,
        "latestPeriodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
        "name": "COMPANY WATCH LIMITED",
        "nationalID": "03597613",
        "productCode": "UK",
        "quoted": false,
        "relevanceScore": 3.11631,
        "sales": 0,
        "ticker": null,
        "totalAssets": 3648000
        "activityCode": "82990",
        "activityDescription": "Other business support service activities",
        "address": "Unit 312, Coppergate House, 16 Brune Street, London, E1 7NJ",
        "id": "1455201",
        "isoCountry": "GBR",
        "isoCurrency": "GBP",
        "isSubsidiary": true,
        "latestPeriodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
        "nationalID": "03597968",
        "productCode": "UK",
        "quoted": false,
        "relevanceScore": 3.11631,
        "sales": 0,
        "ticker": null,
        "totalAssets": 1522000

Query parameters

Pagination support : yes

Parameter Description
filters Required if q is not included. Can contain more than 1 filter. See Filter Options for details.
mode Optional.
keyword - when mode=keyword, results are determined based on company names that contain every word provided in the search query.
relevance - when mode=relevance, results are selected by ranking algorithms that determine the best match based on all the provided search terms.
Defaults to relevance when mode is not specified.
q Required if filters is not included. Search for relevant companies for a given query.

Filter Options

Construct more specific queries using just the filter options or in combination with the q relevance search.


Fields supporting filtering by a single term,

Filter Type Description
address string Search by registered address.
business_description string Search by business description.
quoted boolean true - only quoted companies.
false - only private companies.
name string Search by company name.
postcode string Search by postcode or postal area (UK format)
previous_name string Search on a previous company name
registration_number string Search by company registration number (registered at Companies House).
sic_code string SIC industry classification code (UK SIC 2007)
sic_description string Search in the SIC industry classification description
subsidiary_status boolean true - only companies that are subsidiaries.
false - only companies that are parents or not part of a group structure.
ticker string Search by stock ticker symbol. Deprecated, the value of this filter is ignored and it will be removed in the future.

Fields supporting filtering by range,

Filter Type Description
latest_period date Search for companies where the latest period end date falls between the specified date range.
sales integer Search for companies where the latest sales value falls between the specified value range
total_assets integer Search for companies where the latest total assets value falls between the specified value range.


Response Fields

Field Type Description
timeTaken integer Time taken to do the search in milliseconds. Deprecated, it will be removed in the future.
maxScore double The maximum relevance score in the list of results.
results array The list of search results objects.

A search result object is defined as:

Field Type Description
activityCode string The primary industry classification code (UK SIC 2007).
activityDescription string The description of the primary industry classification.
address string The company’s registered address.
id string The Company Watch identifier (cinumber) for this company.
isoCountry string The country code of the company’s country of incorporation (ISO-3166 alpha-3).
isoCurrency string The reporting currency of the company’s accounts.
isSubsidiary boolean Indicator if this company is a subsidiary of another company.
latestPeriodEndDate date The date of the latest period of accounts available.
name string The name of the company.
nationalID string The company registration number at Companies House.
productCode string The Company Watch product database code.
quoted boolean Indicator if this company is listed on a stock exchange.
relevanceScore double The relevance score of this item based on how well it matches the search query.
sales double The company’s latest sales value.
ticker string The company’s primary stock ticker symbol. Deprecated, the value of this field is now always null and it will be removed in the future.
totalAssets double The company’s latest total assets value.

Company Information

Returns details about the company including Companies House filing information and indicators highlighting potential issues.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/info

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": {
    "accountingReferenceDate": "--08-31",
    "administrationOrder": false,
    "businessDescription": "The 31.12.13 accounts did not indicate the business activities.",
    "companyName": "COMPANY WATCH LIMITED",
    "companyType": {
      "code": "2",
      "description": "Private Limited"
    "distressStatus": {
        "code": "D",
        "description": "Financial distress"
    "distressType": {
        "code": "LIQCVL",
        "description": "Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation"
    "incorporationDate": "1998-07-14",
    "industry": {
      "code": "82990",
      "description": "Other business support service activities"
    "isAnnualReturnsOverdue": false,
    "isDistressed": false,
    "isDormant": false,
    "isFinancialSector": false,
    "isLateFiling": false,
    "isLimitedLiabilityPartnership": false,
    "inLiquidation": false,
    "isOverseasCompany": false,
    "isoCurrency": "GBP",
    "isParent": false,
    "isSubsidiary": true,
    "issueDate": "2014-10-14",
    "issuedCapital": {
      "currency": "GBP",
      "amount": 400000
    "inAdministration": false,
    "inReceivership": false,
    "latestAccountsDateAtCompaniesHouse": "2013-12-31",
    "latestAccountsFilingDateAtCompaniesHouse": "2014-09-26",
    "latestAccountsType": {
      "code": "9",
      "description": "Total Exemption (Small)"
    "latestAnnualReturnsDateAtCompaniesHouse": "2015-07-01",
    "latestPeriodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
    "moratorium": false,
    "newCompanyType": {
      "code": "A",
      "description": "Private Limited"
    "nextAccountsDueDateAtCompaniesHouse": "2015-09-30",
    "nextAnnualReturnsDueDate": "2016-07-29",
    "quoted": false,
    "quotedStatus": "Unquoted",
    "registeredOffice": {
      "line1": "Coppergate House",
      "line2": "16 Brune Street",
      "line3": "London",
      "line4": null,
      "phoneNumber": "020 70433300",
      "postcode": "E1 7NJ"
    "registrationNumber": "03597613",
    "status": {
      "code": "UK_L",
      "description": "Live"
    "voluntaryArrangement": false,
    "webUrl": ""

Response Fields

Field Type Description
accountingReferenceDate string Company’s current accounting reference date, formatted according to the standard ISO-8601 form “–MM-dd”
administrationOrder boolean Company has an administration order.
businessDescription string Description about the company.
companyName string The registered company name.
companyType object The type of the company. Deprecated, superseded by the newCompanyType field.
code - company type lookup code
description - description of the company type
distressStatus object The distress status of the company.
code - distress status lookup code
description - description of the distress status
distressType object The distress type of the company.
code - distress type lookup code
description - description of the distress type
inAdministration boolean Company is in administration.
incorporationDate date Date of incorporation.
industry object The reported primary industry classification (UK SIC 2007).
code - 5-digit industry lookup code
description - description of the industry
inLiquidation boolean Company is in liquidation.
inReceivership boolean Company is in receivership.
isAnnualReturnsOverdue boolean Latest Annual Returns is overdue at Companies House.
isDistressed boolean Company is in financial distress.
isDormant boolean Company is dormant
isFinancialSector boolean Company classified as being in the financial sector. Company Watch scores and related measures are not available for such companies.
isLateFiling boolean Latest set of accounts is overdue at Companies House.
isLimitedLiabilityPartnership boolean Company is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
isoCurrency string The reporting currency of the company’s accounts.
isOverseasCompany boolean Company is an overseas / foreign company.
isParent boolean Company is a parent of one or more subsidiaries.
isSubsidiary boolean Indicator if this company is a subsidiary of another company.
issueDate date Date accounts was last updated.
issuedCapital object Issued capital as stated in the latest Annual Return.
latestAccountsDateAtCompaniesHouse date Period end date of the latest available accounts information at Companies House.
latestAccountsFilingDateAtCompaniesHouse date Date of when the latest set accounts at Companies House was filed.
latestAccountsType object Filing type of the latest set of accounts.
code - accounts type lookup code
description - description of the accounts type
latestAnnualReturnsDateAtCompaniesHouse date Date of latest available Annual Returns information at Companies House.
latestPeriodEndDate date Period end date of the latest set of accounts available at Company Watch.
moratorium boolean Company is in moratorium.
newCompanyType object The type of the company. Uses newly grouped codes and more informative descriptions compared to the companyType field.
code - company type lookup code
description - description of the company type
nextAccountsDueDateAtCompaniesHouse date Due date of the next set of accounts to be filed at Companies House.
nextAnnualReturnsDueDate date Due date of the next Annual Returns to be filed at Companies House.
quoted boolean Indicator if this company is listed on a stock exchange.
quotedStatus string Description of the company quoted type.
registeredOffice object Registered office address.
line1 - Address line 1
line2 - Address line 2
line3 - Address line 3
line4 - Address line 4
phoneNumber - Telephone number at address
postcode - Postcode
registrationNumber string The company registration number at Companies House.
status object Company status
code - company status lookup code
description - description of the company status
voluntaryArrangement boolean Indicator if this company is undergoing a voluntary arrangement.
webUrl string Company’s web address.

Analysis: Scores

Returns the list of Company Watch scores for the company, including the H-Score and factors contributing to the financial health assessment of the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/scores

Scores available

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": [
      "assetManagementKeyFactor": 22,
      "currentAssetCoverFactor": 5,
      "currentFundingFactor": 44,
      "debtDependencyFactor": 28,
      "estimatedSales": 18335057,
      "equityBaseFactor": 14,
      "fundingManagementKeyFactor": 17,
      "hScore": 29,
      "hScoreExcludingSizeFactor": 12,
      "industryAverage": 35,
      "inventoryAndReceivablesFactor": 85,
      "liquidityFactor": 10,
      "probabilityOfDistress1Year": 2.1,
      "probabilityOfDistress3Years": 8.4,
      "profitManagementFactor": 20,
      "profitManagementKeyFactor": 20,
      "riskRating": 7,
      "scoreDate": "2014-08-31"
      "assetManagementKeyFactor": 22,
      "currentAssetCoverFactor": 5,
      "currentFundingFactor": 40,
      "debtDependencyFactor": 36,
      "estimatedSales": 18296886,
      "equityBaseFactor": 18,
      "fundingManagementKeyFactor": 20,
      "hScore": 43,
      "hScoreExcludingSizeFactor": 16,
      "industryAverage": 32,
      "inventoryAndReceivablesFactor": 87,
      "liquidityFactor": 8,
      "probabilityOfDistress1Year": 0.81,
      "probabilityOfDistress3Years": 4.9,
      "profitManagementFactor": 34,
      "profitManagementKeyFactor": 34,
      "riskRating": 6,
      "scoreDate": "2013-08-31"

Scores unavailable

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": [
      "missingScoreReason": {
        "code": -999,
        "description": "No scores available"
      "scoreDate": "2014-08-31"
      "missingScoreReason": {
        "code": -999,
        "description": "No scores available"
      "scoreDate": "2013-08-31"

Response Fields

When a set of scores is available,

Field Type Description
assetManagementKeyFactor integer The Asset Management summary score.
currentAssetCoverFactor integer The Current Asset Cover factor.
currentFundingFactor integer The Current Funding factor.
debtDependencyFactor integer The Debt Dependency factor.
estimatedSales double The Estimated Sales. Only applicable to companies that are classified as Small or Micro. Note that this calculated Sales figure is estimated and could differ significantly from the actual sales figure - this is only meant to be a guide.
equityBaseFactor integer The Equity Base factor.
fundingManagementKeyFactor integer The Funding Management summary score.
hScore integer The value of the H-Score
hScoreExcludingSizeFactor integer The value of the H-Score excluding analysis of the company’s size.
industryAverage integer The average H-Score of companies in the same Industry category and within the same Total assets band. Assets bands are (i) 0 to 1 million (ii) 1 million to 5 million (iii) over 5 million.
inventoryAndReceivablesFactor integer The Inventory and Receivables factor.
liquidityFactor integer The Liquidity factor.
probabilityOfDistress1Year double Probability of Distress within the next 12 months.
probabilityOfDistress3Years double Probability of Distress within the next 3 years.
profitManagementFactor integer The Profit Management factor.
profitManagementKeyFactor integer The Profit Management summary score.
riskRating integer The Risk Rating value. Value ranges from 1 (lowest risk) to 10 (highest risk).
scoreDate date The date of this set of scores. Match against periodEndDate from /accounts.

When a set of scores is unavailable,

Field Type Description
missingScoreReason object Lookup object describing why the set of scores was not given.
scoreDate date The date of the unscorable set of accounts. Match against periodEndDate from /accounts.

Analysis: TextScores

Returns the list of Company Watch TextScores® for the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/text_scores

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": [
      "combinedScore": 32,
      "filingDate": "2017-04-15",
      "hScore": 45,
      "periodEnd": "2016-12-31",
      "textScore": 22

Response Fields

Field Type Description
combinedScore integer The weighted combination of the H-Score® and the TextScore®.
filingDate date The date the accounts were filed.
hScore integer The H-Score® based on the accounts.
periodEnd date The accounting period end date.
textScore integer The TextScore® based on the document that was filed.

Analysis: Credit Limit

Credit limit available

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": {
    "currency": "GBP",
    "currentCreditLimit": 210000000,
    "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
    "rateToGBP": 1,
    "rateToUSD": 1.657275

Credit limit unavailable

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": {
    "missingCreditLimitReason": "Distressed company"

Returns the current Company Watch credit limit calculated for the company or a reason for the lack of a credit limit if one is not given.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/credit_limits

Response Fields

When the credit limit is available,

Field Type Description
currency string Currency of the credit limit.
currentCreditLimit double Latest credit limit value.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).

When the credit limit is unavailable,

Field Type Description
missingCreditLimitReason string Description of why a credit limit was not given.

Analysis: Contract Limit

Contract limit available

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": {
    "currency": "GBP",
    "currentContractLimit": 200000000,
    "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
    "rateToGBP": 1,
    "rateToUSD": 1.657275

Contract limit unavailable

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": {
    "missingContractLimitReason": "Distressed company"

Returns the current Company Watch contract limit calculated for the company or a reason for the lack of a contract limit if one is not given.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/contract_limits

Response Fields

When the contract limit is available,

Field Type Description
currency string Currency of the contract limit.
currentContractLimit double Latest contract limit value.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).

When the contract limit is unavailable,

Field Type Description
missingContractLimitReason string Description of why a contract limit was not given.

Financials: Summary

Returns a list of summary financials including the latest interim / quarterly period (if applicable).

The summary financials can be associated to other endpoints by matching on periodEndDate, and is applicable to the following endpoints:


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/accounts

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "accrualsAndDeferredIncome": 0,
      "amortisationAndImpairmentOfIntangibles": 0,
      "assetsLessCurrentLiabilities": 3022524,
      "capitalEmployed": 3022869,
      "cashAndEquivalents": 693858,
      "costOfSales": 0,
      "dividends": 0,
      "exceptionalItems": 0,
      "financingActivities": 0,
      "grossProfit": 0,
      "groupBalancesPayable": 0,
      "groupBalancesReceivable": 0,
      "intangibleAssets": 0,
      "interestAndOtherIncome": 0,
      "interestPaid": 0,
      "investingActivities": 0,
      "isAbbreviated": true,
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "isInterim": false,
      "isPrelim": false,
      "longTermDebt": 0,
      "longTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
      "longTermProvisionsAndOther": 472500,
      "minorityInterest": 0,
      "monthsInPeriod": 12,
      "netChangeInCash": 0,
      "netWorth": 2550369,
      "numberOfEmployees": null,
      "operatingActivities": 0,
      "operatingProfit": 0,
      "otherCashflow": null,
      "otherFixedAssets": 0,
      "otherOperatingCosts": 0,
      "otherPayables": 625964,
      "otherPostTax": 0,
      "otherReceivables": 662630,
      "periodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
      "profitAfterTax": 0,
      "profitBeforeTax": 0,
      "quotedStatus": false,
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "retainedEarningsMovement": 248939,
      "retainedEarningsShareholdersEquity": 1710367,
      "retainedProfit": 0,
      "sales": 0,
      "shareholdersFunds": 2550369,
      "shortTermDebt": 0,
      "stockAndWorkInProgress": 0,
      "tangibleFixedAssets": 2292000,
      "tax": 0,
      "totalAssets": 29044000,
      "totalCurrentAssets": 1356488,
      "totalCurrentLiabilities": 625964,
      "totalFixedAssets": 2292000,
      "totalLongTermLiabilities": 472500,
      "tradePayables": 0,
      "tradeReceivables": 0,
      "workingCapital": 730524

Response Fields

Field Category Type Description
accrualsAndDeferredIncome Balance Sheet double Accruals and deferred income
amortisationAndImpairmentOfIntangibles Additional Items double Amortisation and impairment of intangibles
assetsLessCurrentLiabilities Balance Sheet double Assets less current liabilities.
capitalEmployed Balance Sheet double Capital employed.
cashAndEquivalents Balance Sheet double Cash and equivalents.
costOfSales Income Statement double Cost of sales
dividends Income Statement double Dividends
exceptionalItems Income Statement double Exceptional / Special items excluded from Operating profit.
financingActivities Cash Flow double Financing activities.
grossProfit Income Statement double Gross profit.
groupBalancesPayable Balance Sheet double Group balances - payable.
groupBalancesReceivable Balance Sheet double Group balances - receivable.
intangibleAssets Balance Sheet double Intangible assets.
interestAndOtherIncome Income Statement double Interest income and other.
interestPaid Income Statement double Interest paid / expense.
investingActivities Cash Flow double Investing activities.
isAbbreviated Period Info boolean true if profit and loss information is not provided in the Income Statement.
isConsolidated Period Info boolean Consolidated accounts.
isInterim Period Info boolean Year-end accounts or an interim / quarterly.
isPrelim Period Info boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
longTermDebt Balance Sheet double Long term debt. Debt due greater than 1 year.
longTermGroupBalancesPayable Balance Sheet double Long term group balances payable.
longTermProvisionsAndOther Balance Sheet double Long term provisions and other.
minorityInterest Balance Sheet double Minority interest.
monthsInPeriod Period Info integer Number of months in the period.
netChangeInCash Cash Flow double Net change in cash.
netWorth Balance Sheet double Net worth.
numberOfEmployees Period Info integer Average number of employees employed during the period.
operatingActivities Cash Flow double Operating activities
operatingProfit Income Statement double Operating profit
otherCashflow Cash Flow double Other cash flow
otherFixedAssets Balance Sheet double Other fixed assets.
otherOperatingCosts Income Statement double Other operating costs.
otherPayables Balance Sheet double Other payables.
otherPostTax Income Statement double Other post-tax items.
otherReceivables Balance Sheet double Other receivables.
periodEndDate Period Info date Date of the accounts.
profitAfterTax Income Statement double Profit after tax.
profitBeforeTax Income Statement double Profit before tax.
quotedStatus Period Info boolean Listed on a stock exchange.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency Period Info string The currency of the financial items.
retainedEarningsMovement Additional Items double Movement in Retained earnings. Relevant to Abbreviated accounts only
retainedEarningsShareholdersEquity Additional Items double Retained earnings / Profit and loss account reserves. Relevant to Abbreviated accounts only
retainedProfit Income Statement double Retained profit.
sales Income Statement double Sales.
shareholdersFunds Balance Sheet double Shareholders’ funds
shortTermDebt Balance Sheet double Short term debt. Debt due within 1 year.
stockAndWorkInProgress Balance Sheet double Stock and Work in progress.
tangibleFixedAssets Balance Sheet double Tangible fixed assets.
tax Income Statement double Tax.
totalAssets Balance Sheet double Total assets.
totalCurrentAssets Balance Sheet double Current assets.
totalCurrentLiabilities Balance Sheet double Current liabilities.
totalFixedAssets Balance Sheet double Total fixed assets.
totalLongTermLiabilities Balance Sheet double Total long term liabilities.
tradePayables Balance Sheet double Accounts payable - trade
tradeReceivables Balance Sheet double Accounts receivable - trade
workingCapital Balance Sheet double Working capital.

Financials: Ratios

Returns a list of financial ratios.

Financial ratios can be matched against the Summary Financials (/accounts) by periodEndDate


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/financial_ratios

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "acidTestRatio": 2.167,
      "currentRatio": 2.167,
      "dividendCover": null,
      "employeeCostsPerHead": null,
      "gearing": 0,
      "interestCover": null,
      "inventoryDays": null,
      "leverage": 0.431,
      "operatingMargin": null,
      "otherPayablesDays": null,
      "otherReceivablesDays": null,
      "periodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
      "preTaxMargin": null,
      "profitBeforeTaxPerHead": null,
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "returnOnAssets": null,
      "returnOnCapitalEmployed": 0,
      "returnOnNetWorth": null,
      "salesPerHead": null,
      "salesToNetWorth": null,
      "salesToTangibleFixedAssets": null,
      "tangibleDebtGearing": 0,
      "taxRate": null,
      "tradePayablesCostOfSalesDays": null,
      "tradePayablesDays": null,
      "tradeReceivablesDays": null

Response Fields

Field Type Description
acidTestRatio double Acid test ratio.
currentRatio double Current ratio. Ratio of Current assets to Current liabilities.
dividendCover double Dividend cover ratio.
employeeCostsPerHead double Employee costs per head.
gearing double Gearing ratio.
interestCover double Interest cover ratio.
inventoryDays double Inventory days.
leverage double Leverage ratio.
operatingMargin double Operating margin ratio.
otherPayablesDays double Other payables days.
otherReceivablesDays double Other receivables days.
periodEndDate date Date of the related set of accounts.
preTaxMargin double Pre-tax margin ratio.
profitBeforeTaxPerHead double Profit before tax per head.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string The currency of salesPerHead, profitBeforeTaxPerHead, and employeeCostsPerHead.
returnOnAssets double Return on assets ratio.
returnOnCapitalEmployed double Return on capital employed ratio.
returnOnNetWorth double Return on net worth ratio.
salesPerHead double Sales per head.
salesToNetWorth double Ratio of Sales to Net worth.
salesToTangibleFixedAssets double Ratio of Sales to Tangible fixed assets.
tangibleDebtGearing double Tangible debt gearing ratio.
taxRate double Tax rate ratio.
tradePayablesCostOfSalesDays double Trade payables to Cost of sales days.
tradePayablesDays double Trade payables days.
tradeReceivableDays double Trade receivables days.

Annuals: Profit & Loss Statement

Returns a list of year-end Profit and Loss statements.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/accounts_detail_income_statement

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "amortisationOfIntangibles": 0,
      "auditorsRemunerationAudit": 0,
      "auditorsRemunerationNonAudit": 0,
      "costOfSales": 0,
      "depreciation": -38263,
      "directorsRemuneration": 0,
      "dividends": 0,
      "ebitda": null,
      "employeeCosts": 0,
      "exceptionalItems": 0,
      "grossProfit": 0,
      "highestPaidDirectorRemuneration": 0,
      "ifrsUsed": false,
      "interestAndOtherIncome": 0,
      "interestPaid": 0,
      "interestReceived": 0,
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "isPrelim": false,
      "monthsInPeriod": 12,
      "numberOfEmployees": null,
      "operatingProfit": 0,
      "otherOperatingCosts": 0,
      "otherPostTax": 0,
      "periodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
      "profitAfterTax": 0,
      "profitBeforeTax": 0,
      "profitLossOnDisposal": 0,
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "retainedProfit": 0,
      "sales": 0,
      "salesNonUk": 0,
      "salesOther": 0,
      "salesUk": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "totalOperatingLeaseRentals": 0

Response Fields

Field Type Description
amortisationOfIntangibles double Amortisation of intangibles. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.
auditorsRemunerationAudit double Auditors’ remuneration - audit.
auditorsRemunerationNonAudit double Auditors’ remuneration - non-audit.
costOfSales double Cost of sales.
depreciation double Depreciation. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.
directorsRemuneration double Directors remuneration. Memo item.
dividends double Dividends.
ebitda double EBITDA
The EBITDA displayed may not agree with the amount published in the annual report as this is calculated using standard formulae.
Formula: PBT + Interest paid + Depreciation + Amortisation of intangibles - Interest & other income - Exceptional items
employeeCosts double Employee costs.
exceptionalItems double Exceptional / Special items excluded from Operating profit.
grossProfit double Gross profit.
highestPaidDirectorRemuneration double Highest paid director remuneration. Memo item.
ifrsUsed boolean Indicator if accounts was filed using IFRS.
interestAndOtherIncome double Interest and other income.
interestPaid double Interest paid.
interestReceived double Interest received.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts.
isPrelim boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
numberOfEmployees integer Average number of employees employed during the period.
operatingProfit double Operating profit.
otherOperatingCosts double Other operating costs.
otherPostTax double Other post-tax profit.
periodEndDate date Date of the year-end accounts.
profitLossOnDisposal double Profit/Loss on disposal.
profitAfterTax double Profit after tax.
profitBeforeTax double Profit before tax.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of the financial items.
retainedProfit double Retained profit.
sales double Sales.
salesNonUk double Non-UK sales.
salesOther double Other sales.
salesUk double UK sales
tax double Tax.
totalOperatingLeaseRentals double Total operating lease rentals.

Annuals: Balance Sheet

Returns a list of year-end Balance sheets.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/accounts_detail_balance_sheet

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "accrualsAndDeferredIncome": 0,
      "assetsLessCurrentLiabilities": 3022524,
      "auditQualificationLevel": "No audit report",
      "auditReport": "Exempt",
      "auditReportType": "Directors Claim Exemption",
      "capitalEmployed": 3022869,
      "cashAndEquivalent": 693858,
      "contingentLiabilities": "N",
      "corporationTax": 0,
      "dividends": 0,
      "fixturesAndFittings": 0,
      "groupBalancesReceivable": 0,
      "ifrsUsed": false,
      "intangibleFixedAssets": 0,
      "investmentAndOther": 0,
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "isPrelim": false,
      "issuedShareCapital": 400000,
      "landAndBuildings": 0,
      "longTermAccrualsAndDeferredIncome": 0,
      "longTermDebt": 0,
      "longTermDeferredTax": 0,
      "longTermDirectorsLoanAccount": 0,
      "longTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
      "longTermHpAndLeaseFinance": 0,
      "longTermOtherProvisions": 0,
      "longTermPension": 0,
      "longTermProvisionsAndOther": 472500,
      "minorityInterest": 0,
      "monthsInPeriod": 12,
      "netWorth": 2550369,
      "otherFixedAssets": 0,
      "otherPayables": 625964,
      "otherReceivables": 662630,
      "otherReserves": 0,
      "periodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
      "plantAndVehicles": 0,
      "postBalanceSheetEvent": "N",
      "profitAndLossAccount": 1710367,
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "revaluationReserves": 0,
      "shareholdersFunds": 2550369,
      "sharePremiumAccount": 440002,
      "shortTermDebt": 0,
      "shortTermDirectorsLoanAccount": 0,
      "shortTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
      "shortTermHpAndLeaseFinance": 0,
      "socialSecurityAndVat": 0,
      "stockAndWorkInProgress": 0,
      "tangibleFixedAssets": 2292000,
      "totalAssets": 3648488,
      "totalCurrentAssets": 1356488,
      "totalCurrentLiabilities": 625964,
      "totalFixedAssets": 2292000,
      "totalLongTermLiabilities": 472500,
      "tradePayables": 0,
      "tradeReceivables": 0,
      "unallocatedFixedAssets": 2292000,
      "unallocatedLongTermDebt": 0,
      "unallocatedLongTermProvisions": 472500,
      "unallocatedOtherPayables": 625964,
      "unallocatedOtherReceivables": 662630,
      "unallocatedShareholdersFunds": 0,
      "unallocatedShortTermDebt": 0,
      "unallocatedStockAndWorkInProgress": 0,
      "workingCapital": 730524,
      "workInProgress": 0

Response Fields

Field Type Description
accrualsAndDeferredIncome double Accruals and deferred income.
assetsLessCurrentLiabilities double Assets less Current liabilities.
auditQualificationLevel string Audit qualification level.
auditReport string Audit report.
auditReportType string Auditor report type.
capitalEmployed double Capital employed
cashAndEquivalent double Cash and equivalent.
contingentLiabilities string Y indicates Contingent liabilities.
N or null otherwise.
corporationTax double Corporation tax.
dividends double Dividends.
fixturesAndFittings double Fixtures and fittings.
groupBalancesReceivable double Group balances - receivable.
ifrsUsed boolean Indicator if accounts were filed using IFRS.
intangibleFixedAssets double Intangible fixed assets.
investmentAndOther double Investment and other current assets.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts.
isPrelim boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
issuedShareCapital double Issued share capital.
landAndBuildings double Land and buildings.
longTermAccrualsAndDeferredIncome double Accruals and deferred income - long term.
longTermDebt double Long term debt. Debt due greater than 1 year.
longTermDeferredTax double Deferred tax - long term.
longTermDirectorsLoanAccount double Directors loan accounts - long term.
longTermGroupBalancesPayable double Long term group balances payable.
longTermHpAndLeaseFinance double HP and lease finance included in Long term debt.
longTermOtherProvisions double Other / unallocated long term provisions.
longTermPension double Pensions and other retirement benefit obligations.
longTermProvisionsAndOther double Provisions and other creditors - long term.
minorityInterest double Minority interest.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
netWorth double Net worth.
otherFixedAssets double Other fixed assets.
otherPayables double Other payables.
otherReceivables double Other receivables.
otherReserves double Other reserves.
periodEndDate date Date of the year-end accounts.
plantAndVehicles double Plant and vehicles.
postBalanceSheetEvent string Y if there was a Post-balance sheet event.
N or null otherwise.
profitAndLossAccount double Profit and loss account.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of the financial items.
revaluationReserves double Revaluation reserves.
shareholdersFunds double Shareholders’ funds.
sharePremiumAccount double Share premium account.
shortTermDebt double Short term debt. Debt due within 1 year.
shortTermDirectorsLoanAccount double Directors loan account - short term.
shortTermGroupBalancesPayable double Short term group balances payable.
shortTermHpAndLeaseFinance double HP and lease finance included in Short term debt.
socialSecurityAndVat double Social security and VAT.
stockAndWorkInProgress double Stock and Work in progress.
tangibleFixedAssets double Tangible fixed assets.
totalAssets double Total assets.
totalCurrentAssets double Current assets.
totalCurrentLiabilities double Current liabilities.
totalFixedAssets double Fixed assets.
totalLongTermLiabilities double Long term liabilities.
tradePayables double Trade payables.
tradeReceivables double Trade receivables.
unallocatedFixedAssets double Tangible fixed assets - other / unallocated.
unallocatedLongTermDebt double Long term debt - other / unallocated.
unallocatedLongTermProvisions double Long term provisions - other / unallocated.
unallocatedOtherPayables double Payables - other / unallocated.
unallocatedOtherReceivables double Receivables - other / unallocated.
unallocatedShareholdersFunds double Shareholders’ funds - other / unallocated.
unallocatedShortTermDebt double Short term debt - other / unallocated.
unallocatedStockAndWorkInProgress double Stock and work in progress - other / unallocated.
workingCapital double Working capital.
workInProgress double Work in progress included in stock.

Annuals: Cash Flow Statement

Returns a list of year-end Cash Flow statements.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/accounts_detail_cash_flow

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "acquisitionsAndDisposals": 0,
      "adjustment": 0,
      "capitalExpenditureAndFinancialInvestment": 0,
      "equityDividendsPaid": 0,
      "financing": 0,
      "freeCashFlow": 0,
      "ifrsUsed": false,
      "investingActivities": 0,
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "isPrelim": false,
      "managementOfLiquidResources": 0,
      "monthsInPeriod": 12,
      "netIncreaseInCashAndEquivalent": 0,
      "operatingCashFlow": 0,
      "periodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "returnOnInvestment": 0,
      "taxation": 0

Response Fields

Field Type Description
acquisitionsAndDisposals double Acquisitions and disposals.
adjustment double Adjustments.
capitalExpenditureAndFinancialInvestment double Capital expenditure and financial investment.
equityDividendsPaid double Equity dividends paid.
financing double Financing.
freeCashFlow double Free cash flow.
ifrsUsed boolean Indicator if accounts were filed using IFRS.
investingActivities double Investing activities.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts.
isPrelim boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
managementOfLiquidResources double Management of liquid resources.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
netIncreaseInCash double Net increase in cash and cash equivalent.
operatingCashFlow double Operating cash flow.
periodEndDate date Date of the year-end accounts.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of financial items.
returnOnInvestment double Return on investment.
taxation double Taxation.

Interims: Profit & Loss Statement

Returns a list of interim Profit and Loss statements.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/accounts_interim_income_statement

  "id": "12576",
  "response": [
      "amortisationOfIntangibles": null,
      "costOfSales": -29200000000,
      "depreciation": null,
      "dividends": -819000000,
      "employeeCosts": null,
      "exceptionalItems": null,
      "grossProfit": 1273000000,
      "interestAndOtherIncome": 66000000,
      "interestPaid": -301000000,
      "monthsInPeriod": 6,
      "netInterestUnanalysed": null,
      "operatingProfit": 347000000,
      "otherOperatingCosts": -926000000,
      "otherPostTax": -69000000,
      "periodEndDate": "2014-08-23",
      "profitAfterTax": 75000000,
      "profitBeforeTax": 112000000,
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "retainedProfit": -813000000,
      "sales": 30473000000,
      "tax": -37000000,
      "unanalyzedDepreciationAndAmortisation": -739000000

Response Fields

Field Type Description
amortisationOfIntangibles double Amortisation of intangibles. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.
costOfSales double Cost of sales.
depreciation double Depreciation. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.
dividends double Dividends.
employeeCosts double Employee costs. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.
exceptionalItems double Exceptional / Special items excluded from Operating profit.
grossProfit double
interestAndOtherIncome double Interest and other income.
interestPaid double Interest paid.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in the period.
netInterestUnanalysed double Unanalysed net interest.
operatingProfit double Operating profit.
otherOperatingCosts double Other operating costs.
otherPostTax double Other post-tax profit.
periodEndDate date Date of the interim accounts.
profitAfterTax double Profit after tax.
profitBeforeTax double Profit before tax.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of financial items.
retainedProfit double Retained profit.
sales double Sales.
tax double Tax.
unanalyzedDepreciationAndAmortisation double Unanalysed depreciation and amortisation. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.

Interims: Balance Sheet

Returns a list of interim Balance sheets.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/accounts_interim_balance_sheet

  "id": "12576",
  "response": [
      "assetsLessCurrentLiabilities": 29971000000,
      "capitalEmployed": 29971000000,
      "cashAndEquivalent": 2917000000,
      "intangibleFixedAssets": 3998000000,
      "longTermDebt": 10906000000,
      "longTermProvisionsAndOther": 5599000000,
      "minorityInterest": 23000000,
      "monthsInPeriod": 6,
      "netWorth": 13466000000,
      "otherFixedAssets": 8314000000,
      "otherPayables": null,
      "otherReceivables": null,
      "periodEndDate": "2014-08-23",
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "shareholdersFunds": 13443000000,
      "shortTermDebt": 2974000000,
      "stockAndWorkInProgress": 3599000000,
      "tangibleFixedAssets": 24519000000,
      "totalAssets": 51808000000,
      "totalCurrentAssets": 14977000000,
      "totalCurrentLiabilities": 21837000000,
      "totalFixedAssets": 36831000000,
      "totalLongTermLiabilities": 16505000000,
      "tradePayables": null,
      "tradeReceivables": null,
      "unanalyzedCurrentAssets": null,
      "unanalyzedCurrentLiabilities": null,
      "unanalyzedFixedAssets": null,
      "unanalyzedLongTermLiabilities": null,
      "unanalyzedNetDebt": null,
      "unanalyzedNetWorth": null,
      "unanalyzedPayables": 18863000000,
      "unanalyzedReceivables": 6152000000,
      "workingCapital": -6860000000

Response Fields

Field Type Description
assetsLessCurrentLiabilities double Assets less Current liabilities.
capitalEmployed double Capital employed.
cashAndEquivalent double Cash and equivalent.
intangibleFixedAssets double Intangible fixed assets.
longTermDebt double Long term debt. Debt due after 1 year.
longTermProvisionsAndOther double Long term provisions and other creditors.
minorityInterest double Minority interest.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
netWorth double Net worth.
otherFixedAssets double Other fixed assets.
otherPayables double Other creditors.
otherReceivables double Other debtors.
periodEndDate date Date of the interim accounts.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of the financial items.
shareholdersFunds double Shareholders’ funds.
shortTermDebt double Short term debt. Debt due within 1 year.
stockAndWorkInProgress double Stock and Work in progress.
tangibleFixedAssets double Tangible fixed assets.
totalAssets double Total assets.
totalCurrentAssets double Current assets.
totalCurrentLiabilities double Current liabilities.
totalFixedAssets double Fixed assets.
totalLongTermLiabilities double Long term liabilities.
tradePayables double Trade creditors.
tradeReceivables double Trade debtors.
unanalyzedCurrentAssets double Unanalysed Current assets
unanalyzedCurrentLiabilities double Unanalysed Current liabilities.
unanalyzedFixedAssets double Unanalysed Fixed assets.
unanalyzedLongTermLiabilities double Unanalysed Long term liabilities.
unanalyzedNetDebt double Unanalysed Net debt. (Short term debt + Long term debt - Cash and equivalent)
unanalyzedNetWorth double Unanalysed net worth.
unanalyzedPayables double Unanalysed creditors.
unanalyzedReceivables double Unanalysed debtors.
workingCapital double Working capital.

Interims: Cash Flow Statement

Returns a list of interim Cash Flow statements.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/accounts_interim_cash_flow

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "acquisitionsAndDisposals": null,
      "capitalExpenditureAndFinancialInvestment": null,
      "equityDividendsPaid": -819000000,
      "financing": 2834000000,
      "investingActivities": -2687000000,
      "managementOfLiquidResources": null,
      "monthsInPeriod": 6,
      "netIncreaseInCashAndEquivalent": 128000000,
      "operatingCashFlow": 1237000000,
      "otherUnanalyzed": null,
      "periodEndDate": "2014-08-23",
      "rateToEUR": 1.251409,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "rateToUSD": 1.657275,
      "reportingCurrency": "GBP",
      "returnOnInvestment": -193000000,
      "taxation": -244000000

Response Fields

Field Type Description
acquisitionsAndDisposals double Acquisitions and disposals.
capitalExpenditureAndFinancialInvestment double Capital expenditure and financial investment.
equityDividendsPaid double Equity dividends paid.
financing double Financing.
investingActivities double Investing activities.
managementOfLiquidResources double Management of liquid resources.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
netIncreaseInCashAndEquivalent double Net increase in cash and cash equivalent.
operatingCashFlow double Operating cash flow.
otherUnanalyzed double Other unanalysed cash flow.
periodEndDate date Date of the interim accounts.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of the financial items.
returnOnInvestment double Return on investment and servicing of finance.
taxation double Taxation.

Directors: Current

Returns a list of directors currently appointed by the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/current_directors

  "id": "1455001",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 5
  "response": [
      "address": "Centurion House 37 Jewry Street, London, United Kingdom, EC3N 2ER",
      "appointmentDate": "2011-01-01",
      "directorName": "Mr Jonathan Michael Bloch",
      "directorNumber": "D04452516",
      "disqualifiedEndDate": "2021-03-03",
      "disqualifiedStartDate": "2017-09-04",
      "dateOfBirth": "1952-09-01",
      "entityType": "Person",
      "isDisqualified": true,
      "isServiceAddress": true,
      "jobTitle": {
        "code": "AAM12",
        "description": "BUSINESSMAN"
      "position": {
        "code": "88",
        "description": "Director"
      "resignationDate": null
      "address": "Centurion House 37 Jewry Street, London, United Kingdom, EC3N 2ER",
      "appointmentDate": "2010-06-30",
      "directorName": "Dr Joanne Claire Kettner",
      "directorNumber": "D15278596",
      "disqualifiedEndDate": null,
      "disqualifiedStartDate": null,
      "dateOfBirth": "1980-03-01",
      "entityType": "Person",
      "isDisqualified": false,
      "isServiceAddress": true,
      "jobTitle": null,
      "position": {
        "code": "92",
        "description": "Company Secretary"
      "resignationDate": null

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
address string The director’s address as filed at Companies House.
appointmentDate date Date director was appointed to this position.
directorName string The name of the director.
directorNumber string The director identifier.
disqualifiedEndDate date Date disqualification ends if the director isDisqualified.
disqualifiedStartDate date Date disqualification starts if the director isDisqualified.
dateOfBirth date Date of birth of the director. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
entityType string Indicates if the director is a Person or Company.
isDisqualified boolean Indicates if the director is disqualified.
isServiceAddress boolean Indicates if the address is a company’s service address.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
code - job title lookup code
description - job title description
position object Director’s appointed position.
code - director position lookup code
description - description of the position
resignationDate date Not applicable in this context.

Directors: Previous

Returns a list of directors previously appointed by the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/previous_directors

  "id": "1455001",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 9
  "response": [
      "address": "Postweid 34, Venhuizen, 1606 Nh, The Netherlands",
      "appointmentDate": "2006-11-16",
      "directorName": "Christian Joseph Vincent Van Lint",
      "directorNumber": "D11914036",
      "disqualifiedEndDate": "2021-03-03",
      "disqualifiedStartDate": "2017-09-04",
      "dateOfBirth": "1960-01-01",
      "entityType": "Person",
      "isDisqualified": true,
      "isServiceAddress": true,
      "jobTitle": {
        "code": "DIR",
        "description": "DIRECTOR"
      "position": {
        "code": "88",
        "description": "Director"
      "resignationDate": "2011-06-23"
      "address": "Boganisvej 8, Rungsted Kyst, Dk-2960, Denmark",
      "appointmentDate": "2003-04-01",
      "directorName": "Steen Parsholt",
      "directorNumber": "D08972568",
      "disqualifiedEndDate": null,
      "disqualifiedStartDate": null,
      "dateOfBirth": "1951-04-01",
      "entityType": "Person",
      "isDisqualified": false,
      "isServiceAddress": true,
      "jobTitle": {
        "code": "DIR",
        "description": "DIRECTOR"
      "position": {
        "code": "88",
        "description": "Director"
      "resignationDate": "2011-06-23"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
address string The director’s address as filed at Companies House.
appointmentDate date Date director was appointed to this position.
directorName string The name of the director.
directorNumber string The director identifier.
disqualifiedEndDate date Date disqualification ends if the director isDisqualified.
disqualifiedStartDate date Date disqualification starts if the director isDisqualified.
dateOfBirth date Date of birth of the director. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
entityType string Indicates if the director is a Person or Company.
isDisqualified boolean Indicates if the director is disqualified.
isServiceAddress boolean Indicates if the address is a company’s service address.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
code - job title lookup code
description - job title description
position object Director’s previous appointed position.
code - director position lookup code
description - description of the position
resignationDate date Date director resigned from this position.


Returns a list of shareholders and details of the shareholdings as recorded in the company’s Annual Return.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/shareholders

  "id": "1455001",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 1
  "response": [
      "aggregateValue": 400000,
      "currency": "GBP",
      "directorNumber": null,
      "fullName": "COMPANY WATCH (HOLDINGS) LTD",
      "issueOrder": 1,
      "numberOfShares": 400000,
      "percentageOfShareClass": 100,
      "percentageOfTotal": 100,
      "recorded": "2015-07-01",
      "shareClass": "ORDINARY",
      "shareholderType": {
        "code": "1",
        "description": "Corporation"
      "shareholding": "400,000 ORDINARY £1.000000"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
aggregateValue double The aggregated value of the number of shares multiplied by its nominal value.
currency string The currency of this shareholding.
directorNumber string If available, indicates a possible link to a UK Director.
fullName string The name of the shareholder.
issueOrder integer The issue of order of shareholders. Deprecated, it will be removed in the future.
numberOfShares integer The number of shares held.
percentageOfShareClass double Proportion of this shareholding in the share class issued.
percentageOfTotal double Proportion of this shareholding against the total of all issued.
recorded date The date when this shareholding details was recorded.
shareClass string The share class.
shareholderType object The shareholding type.
code - shareholder type lookup code
description - description of the shareholder type
shareholding string Text description of the shareholding.

Persons of Significant Control

Returns an object containing information about Persons of Significant Control


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/psc

  "id": "1234567",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 4
  "response": {
    "summary": {
      "isExempt": false,
      "numPsc": 4,
      "numActivePsc": 2,
      "numCeasedPsc": 2,
      "numStatements": 2,
      "numActiveStatements": 1,
      "numWithdrawnStatements": 1
    "pscs": [
        "isActive": true,
        "pscCinumber": null,
        "pscKey": "3dcba8fb66037094ed08a917cc6a3314",
        "pscName": "Dr Stephen John Temple",
        "pscKind": {
          "code": "2",
          "description": "Individual person with significant control"
        "forename": "Stephen",
        "otherForenames": null,
        "surname": "Temple",
        "title": "Dr",
        "dateOfBirth": "1949-01-01",
        "address": "Copys Green Farm, Copys Green, Wighton, Wells-Next-The-Sea, NR23 1NY, England",
        "ceasedOn": null,
        "notifiedOn": "2016-04-06",
        "nationality": "British",
        "countryOfResidence": "England",
        "countryRegistered": null,
        "legalAuthority": null,
        "legalForm": null,
        "placeRegistered": null,
        "pscRegistrationNumber": null,
        "pscDirectorNumber": "D02121498",
        "natureOfControl": [
            "code": "N02",
            "description": "Ownership of shares - between 50% and 75%"
    "statements": [
        "code": "S04",
        "description": "psc details not confirmed",
        "longDescription": "The company has identified a registrable person in relation to the company but all the required particulars of that person have not been confirmed",
        "notifiedOn": "2017-12-20",
        "withdrawnOn": "2017-12-20"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
pscs array A paginated list of PSC objects.
statements array A list of statements related to PSCs.
summary object Summary information about the PSC information.

A summary object is defined as:

Field Type Description
isExempt boolean Indicates whether the company is exempt from reporting PSC information.
numPsc integer The total number of PSCs.
numActivePsc integer The number of active PSCs.
numCeasedPsc integer The number of ceased PSCs.
numStatements integer The number of available PSC statements.
numActiveStatements integer The number of active PSC statements.
numWithdrawnStatements integer The number of PSC statements that have been withdrawn.

A PSC object is defined as:

Field Type Description
address string The address of the PSC.
ceasedOn date Date PSC record became inactive.
countryOfResidence string Individuals only - the PSC’s country of residence.
countryRegistered string Companies only - the PSC’s country of registration.
dateOfBirth date Individuals only - the date of birth of the PSC. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
forename string Individuals only - the forename.
legalAuthority string Companies only - the legal authority that the PSC is registered with.
legalForm string Companies only - the legal form of the PSC.
nationality string Individuals only - the PSC’s nationality.
notifiedOn date Date PSC record became active.
isActive boolean Indicates if a PSC is active.
natureOfControl array An array of Nature of control objects.
code - nature of control lookup code
description - description of the nature of control
otherForenames string Individuals only - other names.
placeRegistered string Companies only - the place the PSC is registered (e.g., Companies House).
pscCinumber integer Companies only - the Company Watch company identifier of the PSC if it matches a company in the database.
pscDirectorNumber string The UK director identifier if the PSC has been matched to one.
pscKey string The internal PSC record identifier.
pscKind object The PSC kind
code - PSC kind lookup code
description - description of the kind of PSC.
pscName string The full name of the PSC.
pscRegistrationNumber string Companies only - the PSC’s company registration number.
surname string Individuals only - the surname.
title string Individuals only - the PSC’s title.

A statement object is defined as:

Field Type Description
code string The statement type lookup code.
description string The statement type short description.
longDescription string A longer description of the statement.
notifiedOn date Date the statement became active.
withdrawnOn date Date the statement was withdrawn.

County Court Judgments

Returns a list of county court judgments registered against the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/court_judgments

  "id": "12576",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 30
  "response": {
    "judgments": [
        "amount": 5150,
        "caseNumber": "B19YJ740",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "datePaid": null,
        "dateRegistered": "2015-03-11",
        "isSatisfied": false
        "amount": 3382,
        "caseNumber": "A2AA254J",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "datePaid": "2015-01-06",
        "dateRegistered": "2014-11-25",
        "isSatisfied": true
    "numberSatisfied": 12,
    "numberUnsatisfied": 18

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
judgments array The list of county court judgments over the last 72 months.
numberSatisfied integer The number of county court judgments that are marked as Satisfied in the last 72 months.
numberUnsatisfied integer The number of county court judgements that are marked as Unsatisfied in the last 72 months.

A county court judgment object is defined as:

Field Type Description
amount double The value of the judgment.
caseNumber string The case number at the court.
court string The court where this judgment was recorded.
currency string The currency of the judgment amount.
datePaid date The date this judgment was paid and marked as Satisfied.
dateRegistered date The date this judgment was registered.
isSatisfied boolean Indicator if this judgment has been Satisfied or is still Unsatisfied.

Unsecured Creditors

Returns the list of statements of unsecured creditors against the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/unsecured_creditors

  "id": "47329",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 20
  "response": [
      "amount": 624.00,
      "companyStatus": null,
      "creditorCinumber": null,
      "creditorCompanyNameAsReported": "Vending Services (SE) Limited",
      "creditorCwCompanyName": null,
      "creditorRegistrationNumber": null,
      "debtorStatus": "Liquidation",
      "insolvencyPractitioner1": "Simon James Bonney, 81 Station Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1NS",
      "insolvencyPractitioner2": "Andrew Hosking, 81 Station Road, Marlow, Buckinghamshire, SL7 1NS",
      "statementDate": "2016-11-10"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
amount double The amount in GBP.
companyStatus object The status of the company (if the company matches a UK company in the database).
creditorCinumber integer The Company Watch identifier for the creditor if it matches a UK company in the database.
creditorCompanyNameAsReported string The creditor name as reported in the statement.
creditorCwCompanyName string The Company Watch version of name of the creditor if it matches a UK company in the database.
creditorRegistrationNumber string The company registration number for the creditor if it matches a UK company in the database.
debtorStatus string The status of the debtor at the time the statement was filed (Liquidation or Administration).
insolvencyPractitioner1 string The name and address of the insolvency practitioner.
insolvencyPractitioner2 string The name and address of the second insolvency practitioner if applicable.
statementDate date The date of the statement (Statement of Affairs or Liquidation).

Unsecured Distressed Debtors

Returns the list of statements of unsecured distressed debtors against the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/unsecured_distressed_debtors

  "id": "22843",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 20
  "response": [
      "amount": 325.00,
      "companyStatus": {
        "code": "UK_L",
        "description": "Live"
      "debtorCinumber": 5417697,
      "debtorCompanyNameAsReported": "Pickwick Caravans",
      "debtorCwCompanyName": "PICKWICK CARAVANS LIMITED",
      "debtorRegistrationNumber": "060556682",
      "debtorStatus": "Liquidation",
      "distressStatus": {
        "code": "D",
        "description": "Financial distress"
      "distressType": null,
      "insolvencyPractitioner1": "Neil Frank Vinnicombe, 14 Queen Square, Bath, BA1 2HN",
      "insolvencyPractitioner2": "Simon Robert Haskew, 14 Queen Square, Bath, BA1 2HN",
      "statementDate": "2019-04-19"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
amount double The amount in GBP.
companyStatus object The status of the company (if the company matches a UK company in the database).
debtorCinumber integer The Company Watch identifier for the debtor if it matches a UK company in the database.
debtorCompanyNameAsReported string The debtor name as reported in the statement.
debtorCwCompanyName string The Company Watch version of name of the debtor if it matches a UK company in the database.
debtorRegistrationNumber string The company registration number for the debtor if it matches a UK company in the database.
debtorStatus string The status of the debtor at the time the statement was filed (Liquidation or Administration).
distressStatus object The distress status of the company (if the company matches a UK company in the database).
distressType object The distress type of the company (if the company matches a UK company in the database).
insolvencyPractitioner1 string The name and address of the insolvency practitioner.
insolvencyPractitioner2 string The name and address of the second insolvency practitioner if applicable.
statementDate date The date of the statement (Statement of Affairs or Liquidation).

Group Structure: Highlights

Returns information identifying the ultimate and immediate parent companies, the top consolidated parent company in the UK, and the list of immediate subsidiaries of the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/group_info

  "id": "12576",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 50
  "response": {
    "identifiedCompaniesInGroup": 235,
    "immediateParent": null,
    "immediateSubsidiaries": [
        "companyName": "ADSEGA LIMITED",
        "companyStatus": {
          "code": "D",
          "description": "Dormant"
        "country": "GBR",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "id": 231507,
        "isConsolidated": false,
        "latestPeriodEnd": "2014-02-22",
        "registrationNumber": "00642321",
        "sales": 0,
        "totalAssets": 447000
        "companyName": "BLT HOLDINGS 2010 LTD",
        "companyStatus": null,
        "country": "GBR",
        "currency": "GBP",
        "isConsolidated": true,
        "id": 6855382,
        "latestPeriodEnd": "2013-12-31",
        "registrationNumber": "07353966",
        "sales": 18989000,
        "totalAssets": 361346000
    "topUkConsolidatedParent": {
      "companyName": "SHELL PLC",
      "companyStatus": null,
      "country": "GBR",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "id": 4070838,
      "isConsolidated": true,
      "latestPeriodEnd": "2021-12-31",
      "registrationNumber": "04366849",
      "sales": 201431000000,
      "totalAssets": 298744000000
    "ultimateParent": null

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
identifiedCompaniesInGroup integer The total number of companies in this company’s group structure.
immediateParent object The company’s immediate parent.
immediateSubsidiaries array The list of companies that are immediate subsidiaries of this company.
topUkConsolidatedParent object The company’s top parent in the UK filing consolidated accounts. null if no such company exists in this company’s group structure.
ultimateParent object The company’s ultimate parent. null if this company is the ultimate parent in its group structure.

A group information entity object` is defined as:

Field Type Description
companyName string The company name.
companyStatus object The status of the company.
code - company status lookup code
description - description of the company status
country string The country of incorporation.
currency string The reporting currency of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
id integer The Company Watch company identifier. Available only if the company is in the UK.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
latestPeriodEnd date The period end date of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
registrationNumber string The company registration number.
sales double The latest sales. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
totalAssets double The latest total assets. Available only if the entity is in the UK.

Group Structure: Full

Returns the full group structure of the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/group_structure

Response Fields

Interpreting holdingLevel

  "id": "1234567",
  "response" : [
    { # Entity A is the immediate parent of Entities B and C
      "holdingLevel" : 1,
      "name" : "Entity A"
    { # Entity B is the immediate subsidiary of Entity A
      "holdingLevel" : 2,
      "name" : "Entity B"
    { # Entity C is a sibling of Entity B
      "holdingLevel" : 2,
      "name" : "Entity C"
    { # Entity D is the immediate subsidiary of Entity C
      "holdingLevel" : 3,
      "name" : "Entity D"
    { # Entity E is a sibling of Entity B and Entity C
      "holdingLevel" : 2,
      "name" : "Entity E"
  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "companyStatus": null,
      "country": "GBR",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "holdingLevel": 0,
      "id": 6779162,
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "isSelectedCompany": false,
      "latestPeriodEnd": "2013-12-31",
      "registrationNumber": "07287037",
      "sales": 0,
      "totalAssets": 2647800
      "companyName": "COMPANY WATCH (HOLDINGS) LIMITED",
      "companyStatus": {
        "code": "D",
        "description": "Dormant"
      "country": "GBR",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "holdingLevel": 1,
      "id": 1455201,
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "isSelectedCompany": false,
      "latestPeriodEnd": "2013-12-31",
      "registrationNumber": "03597968",
      "sales": 0,
      "totalAssets": 1522502
      "companyName": "COMPANY WATCH LIMITED",
      "companyStatus": null,
      "country": "GBR",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "holdingLevel": 2,
      "id": 1455001,
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "isSelectedCompany": true,
      "latestPeriodEnd": "2013-12-31",
      "registrationNumber": "03597613",
      "sales": 0,
      "totalAssets": 3648833
Field Type Description
companyName string The company name.
companyStatus object The status of the company.
code - company status lookup code
description - description of the company status
country string The country of incorporation.
currency string The reporting currency of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
holdingLevel integer Indicates the parent-child relationship between elements in the list. Refer to Interpreting holdingLevel in the sidebar.
id integer The Company Watch company identifier. Available only if the company is in the UK.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
isSelectedCompany boolean Indicates the current company in the entity list.
latestPeriodEnd date The period end date of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
registrationNumber string The company registration number.
sales double The latest sales. Available only if the entity is in the UK.
totalAssets double The latest total assets. Available only if the entity is in the UK.

Document Filing Events

Returns a list of document filing events at Companies House for this company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/events

  "id": "12576",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 33
  "response": [
      "code": "UK_K1",
      "date": "2015-03-05",
      "description": "Proposed first officer"
      "code": "UK_K2",
      "date": "2015-03-05",
      "description": "Change of Officers"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
code string The lookup code of the event type.
date date The date of the event.
description string The details of the event.

Notice of Intention to Appoint an Administrator

Returns a list of notices filed by the company when it intends to appoint an Administrator.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/noiaa

  "id": "1953516",
  "response": [
      "applicantName": "Coakley, Dermot Brendan",
      "applicantLegalRepresentative": "WSM Marks Bloom LLP",
      "caseNumber": "CR-2024-005060",
      "caseStatus": "Open",
      "companyLegalRepresentative": "Shaun Walker WSM Marks Bloom LLP",
      "filedDate": "2024-08-28",
      "noticeType": {
        "code": "CVA1",
        "description": "Company Voluntary Arrangement"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
applicantName string Name of the applicant.
applicantLegalRepresentative string Name of the legal representative.
caseNumber string Court case number.
caseStatus string Court case status.
companyLegalRepresentative string Name of the legal representative for the company.
filedDate date Date document was filed at the court.
noticeType object Type of document filed.

Notice Types

Code Description
CVA1 Company Voluntary Arrangement
NAA2 Administration application
NOI1 A notice of intention to appoint an administrator
NAAA3 A notice to appoint an administrator
MOR1 Part A1 moratorium

Unadvertised Winding Up Petitions

Returns a list of winding up petitions that have been filed against the company (where the original petition for winding up was not advertised in the Gazette).


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/uwup

  "id": "1777922",
  "response": [
      "courtName": "ROLLS BUILDING",
      "hearingDate": "2021-02-03",
      "petitioner": null
      "courtName": "ROLLS BUILDING",
      "hearingDate": "2020-09-16",
      "petitioner": "HMRC"
Field Type Description
courtName string Name of the court where the petition was filed.
courtType string Type of court where the petition was filed.
hearingDate date Date of the petition hearing date at the court.
petitioner string Whether the petition is from HMRC or not. null if unknown.

Winding Up Petition Applications

Returns a list of winding up petition applications that have been filed against the company. These events come before winding up petitions (advertised or unadvertised).


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/wupa

  "id": "11716801",
  "response": [
          "caseStatus": "Withdrawn",
          "companyRepresentative": "Litigant in Person",
          "filedDate": "2022-07-29",
          "petitionerName": "HMRC",
          "petitionerRepresentative": "HMRC, 8th Floor, 14 Westfield Avenue, Stratford, London E20 1HZ"
Field Type Description
companyRepresentative string The name of the entity that represented the company at the court.
filedDate date Date that the application was filed at the court.
petitionerName string The petitioner’s name.
petitionerRepresentative string The petitioner’s representative at the court.
caseStatus string The revision status of the court case.

Mortgage Charges

Returns the list of mortgages or outstanding loans associated to the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/mortgages

  "id": "12576",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 7
  "response": {
    "charges": [
        "charge": "Outstanding",
        "created": "2009-11-04",
        "description": "ACCOUNT SECURITY AGREEMENT",
        "mortgageNumber": 8,
        "registered": "2009-11-06",
        "restrictingProvision": null,
        "status": "Outstanding"
        "charge": "Outstanding",
        "created": "2009-11-04",
        "description": "ACCOUNT SECURITY AGREEMENT",
        "mortgageNumber": 9,
        "registered": "2009-11-06",
        "restrictingProvision": null,
        "status": "Outstanding"
    "numberOutstanding": 2,
    "numberPartiallySatisfied": 0,
    "numberSatisfied": 5

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
charges array The list of mortgage charges
numberOutstanding integer The number of mortgage charges marked as Outstanding.
numberPartiallySatisfied integer The number of mortgage charges marked as Partially Satisfied.
numberSatisfied integer The number of mortgage charges marked as Satisfied.

A mortgage charge object is defined as:

Field Type Description
amountSecured string Details on the amount secured in this charge.
charge string The type of the charge.
created date Date charge was created.
description string Description of the charge.
mortgageNumber integer Mortgage charge record number at Companies House.
personsEntitled string Details on persons entitled to this charge.
registered date Date charge was registered.
restrictingProvision string Restricting provision description.
shortParticulars string Short particulars of the charge.
status string Indicator whether this charge is Satisfied, Partially Satisfied, or Outstanding.

Service Addresses

Returns a set of addresses associated to the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/addresses

  "id": "1455001",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 1
  "response": {
    "headOffice": {
      "careOfAddress": null,
      "isTPSRegistered": false,
      "line1": "Unit 312",
      "line2": "Coppergate House",
      "line3": "16 Brune Street",
      "line4": "London",
      "line5": null,
      "phoneNumber": "02070433300",
      "poBoxAddress": null,
      "postalArea": "E1",
      "postcode": "E1 7NJ"
    "registeredOffice": {
      "careOfAddress": null,
      "isTPSRegistered": false,
      "line1": "Unit 312",
      "line2": "Coppergate House",
      "line3": "16 Brune Street",
      "line4": "London",
      "line5": null,
      "phoneNumber": "02070433300",
      "poBoxAddress": null,
      "postalArea": "E1",
      "postcode": "E1 7NJ"
    "tradingAddresses": []

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
headOffice object The head office address.
tradingAddresses array The list of other trading addresses.
registeredOffice object The registered company address.

An address object is defined as:

Field Type Description
careOfAddress string The care-of details at this address.
isTPSRegistered boolean Indicator if the phoneNumber is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). It is a legal requirement that no marketing or unsolicited telephone calls are made to phone numbers registered with TPS.
line1 string Line 1 of the address.
line2 string Line 2 of the address.
line3 string Line 3 of the address.
line4 string Line 4 of the address.
line5 string Line 5 of the address.
phoneNumber string Phone number at this address.
poBoxAddress string The PO box details.
postalArea string The postal area
postcode string Postcode.

Company Name History

Returns a list of changes to the company’s name.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/previous_names

  "id": "12576",
  "response": [
      "changeDate": "1983-08-25",
      "newName": "TESCO PLC",
      "oldName": "TESCO STORES (HOLDINGS) PLC"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
changeDate date Date of the name change
newName string The new company name
oldName string The previous company name

Industry Classifications

Returns the industry classifications that the company belongs to. Information is based on Annual Returns filed at Companies House.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/industries

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": {
    "additional": [],
    "primary": {
      "code": "82990",
      "description": "Other business support service activities"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
additional array The list of additional industry classifications reported by this company.
primary object The company’s primary industry classification.

An industry object is defined as:

Field Type Description
code string The 5-digit industry code (UK SIC 2007).
description string The description of the industry classification.

Auditor History

Returns the list of company appointed auditors.

Auditors can be matched against the Summary Financials (/accounts) by matching the date against periodEndDate.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/auditors

  "id": "1455001",
  "response": [
      "auditor1": "GRANT HARROD PARKINSON LLP",
      "auditor2": null,
      "date": "2010-12-31",
      "isAuditor": true

Response Fields

Field Type Description
auditor1 string The name of the appointed auditor.
auditor2 string The name of the co-auditor if joint auditors have been appointed.
date date Date of information based on the accounts.
isAuditor boolean true - accounts auditor
false - accounts presenter

Profit Warnings

Returns a list of profit warnings for a UK listed company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/profit_warnings

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": [
      "date": "2017-10-05",
      "description": "...",
      "eventType": {
        "code": 2,
        "description": "Stand Alone Going Concern Event"
      "isGoingConcern": true

Response Fields

Field Type Description
date date The announcement date of the profit warning.
description string The content of the announcement.
eventType object The type of profit warning.
code - numeric profit warning event code
description - profit warning event description
isGoingConcern boolean Indicates if the profit warning is a going concern.


Returns a list of notifications about the company graded by severity (i.e., info/warning/critical).


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/notifications

  "id": "1234567",
  "response": [
      "code": "distress",
      "description": "documents have been filed that indicates this company may be distressed",
      "level": "critical",
      "title": "Distressed company"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
code string The notification code
description string The full content of the notification
level string The severity level of the notification (info, warning, critical)
title string A short title describing the notification

Notification Types

Code Level About
accounts-pending info The latest accounts have been filed are currently being processed.
audit-report-comment warning The company has an audit report comment for the latest period.
ceasing-to-trade critical Company ceasing to trade.
ceasing-to-trade-mvl warning Company ceasing to trade - members voluntary liquidation.
change-in-ard info Company has filed for a change in accounting reference date.
consol-status-change warning The consolidated status of the latest accounts has changed from the previous period.
contract-limit info The contract limit for this company is the lower of the top UK consolidated parent or the current company.
county-court-judgments warning Company has 1 or more unsatisfied CCJs against it.
credit-limit info The credit limit for this company is the lower of the top UK consolidated parent or the current company.
disqualified-director warning The company is associated with 1 or more disqualified directors.
distress critical Company is in distress.
dormant-company warning The company is dormant.
financial-sector-company info The company is in the financial sector. Scores and related measures are not available for such companies.
furlough-claim info The company (or a company in the Group) may have claimed under Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (Furlough) since December 2020
gazette-filing critical The company has an event in the Gazette.
interims info The latest accounts filed are interims.
late-filing critical Company did not file accounts before deadline.
limited-liability-partnership info Entity is a limited liability partnership.
no-accounts warning There are no accounts information for this company.
notice-intention-appoint-administrator critical Early indicator that the company is possibly in distress.
overseas-company info This company is an overseas company and may have incomplete information.
parent-in-warning-area critical The top UK consolidated parent of this company is in the Warning Area.
possible-late-filing warning Initial accounts filing deadline expired, but a change in accounting date was filed.
profit-warning warning The company published a profit warning announcement.
state-aid info The company (or a company in the Group) may have received State Aid
subsidiary info This company is a subsidiary.
suspended-strike-off warning Documents have been filed that indicate that the winding up of this company has been suspended.
text-score-in-warning-area warning The company’s latest TextScore is in the warning area.
unadvertised-petition critical The company has an unadvertised petition against it.
unconsolidated-parent-company warning The company belongs to a group but has not filed group accounts.
unsecured-creditors warning The company has 1 or more unsecured creditors against it.
unsecured-debtors warning The company has 1 or more unsecured distressed debtors against it.
vat-registration warning The company may not have been registered for UK VAT at latest period end.
vat-registration-group info The company cannot be matched to a VAT Registration number. One or more of the companies in the Group may be registered for VAT.
winding-up-petition critical The company has recently had a Winding-Up petition filed against it.
winding-up-petition-application warning The company has recently had an application for a Winding-Up petition filed against it.
phoenix warning The company is associated by directorship to a company that has faced or may face upcoming insolvency action.
distress-phoenix warning A company has recently been incorporated that is associated to this company by directorship.

Gazette Data

Returns the list of Gazette events related to the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/gazette_data

    "id": "10180125",
    "pagination": {
    "total": 2
    "response": [
            "entryDate": "2017-02-20",
            "entryType": {
                "code": "CLQ",
                "description": "Creditors Voluntary Winding-Up - Meetings of Creditors"
            "meetingOfCreditorsDate": "04 March 2017",
            "meetingOfCreditorsPlace": "Cowgill Holloway Business Recovery LLP, Fortis Accountancy Services Limited, Evans Business Centre, 10 Stephenson Court, Skippers Lane Industrial Estate, Middlesbrough, Cleveland, TS6 6UT",
            "meetingOfCreditorsTime": "11:00 AM",
            "practitionerDetails": "Cowgill Holloway Business Recovery LLP, Regency House, 45-53 Chorley New Road, Bolton, BL1 4QR"
            "court": "High Court of Justice (Chancery Division) Leeds District Registry",
            "entryDate": "2017-03-09",
            "entryType": {
                "code": "PET",
                "description": "Winding-up By The Court - Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)"
            "hearingDate": "10 April 2017",
            "petitioner": "Commissioners for HM Revenue and Customs, Bush House, Strand, London WC2B 4RD",
            "petitionerSolicitor": "C W Harwood & Co, Kimberley House,11 Woodhouse Square,LeedsLS3 1AD",
            "presentingDate": "17 February 2017"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
appointer string The person or company who appointed the Receiver.
appointmentDate string The date of appointment.
court string The court where the notice is filed.
dismissalDate string The date of dismissal of petition (for Winding-up By The Court - Petitions to Wind Up (Companies) only).
entryDate date The date of Gazette entry.
entryType object The type of Gazette entry.
code - Gazette entry type lookup code
description - description of the Gazette entry type
filingPetitionDate string The date of filing petition (for Winding-up By The Court - Winding-Up only).
hearingDate string The date of hearing (for Winding-up By The Court - Petitions to Wind Up (Companies) only),
liquidationType string The type of liquidation.
meetingOfCreditorsDate string The date of creditors’ meeting.
meetingOfCreditorsPlace string The place of creditors’ meeting.
meetingOfCreditorsTime string The time of creditors’ meeting.
officialReceiver string The person or company appointed as official receiver (for Winding-up By The Court - Winding-Up only).
petitioner string The person or company that presented the petition (for Winding-up By The Court - Petitions to Wind Up (Companies) only).
petitionerSolicitor string The solicitor of the petitioner (for Winding-up By The Court - Petitions to Wind Up (Companies) only).
practitionerCompany string Company of the practitioner dealing with the event.
practitionerDetails string Details of the practitioner dealing with the event.
practitionerName string Name of the practitioner dealing with the event.
presentingDate string The date the petition has been presented (for Winding-up By The Court - Petitions to Wind Up (Companies) only).
windingUpOrderDate string The date of the winding-up order (for Winding-up By The Court - Winding-Up only).

Gazette Entry Types

Code Description
ADM Administration - Meetings of Creditors
ADO Administration - Appointment of Administrators
APP Receivership - Appointment of Administrative Receivers
CLQ Creditors Voluntary Winding-Up - Meetings of Creditors
DIS Petition Dismissal
LQC Creditors Voluntary Winding-up - Appointment of Liquidators
LQM Members Voluntary Winding-up - Appointment of Liquidators
LQO Winding-up By The Court - Appointment of Liquidators
PET Winding-up By The Court - Petitions to Wind Up (Companies)
RCV Receivership - Meetings of Creditors
WUO Winding-up By The Court - Winding-Up Orders


Returns VAT information related to the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/vat

  "id": "2687172",
  "response": {
    "matchConfidence": 98.0,
    "otherVatRegisteredCompaniesWithinGroup": false,
    "vatGroupCount": 2,
    "vatNumber": 370245418,
    "vatRegisteredAddress": "18 MAIN STREET, PYMOOR, ELY, CB6 2ED",
    "vatRegisteredCompanyName": "CN SEEDS LIMITED",
    "vatRegisteredIndustry": {
      "code": "47760",
    "vatRegisteredLastAccounts": true,
    "vatRegisteredTradingStyle": null,
    "vatParent": {
      "cinumber": 3528584,
      "companyName": "CN SEEDS LIMITED",
      "registrationNumber": "04783634"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
matchConfidence double Percentage confidence in the matching between data provided on the VAT file and information held at Companies House.
A 100% match indicates that the Company number matched exactly.
otherVatRegisteredCompaniesWithinGroup boolean Whether the current company is part of a Group VAT Registration.
vatGroupCount integer Count of the number of companies, including current company, which share the same VAT number.
vatNumber integer The VAT number of the company.
vatRegisteredAddress string VAT registered address.
vatRegisteredCompanyName string VAT registered company name.
vatRegisteredLastAccounts boolean Whether the company was VAT-registered on the latest accounts date.
vatRegisteredIndustry object VAT registered SIC code and description.
vatRegisteredTradingStyle string VAT registered trading style.
vatParent object Information about the VAT Group parent.
cinumber - The Company Watch identifier for this company.
companyName - The registered company name.
registrationNumber - The company registration number at Companies House.


Returns a list of distressed companies associated to the directors of the company that are suspected to be a “phoenix”. Alternatively returns a list of suspected phoenix companies associated to a company in distress.

Phoenixism - the practice where a new company is created to continue the business of an old company that has been deliberately liquidated or become insolvent. In a typical phoenix scenario, the directors or owners of a struggling or insolvent company will transfer its assets, customers or contracts to a new company. The old company is then liquidated, often leaving behind unpaid debts, including taxes, employee wages, and supplier payments. Meanwhile, the new company continues operating with essentially the same business, but without the financial burdens of its predecessor.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/phoenixism

  "id": "14003214",
  "response": {
    "numberOfAssociatedDistressedCompanies": 1,
    "numberOfAssociatedPhoenixCompanies": 0,
    "associatedDistressedCompanies": [
        "cinumber": 1919579,
        "daysBetweenDistressAndIncorporation": -42,
        "directorLinks": [
            "confidence": 100,
            "distressDirector": {
              "appointmentDate": "2002-08-08",
              "directorName": "Mr Robert John Coupe",
              "directorNumber": "D08373018",
              "resignationDate": null
            "phoenixDirector": {
              "appointmentDate": "2021-03-10",
              "directorName": "Mr Robert John Coupe",
              "directorNumber": "D08373018",
              "resignationDate": null
            "confidence": 92,
            "distressDirector": {
              "appointmentDate": "2002-08-08",
              "directorName": "Mr Robert John Coupe",
              "directorNumber": "D08373018",
              "resignationDate": null
            "phoenixDirector": {
              "appointmentDate": "2021-03-10",
              "directorName": "Mr Robert John Coupe",
              "directorNumber": "D28066582",
              "resignationDate": "2021-04-15"
        "distressDate": "2021-04-21",
        "distressType": {
          "code": "ADM",
          "description": "In Administration"
        "incorporationDate": "2002-06-27",
        "numberOfDistinctDirectorLinks": 2,
        "registrationNumber": "04471025"
    "associatedPhoenixCompanies": []

Response Fields

Note: Only one of associatedDistressedCompanies or associatedPhoenixCompanies are populated, not both.

Field Type Description
associatedDistressedCompanies array The company is a suspected phoenix for one or more distressed companies.
associatedPhoenixCompanies array The company is a distressed company associated to one or more suspected phoenix companies.
numberOfAssociatedDistressedCompanies number Number of associated distressed companies.
numberOfAssociatedPhoenixCompanies number Number of associated phoenix companies.

Phoenix Company details

Field Type Description
cinumber integer Company Watch company identifier.
companyName string Company name.
daysBetweenDistressAndIncorporation int Number of days between the incorporation of the company and the date the associated company went into distress.
directorLinks array List of matching directors between the phoenix and distressed company.
incorporationDate date Incorporation date of the company.
numberOfDistinctDirectorLinks integer Number of directors linked to both the company and the distressed company.
registrationNUmber string Company registration number.

Distressed Company details

Field Type Description
cinumber integer Company Watch company identifier.
companyName string Company name.
daysBetweenDistressAndIncorporation int Number of days between the incorporation of the company and the date the associated company went into distress.
directorLinks array List of matching directors between the phoenix and distressed company.
distressDate date Date company went into distress.
distressType object Distress type.
incorporationDate date Incorporation date of the company.
numberOfDistinctDirectorLinks integer Number of directors linked to both the company and the distressed company.
registrationNUmber string Company registration number.

Director Link details

Field Type Description
confidence double Match confidence that the directors of the suspected phoenix and distressed companies are the same.
distressDirector object The director details of the distressed company.
phoenixDirector object The director details of the suspected phoenix company.

Director details

Field Type Description
appointmentDate date Director appointment date.
directorName string Director name.
directorNumber string Director identifier.
resignationDate date Director resignation date.

Payment Practices

Returns a list of payment practice reports for the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/payment_practices

  "id": "2107",
  "response": [
      "averageTimeToPay": 24.0,
      "chargesHaveBeenMadeForRemainingOnSupplierList": false,
      "daysTakenToFile": 27,
      "eInvoicingOffered": false,
      "endDate": "2018-06-30",
      "filingDate": "2018-07-27",
      "maximumContractualPaymentPeriod": 30,
      "longestStandardPaymentPeriod": 60,
      "startDate": "2018-01-01",
      "participatesInPaymentCode": true,
      "paymentsMadeInTheReportingPeriod": null,
      "paymentTermsHaveChanged": false,
      "percentageInvoicesNotPaidWithinAgreedTerms": 33.0,
      "percentageInvoicesPaidBetween31And60Days": 44.0,
      "percentageInvoicesPaidLaterThan60Days": 4.0,
      "percentageInvoicesPaidWithin30Days": 52.0,
      "policyCoversChargesForRemainingOnSupplierList": false,
      "reportId": 4396,
      "reportUrl": "",
      "shortestOrOnlyStandardPaymentPeriod": 30,
      "suppliersNotifiedOfChanges": null,
      "supplyChainFinancingOffered": false

Response Fields

Field Type Description
averageTimeToPay double Average time to pay.
chargesHaveBeenMadeForRemainingOnSupplierList boolean During the reporting period, did the business deduct sums from payments as a charge for remaining on a supplier list?
daysTakenToFile integer Days taken to file the payment report.
eInvoicingOffered boolean Does this business offer e-invoicing in relation to qualifying contracts?
endDate date Reporting period end date.
filingDate date Date payment practice report was filed.
maximumContractualPaymentPeriod integer Maximum contractual payment period.
longestStandardPaymentPeriod integer Longest standard payment period.
startDate date Reporting period start date.
participatesInPaymentCode boolean Has this business signed up to a code of conduct or standards on payment practices?
paymentsMadeInTheReportingPeriod boolean Payment made in the reporting period.
paymentTermsHaveChanged boolean Were there any changes to the standard payment terms in the reporting period?
percentageInvoicesNotPaidWithinAgreedTerms double Percentage of invoices not paid within agreed terms.
percentageInvoicesPaidBetween31And60Days double Percentage of invoices paid between 31 and 60 days.
percentageInvoicesPaidLaterThan60Days double Percentage of invoices paid later than 60 days.
percentageInvoicesPaidWithin30Days double Percentage of invoices paid within 30 days.
policyCoversChargesForRemainingOnSupplierList boolean Under its payment practices and policies, can this business deduct sums from payments under qualifying contracts as a charge for remaining on a supplier list?
reportId integer Identifier of the payment practice report.
reportUrl string URL of the original report.
shortestOrOnlyStandardPaymentPeriod integer Shortest (or only) standard payment period.
suppliersNotifiedOfChanges boolean If there were changes to the standard payment terms, have suppliers been notified?
supplyChainFinancingOffered boolean Does this business offer supply chain finance?


Returns abnormal behaviour indicators for the company.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>/vigilance

  "id": "0",
  "response": {
    "abnormalIncreaseInNetWorth": {
      "fromPeriodEndDate": "2021-11-30",
      "fromNetWorth": 2024337,
      "toPeriodEndDate": "2022-12-31",
      "toNetWorth": 13908000,
      "percentageChange": 587.0
    "abnormalInitialShareCapital": [
        "shareCapital": 1000000,
        "isoCurrency": "GBP"
    "abnormalRevaluationSharePremiumReserve": {
      "revaluationSharePremiumReserve": 36358000,
      "revaluationSharePremiumReserveTotalAssetsPercentage": 233.2,
      "totalAssets": 15593000
    "adverseAnnotations": [
        "annotations": [
            "date": "2024-04-09",
            "annotation": "Clarification The registered office address on the form IN01 was removed from public view on 09/04/2024."
        "documentFilingDate": "2024-03-11"
    "benfordsLaw": [
        "benfordSampleSize": 26,
        "benfordWarningFlag": true,
        "periodEndDate": "2023-09-30",
        "sampleDistribution": [
                "digit": 1,
                "samplePercentage": 11.54
                "digit": 2,
                "samplePercentage": 7.69
                "digit": 3,
                "samplePercentage": 26.92
                "digit": 4,
                "samplePercentage": 0
                "digit": 5,
                "samplePercentage": 3.85
                "digit": 6,
                "samplePercentage": 38.46
                "digit": 7,
                "samplePercentage": 3.85
                "digit": 8,
                "samplePercentage": 0
                "digit": 9,
                "samplePercentage": 7.69
        "sumOfSquaresFit": 1811
    "dormantAccountAmendments": [
        "dormantAccountsFilingDate": "2022-11-09",
        "dormantAccountsPeriodEndDate": "2022-02-28",
        "accountAmendments": [
            "amendmentFilingDate": "2023-03-10",
            "amendmentPeriodEndDate": "2022-02-28"
    "duplicateAccounts": [
        "duplicatedBy": {
          "cinumber": 11945189,
          "periodEndDate": "2019-05-31",
          "registrationNumber": "11354777"
        "periodEndDate": "2020-09-30"
    "earlyAccountsFiled": {
      "filingDate": "2023-12-27",
      "incorporationDate": "2023-01-16",
      "periodEndDate": "2023-03-31"
    "fastFiling": {
      "filingDate": "2024-03-07",
      "isAudited": false,
      "periodEndDate": "2024-02-29"
    "multipleRegisteredOfficeChanges": {
      "changesWithinAYearOfLatestChange": 3,
      "latestChangeDate": "2023-01-09"
    "postcodeProfile": {
      "postcode": "UB4 9JF",
      "pscCount": 12,
      "registeredOfficeCount": 11,
      "serviceAddressCount": 24,
      "vatRegisteredCompanyCount": 1
    "noVatRegistrationAndTurnoverExceedsThreshold": {
      "periodEndDate": "2022-12-31",
      "turnover": 373507
    "uniqueAuditorOrPresenter": [
        "auditorOrPresenterName1": "BARRY MURPHY & CO",
        "auditorOrPresenterName2": null,
        "isAccountPresenter": true,
        "isAudited": false,
        "periodEndDate": "2022-05-31"
    "virtualRegisteredOffice": {
      "address": "Suite 5077 4 Fullarton Street, Ayr, KA7 1UB",
      "postcode": "KA7 1UB"
    "summary": {
      "hasAbnormalIncreaseInNetWorth": true,
      "hasAbnormalInitialShareCapital": true,
      "hasAbnormalRevaluationReserve": true,
      "hasAdverseAnnotations": true,
      "hasAbnormalBenfordsDistribution": true,
      "hasDormantAccountAmendments": true,
      "hasDuplicateAccounts": true,
      "hasEarlyAccountsFiled": true,
      "hasFastFiling": true,
      "hasMultipleRegisteredOfficeChanges": true,
      "hasNoVatRegistrationAndTurnoverExceedsThreshold": true,
      "hasUniqueAuditorOrPresenter": true,
      "hasVirtualRegisteredOffice": true

Response Fields

Field Indicator Category Type Description
abnormalIncreaseInNetWorth Statistical object Abnormal increase in net worth.
abnormalInitialShareCapital Statistical array Abnormal initial share capital.
abnormalRevaluationReserve Statistical object Abnormal revaluation/share premium reserve.
adverseAnnotations Behavioural array Adverse annotations.
benfordsLaw Financial array Abnormal Benford’s Law distribution.
dormantAccountAmendments Behavioural array Dormant account amendments.
duplicateAccounts Financial array Duplicates accounts found filed for other companies.
earlyAccountsFiled Financial object Early filing of accounts since incorporation.
fastFiling Financial object Fast filing of accounts after year end.
multipleRegisteredOfficeChanges Operational object Multiple registered office changes.
noVatRegistrationAndTurnoverExceedsThreshold Behavioural object Company should be VAT registered if turnover is greater than £85k before 1st April 2024, £90k from 1st April 2024.
postcodeProfile Operational object Postcode saturation densities.
uniqueAuditorOrPresenter Financial array Unique auditor / presenter.
virtualRegisteredOffice Operational object Possible virtual registered office.
summary object Summary of deteceted abnormal behaviour indicators.

Indicator Summary

Field Type
hasAbnormalIncreaseInNetWorth boolean
hasAbnormalInitialShareCapital boolean
hasAbnormalRevaluationReserve boolean
hasAdverseAnnotations boolean
hasAbnormalBenfordsDistribution boolean
hasDormantAccountAmendments boolean
hasDuplicateAccounts boolean
hasEarlyAccountsFiled boolean
hasFastFiling boolean
hasMultipleRegisteredOfficeChanges boolean
hasNoVatRegistrationAndTurnoverExceedsThreshold boolean
hasUniqueAuditorOrPresenter boolean
hasVirtualRegisteredOffice boolean

Abnormal Increase in Net Worth details

Field Type Description
fromPeriodEndDate date Previous accounts period end date.
fromNetWorth double Net worth value in the previous accounting period.
toPeriodEndDate date Current accounts period end date.
toNetWorth double Net worth value in the current accounting period.
percentageChange double Percentage change in Net Worth between periods.

Abnormal Initial Share Capital

Field Type Description
shareCapital double Share capital value.
isoCurrency string Currency code of the share capital amount.

Abnormal Revaluation / Share Premium Reserve

Field Type Description
revaluationSharePremiumReserve double Revaluation / Share Premium Reserve value.
revaluationSharePremiumReserveToTotalAssetsPercentage double Ratio of the Revaluation / Share Premium Reserve to Total Assets as a percentage.
totalAssets double Total assets value.

Adverse Annotations

Field Type Description
annotations array List of adverse annotations.
documentFilingDate date Filing date of the document with adverse annotations.

Annotation details

Field Type Description
annotation string Adverse annotation content.
date date Date of annotation.

Abnormal Benford’s Law Distribution details

Field Type Description
benfordSampleSize integer Size of the sample used to evaluate against Benford’s Law.
benfordWarningFlag boolean Indicator when the sumOfSquaresFit exceeds the warning threshold (> 1560).
periodEndDate date Period end date of the accounts evaluated.
sampleDistribution array Distribution percentages for the leading digits in the sample.
sumOfSquaresFit integer Measure of how well the sample fits against the expected Benford distribution. The lower the value, the better the fit. Values over 1560 equate to approx. 1% of all latest accounts filed.

Reference: Benford’s Law distribution

Leading digit Benford distribution (percentage)
1 30.1
2 17.6
3 12.5
4 9.7
5 7.9
6 6.7
7 5.8
8 5.1
9 4.6

Dormant Account Amendments details

Field Type Description
dormantAccountsFilingDate date Date the dormant accounts were filed.
dormantAccountsPeriodEndDate date Period end date of the dormant accounts.
accountAmendments array Amendments filed.

Account Amendment details

Field Type Description
amendmentFilingDate date Date amendment was filed.
amendmentPeriodEndDate date Period end date of the accounts for which the amendment was filed.

Duplicate Accounts

Field Type Description
duplicatedBy object Details of the detected duplicate.
periodEndDate date Period of accounts of the company that is duplicated in another company.

Duplicated By details

Field Type Description
cinumber integer Company Watch company identifier.
companyName string Company name.
periodEndDate date Period end of accounts that is a duplicate.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.

Early Filing of Accounts Since Incorporation details

Field Type Description
filingDate date Date accounts were filed.
incorporationDate date Company incorporation date.
periodEndDate date Period end date of the accounts.

Fast Filing of Accounts After Year End details

Field Type Description
isAudited boolean Indicates if the accounts were audited.
periodEndDate date Period end date of the accounts.
filingDate date Date accounts were filed.

Multiple Registered Office Changes

Field Type Description
changesWithinAYearOfLatestChange integer Number of address changes within a year of the latest address change.
latestChangeDate date Date of the latest change in address.

Postcode Profile details

Field Type Description
postcode string Postcode of the registered office address.
pscCount integer Number of Persons with Significant Control located in the same postcode.
registeredOfficeCount integer Number of registered offices located in the same postcode.
serviceAddressCount integer Number of service addresses located in the same postcode.
vatRegisteredCompanyCount integer Number of VAT registered companies located in the same postcode

No VAT Registration and Turnover Exceeds Threshold details

Field Type Description
periodEndDate date Latest accounts period end date.
turnover double Latest turnover value.

Unique Auditor/Presenter details

Field Type Description
auditorOrPresenterName1 string Name of the appointed auditor or accounts presenter.
auditorOrPresenterName2 string Name of the co-auditor if joint auditors have been appointed.
isAccountPresenter boolean false - accounts auditor
true - accounts presenter.
isAudited boolean Have the accounts for the given period end date been audited?
periodEndDate date Accounts period end date.

Virtual Registered Office

Field Type Description
address string Office address.
postcode string Office postcode.

Data Aggregate

Returns the combined responses from all available endpoints for the company in a single response. A field in the aggregate object refers to the response field content of its associated endpoint.


GET /api/v1/uk/companies/<cinumber>

Simplified example of an aggregate response

  "id": "12576",
  "response": {
    "accounts_detail_balance_sheet": [],
    "accounts_detail_cash_flow": [],
    "accounts_detail_income_statement": [],
    "accounts_interim_balance_sheet": [],
    "accounts_interim_cash_flow": [],
    "accounts_interim_income_statement": [],
    "accounts": [],
    "addresses": {},
    "auditors": [],
    "court_judgments": {},
    "contract_limits": {},
    "credit_limits": {},
    "current_directors": [],
    "events": [],
    "financial_ratios": [],
    "gazette_data": [],
    "group_info": {},
    "group_structure": [],
    "industries": {},
    "info": {},
    "mortgages": {},
    "noiaa": [],
    "notifications": [],
    "payment_practices": [],
    "phoenixism": {},
    "previous_directors": [],
    "previous_names": [],
    "profit_warnings": [],
    "psc": {},
    "scores": [],
    "shareholders": [],
    "text_scores": [],
    "unsecured_creditors": [],
    "unsecured_distressed_debtors": [],
    "uwup": [],
    "vat": {},
    "vigilance": {},
    "wupa": []

Response Fields

Field Type Reference
accounts_detail_balance_sheet array Annuals: Balance Sheet
accounts_detail_cash_flow array Annuals: Cash Flow Statement
accounts_detail_income_statement array Annuals: Profit & Loss Statement
accounts_interim_balance_sheet array Interims: Balance Sheet
accounts_interim_cash_flow array Interims: Cash Flow Statement
accounts_interim_income_statement array Interims: Profit & Loss Statement
accounts array Financials: Summary
addresses object Service Addresses
auditors array Auditor History
contract_limits object Analysis: Contract Limit
court_judgments object County Court Judgments
credit_limits object Analysis: Credit Limit
current_directors array Directors: Current
events array Document Filing Events
financial_ratios array Financials: Ratios
gazette_data array Gazette Data
group_info object Group Structure: Highlights
group_structure array Group Structure: Full
industries object Industry Classifications
info object Company Information
mortgages object Mortgage Charges
noiaa array Notice of Intention to Appoint an Administrator
notifications array Notifications
payment_practices array Payment Practices
phoenixism object Phoenixism
previous_directors array Directors: Previous
previous_names array Company Name History
profit_warnings array Profit Warnings
psc object Persons of Significant Control
scores array Analysis: Scores
shareholders array Shareholders
text_scores array Analysis: TextScores
unsecured_creditors array Unsecured Creditors
unsecured_distressed_debtors array Unsecured Distressed Debtors
uwup array Unadvertised Winding Up Petitions
vat object VAT
vigilance object Vigilance
wupa array Winding Up Petition Applications

Note: an aggregate field may be excluded from the response or contain an empty array if the associated endpoint is not applicable to the company, or no data is available for that endpoint.

Irish Companies

Our Irish Company database contains the population of private and listed companies in Ireland.

Base endpoint


Endpoints support calls using the Companies Registration Office registration number instead of a cwid. For example you can retrieve data on “CRH PLC” by using the cwid,

GET /api/v1/ie/companies/ad477b2f-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba

or by using the registration number,

GET /api/v1/ie/companies/regnum=12965

Searching for companies

Search for companies registered in Ireland.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies?q=<query>&filters={<filter options>}

This database is included in the general search endpoint:
GET /api/v1/companies?q=<query>&filters={<filter options>}

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d q="irish+rail" \
 -d limit=2 \
 -d offset=0
    "pagination": {
        "total": 1260
    "response": {
        "maxScore": 171.56306,
        "results": [
                "activityCode": "6311",
                "activityDescription": "Cargo Handling",
                "address": "Connolly Station, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin, D01 V6V6",
                "id": "27ec3d34-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
                "isoCountry": "IRL",
                "isoCurrency": "Euros",
                "isSubsidiary": true,
                "latestPeriodEndDate": "2017-12-31",
                "name": "IARNROD EIREANN - IRISH RAIL",
                "nationalID": "119571",
                "productCode": "IE",
                "quoted": false,
                "relevanceScore": 171.56306,
                "sales": 496743000,
                "ticker": null,
                "totalAssets": 1854920000
                "activityCode": "6100",
                "activityDescription": "Water Transport",
                "address": "Ferryport, Alexandra Road, Dublin 1, Co. Dublin",
                "id": "8d548732-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
                "isoCountry": "IRL",
                "isoCurrency": "Euros",
                "isSubsidiary": false,
                "latestPeriodEndDate": "2018-12-31",
                "nationalID": "41043",
                "productCode": "IE",
                "quoted": true,
                "relevanceScore": 54.65929,
                "sales": 0,
                "ticker": "null",
                "totalAssets": 2795000

Query parameters

Pagination support : yes

Parameter Description
filters Required if q is not included. Can contain more than 1 filter. See Filter Options for details.
mode Optional.
keyword - when mode=keyword, results are determined based on company names that contain every word provided in the search query.
relevance - when mode=relevance, results are selected by ranking algorithms that determine the best match based on all the provided search terms.
Defaults to relevance when mode is not specified.
q Required if filters is not included. Search for relevant companies for a given query.

Filter Options

Construct more specific queries using just the filter options or in combination with the q relevance search.


Fields supporting filtering by a single term,

Filter Type Description
address string Search by registered address.
business_description string Search by business description.
quoted boolean true - only quoted companies.
false - only private companies.
name string Search by company name.
postcode string Search by postcode or postal area (IE format)
previous_name string Search on a previous company name
registration_number string Search by company registration number (registered at Companies Registration Office).
sic_code string SIC industry classification code (NACE)
sic_description string Search in the SIC industry classification description
subsidiary_status boolean true - only companies that are subsidiaries.
false - only companies that are parents or not part of a group structure.
ticker string Search by stock ticker symbol. Deprecated, the value of this filter is ignored and it will be removed in the future.

Fields supporting filtering by range,

Filter Type Description
latest_period date Search for companies where the latest period end date falls between the specified date range.
sales integer Search for companies where the latest sales value falls between the specified value range
total_assets integer Search for companies where the latest total assets value falls between the specified value range.


Response Fields

Field Type Description
maxScore double The maximum relevance score in the list of results.
results array The list of search results objects.

A search result object is defined as:

Field Type Description
activityCode string The primary industry classification code (NACE).
activityDescription string The description of the primary industry classification.
address string The company’s registered address.
id string The Company Watch identifier (cwid) for this company.
isoCountry string The country code of the company’s country of incorporation (ISO-3166 alpha-3).
isoCurrency string The reporting currency of the company’s accounts.
isSubsidiary boolean Indicator if this company is a subsidiary of another company.
latestPeriodEndDate date The date of the latest period of accounts available.
name string The name of the company.
nationalID string The company registration number at Companies Registration Office.
productCode string The Company Watch product database code.
quoted boolean Indicator if this company is listed on a stock exchange.
relevanceScore double The relevance score of this item based on how well it matches the search query.
sales double The company’s latest sales value.
ticker string The company’s primary stock ticker symbol. Deprecated, the value of this field is now always null and it will be removed in the future.
totalAssets double The company’s latest total assets value.

Company Information

Returns details about the company including Companies Registration Office filing information and indicators highlighting potential issues.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/info

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": {
        "administrationOrder": false,
        "businessDescription": "Development of conventional & unconventional oil & gas assets in Europe & North Africa from exploration to monetisation",
        "companyType": {
            "code": "I54",
            "description": "PLC - PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY"
        "distressStatus": {
            "code": "D",
            "description": "Financial distress"
        "distressType": {
            "code": "LIQCVL",
            "description": "Creditors' Voluntary Liquidation"
        "inAdministration": false,
        "inLiquidation": false,
        "inReceivership": false,
        "incorporationDate": "1995-09-04",
        "industry": {
            "code": "7487",
            "description": "Other Business Activities"
        "isAnnualReturnsOverdue": null,
        "isDistressed": false,
        "isDormant": false,
        "isFinancialSector": false,
        "isLateFiling": false,
        "isLimitedLiabilityPartnership": null,
        "isOverseasCompany": false,
        "isParent": true,
        "isSubsidiary": false,
        "isoCurrency": "EUR",
        "issueDate": "2019-11-04",
        "issuedCapital": {
            "amount": 154579369,
            "currency": "EUR"
        "latestAccountsDateAtCRO": "2017-12-31",
        "latestAccountsFilingDateAtCRO": "2018-10-28",
        "latestAccountsType": {
            "code": "4",
            "description": "Group"
        "latestAnnualReturnsDateAtCRO": "2018-09-30",
        "latestPeriodEndDate": "2017-12-31",
        "moratorium": false,
        "nextAccountsDueDateAtCRO": null,
        "nextAnnualReturnsDueDate": null,
        "quoted": true,
        "quotedStatus": "Publicly Quoted",
        "registeredOffice": {
            "line1": "2 Shelbourne Buildings",
            "line2": "Crampton Avenue",
            "line3": null,
            "line4": "Dublin 4",
            "phoneNumber": null,
            "postcode": "D04 W3V6"
        "registrationNumber": "237825",
        "status": {
            "code": "L",
            "description": "Live"
        "voluntaryArrangement": false,
        "webUrl": ""

Response Fields

Field Type Description
administrationOrder boolean Company has an administration order.
businessDescription string Description about the company.
companyName string The registered company name.
companyType object The type of the company.
code - company type lookup code
description - description of the company type
distressStatus object The distress status of the company.
code - distress status lookup code
description - description of the distress status
distressType object The distress type of the company.
code - distress type lookup code
description - description of the distress type
inAdministration boolean Company is in administration.
incorporationDate date Date of incorporation.
industry object The reported primary industry classification (NACE).
code - 4-digit industry lookup code
description - description of the industry
inLiquidation boolean Company is in liquidation.
inReceivership boolean Company is in receivership.
isAnnualReturnsOverdue boolean Latest Annual Returns is overdue at Companies Registration Office.
isDistressed boolean Company is in financial distress.
isDormant boolean Company is dormant
isFinancialSector boolean Company classified as being in the financial sector. Company Watch scores and related measures are not available for such companies.
isLateFiling boolean Latest set of accounts is overdue at Companies Registration Office.
isLimitedLiabilityPartnership boolean Company is a Limited Liability Partnership (LLP)
isoCurrency string The reporting currency of the company’s accounts.
isOverseasCompany boolean Company is an overseas / foreign company.
isParent boolean Company is a parent of one or more subsidiaries.
isSubsidiary boolean Indicator if this company is a subsidiary of another company.
issueDate date Date accounts was last updated.
issuedCapital object Issued capital as stated in the latest Annual Return.
latestAccountsDateAtCRO date Period end date of the latest available accounts information at Companies Registration Office.
latestAccountsFilingDateAtCRO date Date of when the latest set accounts at Companies Registration Office was filed.
latestAccountsType object Filing type of the latest set of accounts.
code - accounts type lookup code
description - description of the accounts type
latestAnnualReturnsDateAtCRO date Date of latest available Annual Returns information at Companies Registration Office.
latestPeriodEndDate date Period end date of the latest set of accounts available at Company Watch.
moratorium boolean Company is in moratorium.
nextAccountsDueDateAtCRO date Due date of the next set of accounts to be filed at Companies Registration Office.
nextAnnualReturnsDueDate date Due date of the next Annual Returns to be filed at Companies Registration Office.
quoted boolean Indicator if this company is listed on a stock exchange.
quotedStatus string Description of the company quoted type.
registeredOffice object Registered office address.
line1 - Address line 1
line2 - Address line 2
line3 - Address line 3
line4 - Address line 4
phoneNumber - Telephone number at address
postcode - Postcode
registrationNumber string The company registration number at Companies Registration Office.
status object Company status
code - company status lookup code
description - description of the company status
voluntaryArrangement boolean Indicator if this company is undergoing a voluntary arrangement.
webUrl string Company’s web address.

Analysis: Scores

Returns the list of Company Watch scores for the company, including the H-Score and factors contributing to the financial health assessment of the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/scores

Scores available

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "assetManagementKeyFactor": 71,
            "currentAssetCoverFactor": 78,
            "currentFundingFactor": 90,
            "debtDependencyFactor": 88,
            "estimatedSales": 18335057,
            "equityBaseFactor": 100,
            "fundingManagementKeyFactor": 97,
            "hScore": 11,
            "hScoreExcludingSizeFactor": 12,
            "industryAverage": null,
            "inventoryAndReceivablesFactor": 41,
            "liquidityFactor": 85,
            "probabilityOfDistress1Year": 9.700,
            "probabilityOfDistress3Years": 22.800,
            "profitManagementFactor": 0,
            "profitManagementKeyFactor": 0,
            "riskRating": 9,
            "scoreDate": "2017-12-31"
            "assetManagementKeyFactor": 83,
            "currentAssetCoverFactor": 67,
            "currentFundingFactor": 68,
            "debtDependencyFactor": 88,
            "estimatedSales": 18296886,
            "equityBaseFactor": 99,
            "fundingManagementKeyFactor": 90,
            "hScore": 72,
            "hScoreExcludingSizeFactor": 74,
            "industryAverage": null,
            "inventoryAndReceivablesFactor": 52,
            "liquidityFactor": 100,
            "probabilityOfDistress1Year": 0.096,
            "probabilityOfDistress3Years": 1.200,
            "profitManagementFactor": 25,
            "profitManagementKeyFactor": 25,
            "riskRating": 3,
            "scoreDate": "2016-12-31"

Scores unavailable

    "id": "ba615f2e-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "missingScoreReason": {
                "code": -999,
                "description": "No scores available"
            "scoreDate": "2018-09-30"
            "missingScoreReason": {
                "code": -999,
                "description": "No scores available"
            "scoreDate": "2017-09-30"

Response Fields

When a set of scores is available,

Field Type Description
assetManagementKeyFactor integer The Asset Management summary score.
currentAssetCoverFactor integer The Current Asset Cover factor.
currentFundingFactor integer The Current Funding factor.
debtDependencyFactor integer The Debt Dependency factor.
estimatedSales double The Estimated Sales. Only applicable to companies that are classified as Small or Micro. Note that this calculated Sales figure is estimated and could differ significantly from the actual sales figure - this is only meant to be a guide.
equityBaseFactor integer The Equity Base factor.
fundingManagementKeyFactor integer The Funding Management summary score.
hScore integer The value of the H-Score
hScoreExcludingSizeFactor integer The value of the H-Score excluding analysis of the company’s size.
industryAverage integer The average H-Score of companies in the same Industry category and within the same Total assets band. Assets bands are (i) 0 to 1 million (ii) 1 million to 5 million (iii) over 5 million.
inventoryAndReceivablesFactor integer The Inventory and Receivables factor.
liquidityFactor integer The Liquidity factor.
probabilityOfDistress1Year double Probability of Distress within the next 12 months.
probabilityOfDistress3Years double Probability of Distress within the next 3 years.
profitManagementFactor integer The Profit Management factor.
profitManagementKeyFactor integer The Profit Management summary score.
riskRating integer The Risk Rating value. Value ranges from 1 (lowest risk) to 10 (highest risk).
scoreDate date The date of this set of scores. Match against periodEndDate from /accounts.

The scores are ordered according to scoreDate, from the most recent to the least recent.

When a set of scores is unavailable,

Field Type Description
missingScoreReason object Lookup object describing why the set of scores was not given.
scoreDate date The date of the unscorable set of accounts. Match against periodEndDate from /accounts.

Analysis: Credit Limit

Credit limit available

    "id": "00073535-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": {
        "currency": "EUR",
        "currentCreditLimit": 15000,
        "rateToEUR": 1,
        "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
        "rateToUSD": 1.128668

Credit limit unavailable

    "id": "0004b434-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": {
        "missingCreditLimitReason": "Accounts out of date - enquiry advised"

Returns the current Company Watch credit limit calculated for the company or a reason for the lack of a credit limit if one is not given.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/credit_limits

Response Fields

When the credit limit is available,

Field Type Description
currency string Currency of the credit limit.
currentCreditLimit double Latest credit limit value.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).

When the credit limit is unavailable,

Field Type Description
missingCreditLimitReason string Description of why a credit limit was not given.

Analysis: Contract Limit

Contract limit available

  "id": "00073535-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
  "response": {
    "currency": "EUR",
    "currentContractLimit": 200000000,
    "rateToEUR": 1,
    "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
    "rateToUSD": 1.128668

Contract limit unavailable

    "id": "00073535-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": {
        "missingContractLimitReason": "No valid contract limit - more detailed enquiry advised"

Returns the current Company Watch contract limit calculated for the company or a reason for the lack of a contract limit if one is not given.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/contract_limits

Response Fields

When the contract limit is available,

Field Type Description
currency string Currency of the contract limit.
currentContractLimit double Latest contract limit value.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).

When the contract limit is unavailable,

Field Type Description
missingContractLimitReason string Description of why a contract limit was not given.

Financials: Summary

Returns a list of summary financials including the latest interim / quarterly period (if applicable).

The summary financials can be associated to other endpoints by matching on periodEndDate, and is applicable to the following endpoints:


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/accounts

    "id": "001a3932-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "accrualsAndDeferredIncome": 1932000,
            "amortisationAndImpairmentOfIntangibles": 0,
            "assetsLessCurrentLiabilities": 0,
            "capitalEmployed": 0,
            "cashAndEquivalents": 57000,
            "costOfSales": 0,
            "dividends": 0,
            "exceptionalItems": 0,
            "financingActivities": 0,
            "grossProfit": 0,
            "groupBalancesPayable": 22000,
            "groupBalancesReceivable": 0,
            "intangibleAssets": 0,
            "interestAndOtherIncome": 0,
            "interestPaid": 0,
            "investingActivities": 0,
            "isAbbreviated": true,
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "isInterim": false,
            "isPrelim": false,
            "longTermDebt": 0,
            "longTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
            "longTermProvisionsAndOther": 0,
            "minorityInterest": 0,
            "monthsInPeriod": 17,
            "netChangeInCash": 0,
            "netWorth": 0,
            "numberOfEmployees": 2,
            "operatingActivities": 0,
            "operatingProfit": 0,
            "otherCashflow": null,
            "otherFixedAssets": 0,
            "otherOperatingCosts": 0,
            "otherPayables": 0,
            "otherPostTax": 0,
            "otherReceivables": 0,
            "periodEndDate": "2018-09-12",
            "profitAfterTax": 0,
            "profitBeforeTax": 0,
            "quotedStatus": false,
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "retainedEarningsMovement": null,
            "retainedEarningsShareholdersEquity": 0,
            "retainedProfit": 0,
            "sales": 0,
            "shareholdersFunds": 0,
            "shortTermDebt": 60000,
            "stockAndWorkInProgress": 0,
            "tangibleFixedAssets": 0,
            "tax": 0,
            "totalAssets": 2014000,
            "totalCurrentAssets": 2014000,
            "totalCurrentLiabilities": 2014000,
            "totalFixedAssets": 0,
            "totalLongTermLiabilities": 0,
            "tradePayables": 0,
            "tradeReceivables": 1957000,
            "workingCapital": 0

Response Fields

Field Category Type Description
accrualsAndDeferredIncome Balance Sheet double Accruals and deferred income
amortisationAndImpairmentOfIntangibles Additional Items double Amortisation and impairment of intangibles
assetsLessCurrentLiabilities Balance Sheet double Assets less current liabilities.
capitalEmployed Balance Sheet double Capital employed.
cashAndEquivalents Balance Sheet double Cash and equivalents.
costOfSales Income Statement double Cost of sales
dividends Income Statement double Dividends
exceptionalItems Income Statement double Exceptional / Special items excluded from Operating profit.
financingActivities Cash Flow double Financing activities.
grossProfit Income Statement double Gross profit.
groupBalancesPayable Balance Sheet double Group balances - payable.
groupBalancesReceivable Balance Sheet double Group balances - receivable.
intangibleAssets Balance Sheet double Intangible assets.
interestAndOtherIncome Income Statement double Interest income and other.
interestPaid Income Statement double Interest paid / expense.
investingActivities Cash Flow double Investing activities.
isAbbreviated Period Info boolean true if profit and loss information is not provided in the Income Statement.
isConsolidated Period Info boolean Consolidated accounts.
isInterim Period Info boolean Year-end accounts or an interim / quarterly.
isPrelim Period Info boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
longTermDebt Balance Sheet double Long term debt. Debt due greater than 1 year.
longTermGroupBalancesPayable Balance Sheet double Long term group balances payable.
longTermProvisionsAndOther Balance Sheet double Long term provisions and other.
minorityInterest Balance Sheet double Minority interest.
monthsInPeriod Period Info integer Number of months in the period.
netChangeInCash Cash Flow double Net change in cash.
netWorth Balance Sheet double Net worth.
numberOfEmployees Period Info integer Average number of employees employed during the period.
operatingActivities Cash Flow double Operating activities
operatingProfit Income Statement double Operating profit
otherCashflow Cash Flow double Other cash flow
otherFixedAssets Balance Sheet double Other fixed assets.
otherOperatingCosts Income Statement double Other operating costs.
otherPayables Balance Sheet double Other payables.
otherPostTax Income Statement double Other post-tax items.
otherReceivables Balance Sheet double Other receivables.
periodEndDate Period Info date Date of the accounts.
profitAfterTax Income Statement double Profit after tax.
profitBeforeTax Income Statement double Profit before tax.
quotedStatus Period Info boolean Listed on a stock exchange.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency Period Info string The currency of the financial items.
retainedEarningsMovement Additional Items double Movement in Retained earnings. Relevant to Abbreviated accounts only
retainedEarningsShareholdersEquity Additional Items double Retained earnings / Profit and loss account reserves. Relevant to Abbreviated accounts only
retainedProfit Income Statement double Retained profit.
sales Income Statement double Sales.
shareholdersFunds Balance Sheet double Shareholders’ funds
shortTermDebt Balance Sheet double Short term debt. Debt due within 1 year.
stockAndWorkInProgress Balance Sheet double Stock and Work in progress.
tangibleFixedAssets Balance Sheet double Tangible fixed assets.
tax Income Statement double Tax.
totalAssets Balance Sheet double Total assets.
totalCurrentAssets Balance Sheet double Current assets.
totalCurrentLiabilities Balance Sheet double Current liabilities.
totalFixedAssets Balance Sheet double Total fixed assets.
totalLongTermLiabilities Balance Sheet double Total long term liabilities.
tradePayables Balance Sheet double Accounts payable - trade
tradeReceivables Balance Sheet double Accounts receivable - trade
workingCapital Balance Sheet double Working capital.

The summary account periods are ordered according to periodEndDate, from the most recent to the least recent.

Financials: Ratios

Returns a list of financial ratios.

Financial ratios can be matched against the Summary Financials (/accounts) by periodEndDate


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/financial_ratios

    "id": "001a3932-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "acidTestRatio": 1,
            "currentRatio": 1,
            "dividendCover": null,
            "employeeCostsPerHead": null,
            "gearing": null,
            "interestCover": null,
            "inventoryDays": null,
            "leverage": null,
            "operatingMargin": null,
            "otherPayablesDays": null,
            "otherReceivablesDays": null,
            "periodEndDate": "2018-09-12",
            "preTaxMargin": null,
            "profitBeforeTaxPerHead": null,
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "returnOnAssets": null,
            "returnOnCapitalEmployed": null,
            "returnOnNetWorth": null,
            "salesPerHead": null,
            "salesToNetWorth": null,
            "salesToTangibleFixedAssets": null,
            "tangibleDebtGearing": null,
            "taxRate": null,
            "tradePayablesCostOfSalesDays": null,
            "tradePayablesDays": null,
            "tradeReceivablesDays": null

Response Fields

Field Type Description
acidTestRatio double Acid test ratio.
currentRatio double Current ratio. Ratio of Current assets to Current liabilities.
dividendCover double Dividend cover ratio.
employeeCostsPerHead double Employee costs per head.
gearing double Gearing ratio.
interestCover double Interest cover ratio.
inventoryDays double Inventory days.
leverage double Leverage ratio.
operatingMargin double Operating margin ratio.
otherPayablesDays double Other payables days.
otherReceivablesDays double Other receivables days.
periodEndDate date Date of the related set of accounts.
preTaxMargin double Pre-tax margin ratio.
profitBeforeTaxPerHead double Profit before tax per head.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string The currency of salesPerHead, profitBeforeTaxPerHead, and employeeCostsPerHead.
returnOnAssets double Return on assets ratio.
returnOnCapitalEmployed double Return on capital employed ratio.
returnOnNetWorth double Return on net worth ratio.
salesPerHead double Sales per head.
salesToNetWorth double Ratio of Sales to Net worth.
salesToTangibleFixedAssets double Ratio of Sales to Tangible fixed assets.
tangibleDebtGearing double Tangible debt gearing ratio.
taxRate double Tax rate ratio.
tradePayablesCostOfSalesDays double Trade payables to Cost of sales days.
tradePayablesDays double Trade payables days.
tradeReceivableDays double Trade receivables days.

The financial ratios are ordered according to periodEndDate, from the most recent to the least recent.

Annuals: Profit & Loss Statement

Returns a list of year-end Profit and Loss statements.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/accounts_detail_income_statement

    "id": "ff870c34-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "amortisationOfIntangibles": 0,
            "auditorsRemunerationAudit": 0,
            "auditorsRemunerationNonAudit": 0,
            "costOfSales": 0,
            "depreciation": -3000,
            "directorsRemuneration": 0,
            "dividends": 0,
            "ebitda": null,
            "employeeCosts": 0,
            "exceptionalItems": 0,
            "grossProfit": 0,
            "highestPaidDirectorRemuneration": 0,
            "ifrsUsed": null,
            "interestAndOtherIncome": 0,
            "interestPaid": 0,
            "interestReceived": 0,
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "isPrelim": false,
            "monthsInPeriod": 12,
            "numberOfEmployees": null,
            "operatingProfit": 0,
            "otherOperatingCosts": 0,
            "otherPostTax": 0,
            "periodEndDate": "2019-01-31",
            "profitAfterTax": 0,
            "profitBeforeTax": 0,
            "profitLossOnDisposal": 0,
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "retainedProfit": 0,
            "sales": 0,
            "salesIe": 0,
            "salesNonIe": 0,
            "salesOther": 0,
            "tax": 0,
            "totalOperatingLeaseRentals": 0
            "amortisationOfIntangibles": 0,
            "auditorsRemunerationAudit": 0,
            "auditorsRemunerationNonAudit": 0,
            "costOfSales": 0,
            "depreciation": 0,
            "directorsRemuneration": 0,
            "dividends": 0,
            "ebitda": null,
            "employeeCosts": 0,
            "exceptionalItems": 0,
            "grossProfit": 0,
            "highestPaidDirectorRemuneration": 0,
            "ifrsUsed": null,
            "interestAndOtherIncome": 0,
            "interestPaid": 0,
            "interestReceived": 0,
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "isPrelim": false,
            "monthsInPeriod": 12,
            "numberOfEmployees": null,
            "operatingProfit": 0,
            "otherOperatingCosts": 0,
            "otherPostTax": 0,
            "periodEndDate": "2018-01-31",
            "profitAfterTax": 0,
            "profitBeforeTax": 0,
            "profitLossOnDisposal": 0,
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "retainedProfit": 0,
            "sales": 0,
            "salesIe": 0,
            "salesNonIe": 0,
            "salesOther": 0,
            "tax": 0,
            "totalOperatingLeaseRentals": 0

Response Fields

Field Type Description
amortisationOfIntangibles double Amortisation of intangibles. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.
auditorsRemunerationAudit double Auditors’ remuneration - audit.
auditorsRemunerationNonAudit double Auditors’ remuneration - non-audit.
costOfSales double Cost of sales.
depreciation double Depreciation. Memo item - Included in Operating profit.
directorsRemuneration double Directors remuneration. Memo item.
dividends double Dividends.
ebitda double EBITDA
The EBITDA displayed may not agree with the amount published in the annual report as this is calculated using standard formulae.
Formula: PBT + Interest paid + Depreciation + Amortisation of intangibles - Interest & other income - Exceptional items
employeeCosts double Employee costs.
exceptionalItems double Exceptional / Special items excluded from Operating profit.
grossProfit double Gross profit.
highestPaidDirectorRemuneration double Highest paid director remuneration. Memo item.
ifrsUsed boolean Indicator if accounts was filed using IFRS.
interestAndOtherIncome double Interest and other income.
interestPaid double Interest paid.
interestReceived double Interest received.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts.
isPrelim boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
numberOfEmployees integer Average number of employees employed during the period.
operatingProfit double Operating profit.
otherOperatingCosts double Other operating costs.
otherPostTax double Other post-tax profit.
periodEndDate date Date of the year-end accounts.
profitLossOnDisposal double Profit/Loss on disposal.
profitAfterTax double Profit after tax.
profitBeforeTax double Profit before tax.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of the financial items.
retainedProfit double Retained profit.
sales double Sales.
salesNonIe double Non-Irish sales.
salesOther double Other sales.
salesIe double Irish sales
tax double Tax.
totalOperatingLeaseRentals double Total operating lease rentals.

The statements are ordered according to periodEndDate, from the most recent to the least recent.

Annuals: Balance Sheet

Returns a list of year-end Balance sheets.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/accounts_detail_balance_sheet

    "id": "ff870c34-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "accountsStatus": {
                "code": "@",
                "description": "Analyzed accounts"
            "accrualsAndDeferredIncome": 0,
            "assetsLessCurrentLiabilities": -58000,
            "auditQualificationLevel": "X",
            "auditReport": "No Audit",
            "capitalEmployed": -58000,
            "cashAndEquivalent": 19000,
            "contingentLiabilities": null,
            "corporationTax": 1000,
            "dividends": 0,
            "fixturesAndFittings": 0,
            "groupBalancesReceivable": 0,
            "ifrsUsed": null,
            "intangibleFixedAssets": 0,
            "investmentAndOther": 0,
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "isPrelim": false,
            "issuedShareCapital": 0,
            "landAndBuildings": 0,
            "longTermAccrualsAndDeferredIncome": 0,
            "longTermDebt": 0,
            "longTermDeferredTax": 0,
            "longTermDirectorsLoanAccount": 0,
            "longTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
            "longTermHpAndLeaseFinance": 0,
            "longTermOtherProvisions": 0,
            "longTermPension": 0,
            "longTermProvisionsAndOther": 0,
            "minorityInterest": 0,
            "monthsInPeriod": 12,
            "netWorth": -58000,
            "otherFixedAssets": 0,
            "otherPayables": 79000,
            "otherReceivables": 0,
            "otherReserves": 0,
            "periodEndDate": "2019-01-31",
            "plantAndVehicles": 0,
            "postBalanceSheetEvent": null,
            "profitAndLossAccount": -58000,
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "revaluationReserves": 0,
            "sharePremiumAccount": 0,
            "shareholdersFunds": -58000,
            "shortTermDebt": 10000,
            "shortTermDirectorsLoanAccount": 78000,
            "shortTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
            "shortTermHpAndLeaseFinance": 0,
            "socialSecurityAndVat": 0,
            "stockAndWorkInProgress": 4000,
            "tangibleFixedAssets": 11000,
            "totalAssets": 390000,
            "totalCurrentAssets": 28000,
            "totalCurrentLiabilities": 97000,
            "totalFixedAssets": 11000,
            "totalLongTermLiabilities": 0,
            "tradePayables": 8000,
            "tradeReceivables": 5000,
            "unallocatedFixedAssets": 11000,
            "unallocatedLongTermDebt": 0,
            "unallocatedLongTermProvisions": 0,
            "unallocatedOtherPayables": 0,
            "unallocatedOtherReceivables": 0,
            "unallocatedShareholdersFunds": 0,
            "unallocatedShortTermDebt": 10000,
            "unallocatedStockAndWorkInProgress": 4000,
            "workInProgress": 0,
            "workingCapital": -69000
            "accountsStatus": {
                "code": "@",
                "description": "Analyzed accounts"
            "accrualsAndDeferredIncome": 1000,
            "assetsLessCurrentLiabilities": -74000,
            "auditQualificationLevel": "X",
            "auditReport": "No Audit",
            "capitalEmployed": -74000,
            "cashAndEquivalent": 21000,
            "contingentLiabilities": null,
            "corporationTax": 1000,
            "dividends": 0,
            "fixturesAndFittings": 0,
            "groupBalancesReceivable": 0,
            "ifrsUsed": null,
            "intangibleFixedAssets": 0,
            "investmentAndOther": 0,
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "isPrelim": false,
            "issuedShareCapital": 0,
            "landAndBuildings": 0,
            "longTermAccrualsAndDeferredIncome": 0,
            "longTermDebt": 0,
            "longTermDeferredTax": 0,
            "longTermDirectorsLoanAccount": 0,
            "longTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
            "longTermHpAndLeaseFinance": 0,
            "longTermOtherProvisions": 0,
            "longTermPension": 0,
            "longTermProvisionsAndOther": 0,
            "minorityInterest": 0,
            "monthsInPeriod": 12,
            "netWorth": -74000,
            "otherFixedAssets": 0,
            "otherPayables": 87000,
            "otherReceivables": 0,
            "otherReserves": 0,
            "periodEndDate": "2018-01-31",
            "plantAndVehicles": 0,
            "postBalanceSheetEvent": null,
            "profitAndLossAccount": -74000,
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "revaluationReserves": 0,
            "sharePremiumAccount": 0,
            "shareholdersFunds": -74000,
            "shortTermDebt": 0,
            "shortTermDirectorsLoanAccount": 86000,
            "shortTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
            "shortTermHpAndLeaseFinance": 0,
            "socialSecurityAndVat": 0,
            "stockAndWorkInProgress": 4000,
            "tangibleFixedAssets": 0,
            "totalAssets": 186000,
            "totalCurrentAssets": 25000,
            "totalCurrentLiabilities": 99000,
            "totalFixedAssets": 0,
            "totalLongTermLiabilities": 0,
            "tradePayables": 11000,
            "tradeReceivables": 0,
            "unallocatedFixedAssets": 0,
            "unallocatedLongTermDebt": 0,
            "unallocatedLongTermProvisions": 0,
            "unallocatedOtherPayables": 0,
            "unallocatedOtherReceivables": 0,
            "unallocatedShareholdersFunds": 0,
            "unallocatedShortTermDebt": 0,
            "unallocatedStockAndWorkInProgress": 4000,
            "workInProgress": 0,
            "workingCapital": -74000

Response Fields

Field Type Description
accountsStatus object The status/type of the analyzed accounts reported by the analysts.
accrualsAndDeferredIncome double Accruals and deferred income.
assetsLessCurrentLiabilities double Assets less Current liabilities.
auditQualificationLevel string Audit qualification level.
auditReport string Audit report.
capitalEmployed double Capital employed
cashAndEquivalent double Cash and equivalent.
contingentLiabilities string Y indicates Contingent liabilities.
N or null otherwise.
corporationTax double Corporation tax.
dividends double Dividends.
fixturesAndFittings double Fixtures and fittings.
groupBalancesReceivable double Group balances - receivable.
ifrsUsed boolean Indicator if accounts were filed using IFRS.
intangibleFixedAssets double Intangible fixed assets.
investmentAndOther double Investment and other current assets.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts.
isPrelim boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
issuedShareCapital double Issued share capital.
landAndBuildings double Land and buildings.
longTermAccrualsAndDeferredIncome double Accruals and deferred income - long term.
longTermDebt double Long term debt. Debt due greater than 1 year.
longTermDeferredTax double Deferred tax - long term.
longTermDirectorsLoanAccount double Directors loan accounts - long term.
longTermGroupBalancesPayable double Long term group balances payable.
longTermHpAndLeaseFinance double HP and lease finance included in Long term debt.
longTermOtherProvisions double Other / unallocated long term provisions.
longTermPension double Pensions and other retirement benefit obligations.
longTermProvisionsAndOther double Provisions and other creditors - long term.
minorityInterest double Minority interest.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
netWorth double Net worth.
otherFixedAssets double Other fixed assets.
otherPayables double Other payables.
otherReceivables double Other receivables.
otherReserves double Other reserves.
periodEndDate date Date of the year-end accounts.
plantAndVehicles double Plant and vehicles.
postBalanceSheetEvent string Y if there was a Post-balance sheet event.
N or null otherwise.
profitAndLossAccount double Profit and loss account.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of the financial items.
revaluationReserves double Revaluation reserves.
shareholdersFunds double Shareholders’ funds.
sharePremiumAccount double Share premium account.
shortTermDebt double Short term debt. Debt due within 1 year.
shortTermDirectorsLoanAccount double Directors loan account - short term.
shortTermGroupBalancesPayable double Short term group balances payable.
shortTermHpAndLeaseFinance double HP and lease finance included in Short term debt.
socialSecurityAndVat double Social security and VAT.
stockAndWorkInProgress double Stock and Work in progress.
tangibleFixedAssets double Tangible fixed assets.
totalAssets double Total assets.
totalCurrentAssets double Current assets.
totalCurrentLiabilities double Current liabilities.
totalFixedAssets double Fixed assets.
totalLongTermLiabilities double Long term liabilities.
tradePayables double Trade payables.
tradeReceivables double Trade receivables.
unallocatedFixedAssets double Tangible fixed assets - other / unallocated.
unallocatedLongTermDebt double Long term debt - other / unallocated.
unallocatedLongTermProvisions double Long term provisions - other / unallocated.
unallocatedOtherPayables double Payables - other / unallocated.
unallocatedOtherReceivables double Receivables - other / unallocated.
unallocatedShareholdersFunds double Shareholders’ funds - other / unallocated.
unallocatedShortTermDebt double Short term debt - other / unallocated.
unallocatedStockAndWorkInProgress double Stock and work in progress - other / unallocated.
workingCapital double Working capital.
workInProgress double Work in progress included in stock.

The sheets are ordered according to periodEndDate, from the most recent to the least recent.

Annuals: Cash Flow Statement

Returns a list of year-end Cash Flow statements.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/accounts_detail_cash_flow

    "id": "ff870c34-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "acquisitionsAndDisposals": 0,
            "adjustment": 0,
            "capitalExpenditureAndFinancialInvestment": 0,
            "equityDividendsPaid": 0,
            "financing": 0,
            "freeCashFlow": 0,
            "ifrsUsed": null,
            "investingActivities": 0,
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "isPrelim": false,
            "managementOfLiquidResources": 0,
            "monthsInPeriod": 12,
            "netIncreaseInCashAndEquivalent": 0,
            "operatingCashFlow": 0,
            "periodEndDate": "2019-01-31",
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "returnOnInvestment": 0,
            "taxation": 0
            "acquisitionsAndDisposals": 0,
            "adjustment": 0,
            "capitalExpenditureAndFinancialInvestment": 0,
            "equityDividendsPaid": 0,
            "financing": 0,
            "freeCashFlow": 0,
            "ifrsUsed": null,
            "investingActivities": 0,
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "isPrelim": false,
            "managementOfLiquidResources": 0,
            "monthsInPeriod": 12,
            "netIncreaseInCashAndEquivalent": 0,
            "operatingCashFlow": 0,
            "periodEndDate": "2018-01-31",
            "rateToEUR": 1,
            "rateToGBP": 0.749436,
            "rateToUSD": 1.128668,
            "reportingCurrency": "EUR",
            "returnOnInvestment": 0,
            "taxation": 0

Response Fields

Field Type Description
acquisitionsAndDisposals double Acquisitions and disposals.
adjustment double Adjustments.
capitalExpenditureAndFinancialInvestment double Capital expenditure and financial investment.
equityDividendsPaid double Equity dividends paid.
financing double Financing.
freeCashFlow double Free cash flow.
ifrsUsed boolean Indicator if accounts were filed using IFRS.
investingActivities double Investing activities.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts.
isPrelim boolean Data from preliminary accounts or reported accounts.
managementOfLiquidResources double Management of liquid resources.
monthsInPeriod integer Number of months in period.
netIncreaseInCash double Net increase in cash and cash equivalent.
operatingCashFlow double Operating cash flow.
periodEndDate date Date of the year-end accounts.
rateToEUR double Exchange rate to Euro (EUR).
rateToGBP double Exchange rate to British Pound (GBP).
rateToUSD double Exchange rate to US Dollar (USD).
reportingCurrency string Currency of financial items.
returnOnInvestment double Return on investment.
taxation double Taxation.

The statements are ordered according to periodEndDate, from the most recent to the least recent.

Directors: Current

Returns a list of directors currently appointed by the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/current_directors

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 3
    "response": [
            "address": "Forenaughts House, Forenaughts Little, Naas, Co. Kildare",
            "appointmentDate": "1995-09-16",
            "directorName": "Oisin Fanning",
            "directorNumber": "700141569",
            "dateOfBirth": "1958-04-01",
            "entityType": "Person",
            "isServiceAddress": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "88",
                "description": "DIRECTOR"
            "resignationDate": null
            "address": "Clonard Old, Clonard, Enfield, Co. Meath",
            "appointmentDate": "2019-01-17",
            "directorName": "Alan Campbell",
            "directorNumber": "701942151",
            "dateOfBirth": "1973-05-01",
            "entityType": "Person",
            "isServiceAddress": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "92",
                "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
            "resignationDate": null
            "address": "Clonard Old, Clonard, Enfield, Co. Meath",
            "appointmentDate": "2016-09-21",
            "directorName": "Alan Campbell",
            "directorNumber": "701949360",
            "dateOfBirth": "1973-05-01",
            "entityType": "Person",
            "isServiceAddress": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "88",
                "description": "DIRECTOR"
            "resignationDate": null

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
address string The director’s address as filed at Companies Registration Office.
appointmentDate date Date director was appointed to this position.
directorName string The name of the director.
directorNumber string The director identifier.
dateOfBirth date Date of birth of the director. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
entityType string Indicates if the director is a Person or Company.
isServiceAddress boolean Indicates if the address is a company’s service address.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
code - job title lookup code
description - job title description
position object Director’s appointed position.
code - director position lookup code
description - description of the position
resignationDate date Not applicable in this context.

Directors: Previous

Returns a list of directors previously appointed by the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/previous_directors

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 18
    "response": [
            "address": "219 Upper Rathmines Road, Dublin 6",
            "appointmentDate": "1995-09-05",
            "directorName": "Barry Kenny",
            "directorNumber": "700155344",
            "dateOfBirth": "1958-10-01",
            "entityType": "Person",
            "isServiceAddress": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "88",
                "description": "DIRECTOR"
            "resignationDate": "2007-11-23"
            "address": "219 Upper Rathmines Road, Dublin 6",
            "appointmentDate": "1995-09-05",
            "directorName": "Barry Kenny",
            "directorNumber": "700155344",
            "dateOfBirth": "1958-10-01",
            "entityType": "Person",
            "isServiceAddress": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "92",
                "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
            "resignationDate": "2007-04-27"
            "address": "\"brackendale\", The Green ,croxley Green, Hertfordshire, England Wd 33ja",
            "appointmentDate": "2007-04-27",
            "directorName": "Raymond King",
            "directorNumber": "700179962",
            "dateOfBirth": "1942-07-01",
            "entityType": "Person",
            "isServiceAddress": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "88",
                "description": "DIRECTOR"
            "resignationDate": "2018-09-28"
            "address": "\"brackendale\", The Green ,croxley Green, Hertfordshire, England Wd 33ja",
            "appointmentDate": "2007-04-27",
            "directorName": "Raymond King",
            "directorNumber": "700179962",
            "dateOfBirth": "1942-07-01",
            "entityType": "Person",
            "isServiceAddress": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "92",
                "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
            "resignationDate": "2019-01-17"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
address string The director’s address as filed at Companies Registration Office.
appointmentDate date Date director was appointed to this position.
directorName string The name of the director.
directorNumber string The director identifier.
dateOfBirth date Date of birth of the director. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
entityType string Indicates if the director is a Person or Company.
isServiceAddress boolean Indicates if the address is a company’s service address.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
code - job title lookup code
description - job title description
position object Director’s previous appointed position.
code - director position lookup code
description - description of the position
resignationDate date Date director resigned from this position.


Returns a list of shareholders and details of the shareholdings as recorded in the company’s Annual Return.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/shareholders

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 1
    "response": [
            "aggregateValue": 154579368.813,
            "currency": "EUR",
            "directorNumber": null,
            "fullName": "UNDISCLOSED",
            "issueOrder": 1,
            "numberOfShares": 500256857,
            "percentageOfShareClass": 100.0,
            "percentageOfTotal": 100.0,
            "recorded": "2018-09-30",
            "shareClass": "ORDINARY",
            "shareholderType": {
                "code": "5",
                "description": "Other"
            "shareholding": "500,256,857 ORDINARY EUR .309000"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
aggregateValue double The aggregated value of the number of shares multiplied by its nominal value.
currency string The currency of this shareholding.
directorNumber string If available, indicates a possible link to an Irish Director.
fullName string The name of the shareholder.
issueOrder integer The issue of order of shareholders. Deprecated, it will be removed in the future.
numberOfShares integer The number of shares held.
percentageOfShareClass double Proportion of this shareholding in the share class issued.
percentageOfTotal double Proportion of this shareholding against the total of all issued.
recorded date The date when this shareholding details was recorded.
shareClass string The share class.
shareholderType object The shareholding type.
code - shareholder type lookup code
description - description of the shareholder type
shareholding string Text description of the shareholding.

Court Judgments

Returns a list of court judgments registered against the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/court_judgments

    "id": "bd70812e-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 4
    "response": {
        "judgments": [
                "amount": 15087.0,
                "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN 6",
                "court": "UNKNOWN 6",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "datePaid": null,
                "dateRegistered": "2017-09-29",
                "isSatisfied": false
                "amount": 15087.0,
                "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN 5",
                "court": "UNKNOWN 5",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "datePaid": null,
                "dateRegistered": "2016-11-11",
                "isSatisfied": false
                "amount": 14889.0,
                "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN 3",
                "court": "UNKNOWN 3",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "datePaid": null,
                "dateRegistered": "2014-10-30",
                "isSatisfied": false
                "amount": 15087.0,
                "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN 4",
                "court": "UNKNOWN 4",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "datePaid": null,
                "dateRegistered": "2016-02-29",
                "isSatisfied": false
        "numberSatisfied": 0,
        "numberUnsatisfied": 4

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
judgments array The list of court judgments over the last 72 months.
numberSatisfied integer The number of court judgments that are marked as Satisfied in the last 72 months.
numberUnsatisfied integer The number of court judgements that are marked as Unsatisfied in the last 72 months.

A judgment object is defined as:

Field Type Description
amount double The value of the judgment.
caseNumber string The case number at the court.
court string The court where this judgment was recorded.
currency string The currency of the judgment amount.
datePaid date The date this judgment was paid and marked as Satisfied.
dateRegistered date The date this judgment was registered.
isSatisfied boolean Indicator if this judgment has been Satisfied or is still Unsatisfied.

Group Structure: Highlights

Returns information identifying the ultimate and immediate parent companies, and the list of immediate subsidiaries of the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/group_info

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 3
    "response": {
        "identifiedCompaniesInGroup": 7,
        "immediateParent": null,
        "immediateSubsidiaries": [
                "companyName": "AURELIAN OIL & GAS LIMITED",
                "companyStatus": null,
                "country": "GBR",
                "currency": null,
                "id": null,
                "isConsolidated": null,
                "latestPeriodEnd": null,
                "registrationNumber": "01685863",
                "sales": null,
                "totalAssets": null
                "companyName": "SAN LEON (USA) LIMITED",
                "companyStatus": {
                    "code": "D",
                    "description": "Dormant"
                "country": "IRL",
                "currency": "EUR",
                "id": "f0169130-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
                "isConsolidated": false,
                "latestPeriodEnd": "2017-12-31",
                "registrationNumber": "366153",
                "sales": 0,
                "totalAssets": 0
                "companyName": "SAN LEON ENERGY BV",
                "companyStatus": null,
                "country": "NLD",
                "currency": null,
                "id": null,
                "isConsolidated": null,
                "latestPeriodEnd": null,
                "registrationNumber": null,
                "sales": null,
                "totalAssets": null
        "ultimateParent": null

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
identifiedCompaniesInGroup integer The total number of companies in this company’s group structure.
immediateParent object The company’s immediate parent.
immediateSubsidiaries array The list of companies that are immediate subsidiaries of this company.
ultimateParent object The company’s ultimate parent. null if this company is the ultimate parent in its group structure.

A group information entity object` is defined as:

Field Type Description
companyName string The company name.
companyStatus object The status of the company.
code - company status lookup code
description - description of the company status
country string The country of incorporation.
currency string The reporting currency of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
id integer The Company Watch company identifier. Available only if the company is in Ireland.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
latestPeriodEnd date The period end date of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
registrationNumber string The company registration number.
sales double The latest sales. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
totalAssets double The latest total assets. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.

Group Structure: Full

Returns the full group structure of the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/group_structure

Response Fields

Interpreting holdingLevel

  "id": "1234567",
  "response" : [
    { # Entity A is the immediate parent of Entities B and C
      "holdingLevel" : 1,
      "name" : "Entity A"
    { # Entity B is the immediate subsidiary of Entity A
      "holdingLevel" : 2,
      "name" : "Entity B"
    { # Entity C is a sibling of Entity B
      "holdingLevel" : 2,
      "name" : "Entity C"
    { # Entity D is the immediate subsidiary of Entity C
      "holdingLevel" : 3,
      "name" : "Entity D"
    { # Entity E is a sibling of Entity B and Entity C
      "holdingLevel" : 2,
      "name" : "Entity E"
    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "companyName": "SAN LEON ENERGY PUBLIC LIMITED COMPANY",
            "companyStatus": null,
            "country": "IRL",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "holdingLevel": 0,
            "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
            "isConsolidated": true,
            "isSelectedCompany": true,
            "latestPeriodEnd": "2017-12-31",
            "registrationNumber": "237825",
            "sales": 324000,
            "totalAssets": 255821000
            "companyName": "AURELIAN OIL & GAS LIMITED",
            "companyStatus": null,
            "country": "GBR",
            "currency": null,
            "holdingLevel": 1,
            "id": null,
            "isConsolidated": null,
            "isSelectedCompany": false,
            "latestPeriodEnd": null,
            "registrationNumber": "01685863",
            "sales": null,
            "totalAssets": null
            "companyName": "BALKAN EXPLORERS (BULGARIA) LIMITED",
            "companyStatus": null,
            "country": "GBR",
            "currency": null,
            "holdingLevel": 2,
            "id": null,
            "isConsolidated": null,
            "isSelectedCompany": false,
            "latestPeriodEnd": null,
            "registrationNumber": "05385260",
            "sales": null,
            "totalAssets": null
Field Type Description
companyName string The company name.
companyStatus object The status of the company.
code - company status lookup code
description - description of the company status
country string The country of incorporation.
currency string The reporting currency of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
holdingLevel integer Indicates the parent-child relationship between elements in the list. Refer to Interpreting holdingLevel in the sidebar.
id integer The Company Watch company identifier. Available only if the company is in Ireland.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated accounts. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
isSelectedCompany boolean Indicates the current company in the entity list.
latestPeriodEnd date The period end date of the latest set of accounts. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
registrationNumber string The company registration number.
sales double The latest sales. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.
totalAssets double The latest total assets. Available only if the entity is in Ireland.

Document Filing Events

Returns a list of document filing events at Companies Registration Office for this company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/events

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 4
    "response": [
            "code": "B",
            "date": "2007-11-23",
            "description": "Change of Name"
            "code": "C",
            "date": "2019-10-14",
            "description": "Change in Reg Office Address"
            "code": "GS",
            "date": "2019-03-20",
            "description": "Return of Allotments"
            "code": "K",
            "date": "2018-10-26",
            "description": "Directors/Secretary/Officers"

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
code string The lookup code of the event type.
date date The date of the event.
description string The details of the event.

Mortgage Charges

Returns the list of mortgages or outstanding loans associated to the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/mortgages

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 2
    "response": {
        "charges": [
                "amountSecured": "",
                "charge": "Satisfied 09 Apr 2015",
                "created": "2014-11-14",
                "mortgageNumber": 1,
                "personsEntitled": "PALOMAR HOLDINGS LIMITED (THE LENDER)",
                "registered": "2014-11-24",
                "restrictingProvision": null,
                "status": "Satisfied"
                "amountSecured": "",
                "charge": "Satisfied 02 Jul 2018",
                "created": "2015-02-23",
                "mortgageNumber": 2,
                "personsEntitled": "LPL FINANCE LIMITED",
                "registered": "2015-03-05",
                "restrictingProvision": null,
                "status": "Satisfied"
        "numberOutstanding": 0,
        "numberPartiallySatisfied": 0,
        "numberSatisfied": 2

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
charges array The list of mortgage charges
numberOutstanding integer The number of mortgage charges marked as Outstanding.
numberPartiallySatisfied integer The number of mortgage charges marked as Partially Satisfied.
numberSatisfied integer The number of mortgage charges marked as Satisfied.

A mortgage charge object is defined as:

Field Type Description
amountSecured string Details on the amount secured in this charge.
charge string The type of the charge.
created date Date charge was created.
description string Description of the charge.
mortgageNumber integer Mortgage charge record number at Companies Registration Office.
personsEntitled string Details on persons entitled to this charge.
registered date Date charge was registered.
restrictingProvision string Restricting provision description.
shortParticulars string Short particulars of the charge.
status string Indicator whether this charge is Satisfied, Partially Satisfied, or Outstanding.

Service Addresses

Returns a set of addresses associated to the company.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/addresses

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 2
    "response": [
            "careOfAddress": null,
            "isHeadOffice": null,
            "isOfAccountOrSolicitor": true,
            "isRegisteredOffice": true,
            "isTPSRegistered": false,
            "line1": "2 Shelbourne Buildings",
            "line2": "Crampton Avenue",
            "line3": null,
            "line4": "Dublin 4",
            "line5": "Co. Dublin",
            "phoneNumber": null,
            "poBoxAddress": null,
            "postalArea": "D04",
            "postcode": "D04 W3V6"
            "careOfAddress": null,
            "isHeadOffice": true,
            "isOfAccountOrSolicitor": true,
            "isRegisteredOffice": null,
            "isTPSRegistered": false,
            "line1": "3300 Lake Drive",
            "line2": "Citywest Business Campus",
            "line3": null,
            "line4": "Dublin 24",
            "line5": null,
            "phoneNumber": null,
            "poBoxAddress": null,
            "postalArea": null,
            "postcode": null

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
headOffice object The head office address.
tradingAddresses array The list of other trading addresses.
registeredOffice object The registered company address.

An address object is defined as:

Field Type Description
careOfAddress string The care-of details at this address.
isTPSRegistered boolean Indicator if the phoneNumber is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). It is a legal requirement that no marketing or unsolicited telephone calls are made to phone numbers registered with TPS.
line1 string Line 1 of the address.
line2 string Line 2 of the address.
line3 string Line 3 of the address.
line4 string Line 4 of the address.
line5 string Line 5 of the address.
phoneNumber string Phone number at this address.
poBoxAddress string The PO box details.
postalArea string The postal area
postcode string Postcode.

Company Name History

Returns a list of changes to the company’s name.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/previous_names

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "changeDate": "1995-09-29",
            "changeDate": "1995-09-04",
            "name": "PIONEER RESOURCES LIMITED"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
changeDate date Date of the name change
name string The new company name

The name changes are ordered according to changeDate, from the most recent to the least recent.

Industry Classifications

Returns the industry classifications that the company belongs to. Information is based on Annual Returns filed at Companies Registration Office.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/industries

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": {
        "additional": [
                "code": "7420",
                "description": "Architectural & Engineering Activities & Consultancy"
        "primary": {
            "code": "7487",
            "description": "Other Business Activities"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
additional array The list of additional industry classifications reported by this company.
primary object The company’s primary industry classification.

An industry object is defined as:

Field Type Description
code string The 4-digit industry code (NACE).
description string The description of the industry classification.

Auditor History

Returns the list of company appointed auditors.

Auditors can be matched against the Summary Financials (/accounts) by matching the date against periodEndDate.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/auditors

    "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "auditor1": "KPMG CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS",
            "auditor2": null,
            "date": "2017-12-31"
            "auditor1": "KPMG CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS",
            "auditor2": null,
            "date": "2016-12-31"
            "auditor1": "KPMG CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS",
            "auditor2": null,
            "date": "2015-12-31"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
auditor1 string The name of the appointed auditor.
auditor2 string The name of the co-auditor if joint auditors have been appointed.
date date Date of information based on the accounts.

The auditors are ordered according to date, from the most recent to the least recent.


Returns a list of notifications about the company graded by severity (i.e., info/warning/critical)


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>/notifications

    "id": "6bb38c35-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "response": [
            "code": "ceasing-to-trade",
            "description": "this company is ceasing to trade. ",
            "level": "critical",
            "title": "Ceasing to trade"
            "code": "no-accounts",
            "description": "this company has no accounts data available",
            "level": "warning",
            "title": "No Accounts"

Response Fields

Field Type Description
code string The notification code
description string The full content of the notification
level string The severity level of the notification (info, warning, critical)
title string A short title describing the notification

Notification Types

Code Level About
audit-report-comment warning The company has an audit report comment for the latest period.
ceasing-to-trade critical Company ceasing to trade.
ceasing-to-trade-mvl warning Company ceasing to trade - members voluntary liquidation.
consol-status-change warning The consolidated status of the latest accounts has changed from the previous period.
contract-limit info The contract limit for this company is the lower of the top Irish consolidated parent or the current company.
court-judgments warning Company has 1 or more unsatisfied Court Judgments against it.
credit-limit info The credit limit for this company is the lower of the top Irish consolidated parent or the current company.
distress critical Company is in distress.
dormant-company warning The company is dormant.
financial-sector-company info The company is in the financial sector. Scores and related measures are not available for such companies.
interims info The latest accounts filed are interims.
late-filing critical Company did not file accounts before deadline.
limited-liability-partnership info Entity is a limited liability partnership.
no-accounts warning There are no accounts information for this company.
overseas-company info This company is an overseas company and may have incomplete information.
parent-in-warning-area critical The top Irish consolidated parent of this company is in the Warning Area.
section-17 warning This company has taken advantage of the exemption provided under section 17 of Companies (Amendment) Act 1986 which allows it to file the consolidated accounts of the parent undertaking instead of its own.
subsidiary info This company is a subsidiary.
suspended-strike-off warning Documents have been filed that indicate that the winding up of this company has been suspended.
unconsolidated-parent-company warning The company belongs to a group but has not filed group accounts.
unlimited-company warning The company may be exempt from filing accounts with the Registrar of Companies.
winding-up-petition critical The company has recently had a Winding-Up petition filed against it.

Data Aggregate

Returns the combined responses from all available endpoints for the company in a single response. A field in the aggregate object refers to the response field content of its associated endpoint.


GET /api/v1/ie/companies/<cwid>

Simplified example of an aggregate response

  "id": "5065ed31-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
  "response": {
    "accounts_detail_balance_sheet": [],
    "accounts_detail_cash_flow": [],
    "accounts_detail_income_statement": [],
    "accounts": [],
    "addresses": {},
    "auditors": [],
    "court_judgments": {},
    "contract_limits": {},
    "credit_limits": {},
    "current_directors": [],
    "events": [],
    "financial_ratios": [],
    "group_info": {},
    "group_structure": [],
    "industries": {},
    "info": {},
    "mortgages": {},
    "notifications": [],
    "previous_directors": [],
    "previous_names": [],
    "scores": [],
    "shareholders": []

Response Fields

Field Type Reference
accounts_detail_balance_sheet array Annuals: Balance Sheet
accounts_detail_cash_flow array Annuals: Cash Flow Statement
accounts_detail_income_statement array Annuals: Profit & Loss Statement
accounts array Financials: Summary
addresses object Service Addresses
auditors array Auditor History
contract_limits object Analysis: Contract Limit
court_judgments object Court Judgments
credit_limits object Analysis: Credit Limit
current_directors array Directors: Current
events array Document Filing Events
financial_ratios array Financials: Ratios
group_info object Group Structure: Highlights
group_structure array Group Structure: Full
industries object Industry Classifications
info object Company Information
mortgages object Mortgage Charges
notifications array Notifications
previous_directors array Directors: Previous
previous_names array Company Name History
scores array Analysis: Scores
shareholders array Shareholders

Note: an aggregate field may be excluded from the response or contain an empty array if the associated endpoint is not applicable to the company, or no data is available for that endpoint.

UK Directors

Our UK Directors database contains information related to persons and corporate entities who are registered as directors, company secretaries, or LLP members associated to companies registered in the United Kingdom.

Base endpoint


Searching for directors

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d q="mr+denis+baker" \
 -d limit=2 \
 -d offset=0
  "pagination": {
    "total": 23
  "response": {
    "timeTaken": 11,
    "maxScore": 5.19775,
    "results": [
        "countryOfResidence": "Northern Ireland",
        "dateOfBirth": "1953-10-01",
        "directorName": "Mr Denis Baker",
        "directorNumber": "D05923445",
        "entityType": "Person",
        "nationality": {
          "code": "826",
          "description": "U.Kingdom"
        "numberOfCurrentAppointments": 3,
        "numberOfPreviousAppointments": 4,
        "relevanceScore": 5.19775
        "dateOfBirth": "1952-04-01",
        "directorName": "Mrs Denise Anne Baker",
        "directorNumber": "D06407890",
        "entityType": "Person",
        "nationality": {
          "code": "826",
          "description": "U.Kingdom"
        "numberOfCurrentAppointments": 1,
        "numberOfPreviousAppointments": 0,
        "relevanceScore": 5.19775

Search for directors associated to companies registered in the United Kingdom.


GET /api/v1/uk/directors?q=<query>&filters={<filter_options>}

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Parameter Required Description
filters false Required if q is not included. Can contain more than 1 filter. See Filter Options for details.
mode Optional keyword - when mode=keyword, results are determined based on director names that contain every word provided in the search query.
relevance - when mode=relevance, results are selected by ranking algorithms that determine the best match based on all the provided search terms.
Defaults to relevance when mode is not specified.
q true Required if filters is not included. Search for relevant directors (by name) for a given query.

Filter Options

Construct more specific queries using just the filter options or in combination with the q relevance search.


Fields supporting filtering by a single term,

Filter Type Description
dob date Filter on the date of birth. Accepted formats: YYYY-MM and YYYY-MM-DD
type string Filter by entity type (Person or Company)


Fields supporting filtering by range,

Filter Type Description
dob date Search for directors who were born within the given date range.


Response Fields

Field Type Description
timeTaken integer Time taken to do the search in milliseconds. Deprecated, it will be removed in the future.
maxScore double The maximum relevance score in the list of results.
results array The list of search results objects.

A search result object is defined as:

Field Type Description
countryOfResidence string Director’s usual country of residence.
dateOfBirth date Director’s date of birth.
directorName string Name of the director or corporate entity.
directorNumber string The Company Watch identifier for this director.
entityType string Type indicating whether this director is a Person or a Company.
nationality object Director’s nationality. (Persons only)
code - nationality lookup code.
description - nationality description.
numberOfCurrentAppointments integer Total number of current appointments.
numberOfPreviousAppointments integer Total number of previous appointments.
relevanceScore double Relevance score of the director result based on how well it matches the search query.

Director Profile

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials}
  "id": "D05923445",
  "response": {
    "countryOfResidence": "Northern Ireland",
    "dateOfBirth": "1953-10-01",
    "directorName": "Mr Denis Baker",
    "entityType": "Person",
    "firstName": "Denis",
    "lastName": "Baker",
    "middleNames": null,
    "namePrefix": "Mr",
    "nationality": {
      "code": "826",
      "description": "U.Kingdom"
    "numberOfAllAppointments": 7,
    "numberOfAssociatedInactiveCompanies": 0,
    "numberOfAssociatedLiveCompanies": 7,
    "numberOfCurrentAppointments": 3,
    "numberOfCurrentCompanySecretaryships": 0,
    "numberOfCurrentDirectorships": 3,
    "numberOfCurrentLLPMemberships": 0,
    "numberOfPreviousAppointments": 4,
    "numberOfPreviousCompanySecretaryships": 4,
    "numberOfPreviousDirectorships": 0,
    "numberOfPreviousLLPMemberships": 0,
    "numberOfShareholdings": 0

Returns details about the director and summary information of appointments held.


GET /api/v1/uk/directors/<directorNumber>/profile

Response Fields

Field Type Description
countryOfResidence string Director’s usual country of residence.
dateOfBirth date Director’s date of birth.
directorName string Name of the director or corporate entity
entityType string Type indicating whether this director is a Person or a Company.
firstName string First name. (Persons only)
lastName string Last name / family name. (Persons only)
middleNames string Middle names. (Persons only)
namePrefix string Title or salutation. (Persons only)
nationality object Director’s nationality. (Persons only)
code - nationality lookup code.
description - nationality description.
numberOfAllAppointments integer Total number of appointments.
numberOfAssociatedInactiveCompanies integer Number of inactive companies associated to this director.
numberOfAssociatedLiveCompanies integer Number of live companies associated to this director.
numberOfCurrentAppointments integer Number of current appointments.
numberOfCurrentCompanySecretaryships integer Number of current company secretary appointments.
numberOfCurrentDirectorships integer Number of current directorships.
numberOfCurrentLLPMemberships integer Number of current LLP memberships.
numberOfPreviousAppointments integer Number of previous appointments.
numberOfPreviousCompanySecretaryships integer Number of previous company secretary appointments.
numberOfPreviousDirectorships integer Number of previous directorships.
numberOfPreviousLLPMemberships integer Number of previous LLP memberships.
numberOfShareholdings integer Number of shareholding records possibly related to this director.

Appointments: Current

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d limit=1 \
 -d offset=0
  "id": "D05923445",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 3
  "response": [
      "appointmentDate": "2010-06-16",
      "cinumber": 6779162,
      "confidenceScore": 100,
      "countryOfResidence": "Northern Ireland",
      "currency": "GBP",
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "jobTitle": {
        "code": "AAHSY",
        "description": "CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT"
      "latestPeriodEndDate": "2013-12-31",
      "position": {
        "code": "88",
        "description": "Director"
      "registrationNumber": "07287037",
      "resignationDate": null,
      "sales": 0,
      "statusNote": null,
      "totalAssets": 2647800

Returns a list of appointments currently held by a director.


GET /api/v1/uk/directors/<directorNumber>/current_appointments

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Parameter Required Description
confidence_max false Includes current appointments from possible directors that a have match confidence level that does not exceed this value. When not explicitly set, this defaults to 100. Maximum value: 100. Minimum value: 55
confidence_min false Includes current appointments from possible directors that a have a match confidence level that does not go below this value. When not explicitly set, this defaults to 100. Maximum value: 100. Minimum value: 55.

Response Fields

Field Type Description
appointmentDate date Date director appointed to this position.
cinumber integer The Company Watch identifier of the company.
companyName string The name of the company.
confidenceScore integer The match confidence level of this director.
currency string Reporting currency of the accounts.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated status of the accounts.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
latestPeriodEndDate date Date of the latest available period of accounts for the company.
position object The appointed position in the company.
registrationNumber string The Companies House registration number of the company.
sales double Latest sales.
statusNote object The status of the company.
totalAssets double Latest total assets.

Appointments: Previous

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d limit=1 \
 -d offset=0
  "id": "D05923445",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 4
  "response": [
      "appointmentDate": "2000-09-01",
      "cinumber": 1710128,
      "companyName": "RHOMBUS DESIGN LIMITED",
      "confidenceScore": 100,
      "currency": "GBP",
      "isConsolidated": false,
      "jobTitle": null,
      "latestPeriodEndDate": "2014-03-31",
      "position": {
        "code": "92",
        "description": "Company Secretary"
      "registrationNumber": "01325274",
      "resignationDate": "2009-12-31",
      "statusNote": null,
      "sales": 0,
      "totalAssets": 90335

Returns a list of appointments previously held by a director.


GET /api/v1/uk/directors/<directorNumber>/previous_appointments

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Parameter Required Description
confidence_max false Includes previous appointments from possible directors that a have match confidence level that does not exceed this value. When not explicitly set, this defaults to 100. Maximum value: 100. Minimum value: 55
confidence_min false Includes previous appointments from possible directors that a have a match confidence level that does not go below this value. When not explicitly set, this defaults to 100. Maximum value: 100. Minimum value: 55.

Response Fields

Field Type Description
appointmentDate date Date director appointed to this position.
cinumber integer The Company Watch identifier of the company.
companyName string The name of the company.
confidenceScore integer The match confidence level of this director.
currency string Reporting currency of the accounts.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated status of the accounts.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
latestPeriodEndDate date Date of the latest available period of accounts for the company.
position object The appointed position in the company.
registrationNumber string The Companies House registration number of the company.
resignationDate date Date director resigned from this position.
sales double Latest sales.
statusNote object The status of the company.
totalAssets double Latest total assets.


curl ''
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d limit=2 \
 -d offset=0
  "id": "D13323474",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 786
  "response": [
      "cinumber": 2310036,
      "companyName": "FLUENTA DESIGN LTD",
      "companyStatus": {
        "code": "UK_L",
        "description": "Live"
      "dateRecorded": "2015-07-31",
      "percentageOfTotal": 100,
      "registrationNumber": "09156492",
      "shareClass": "ORDINARY"
      "cinumber": 6432647,
      "companyName": "WEANIES LTD",
      "companyStatus": {
        "code": "UK_D",
        "description": "Dissolved"
      "dateRecorded": "2015-07-30",
      "percentageOfTotal": 100,
      "registrationNumber": "06976454",
      "shareClass": "ORDINARY"

Returns a list of shareholdings in UK companies possibly linked to a director.


GET /api/v1/uk/directors/<directorNumber>/shareholdings

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
cinumber int Company Watch identifier of the company.
companyName string Name of the company the director has a share in.
companyStatus object The status of the company.
code - company status lookup code
description - description of the company status
dateRecorded date The date this entry was recorded in the company’s annual return.
percentageOfTotal percentage Estimated percentage of all shares owned by the director.
registrationNumber string Companies House registration number of the company.
shareClass string Class type of shares.

Enhanced Director Matching

Returns a list of directors that are possible matches to the director being retrieved.

A match confidence level of 100% indicates that the directors/officers are linked at Companies House. By contrast, a confidence of less than 100% indicates that whilst the directors/officers are not matched at Companies House, our matching algorithm has paired them up as a possible match.


GET /api/v1/uk/directors/<directorNumber>/enhanced_director_matchings

  "id": "D13323999",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 10
  "response": [
      "confidenceScore": 85,
      "countryOfResidence": "Northern Ireland",
      "dateOfBirth": "1965-04-01",
      "directorName": "Mr John Doe Smith",
      "disqualificationEndDate": null,
      "disqualificationStartDate": null,
      "entityType": "Person",
      "firstName": "John",
      "hasExemption": false,
      "isDisqualified": false,
      "lastName": "Smith",
      "matchedDirectorNumber": "D233221234",
      "middleNames": "Doe",
      "namePrefix": "Mr",
      "nationality": "U.Kingdom",
      "numberOfCurrentAppointments": 3,
      "numberOfPreviousAppointments": 0

Query Paramenters

Pagination support: yes

Parameter Required Description
confidence_max false Includes possible directors that a have match confidence level that does not exceed this value. When not explicitly set, this defaults to 100. Maximum value: 100. Minimum value: 55
confidence_min false Includes possible directors that a have a match confidence level that does not go below this value. When not explicitly set, this defaults to 55. Maximum value: 100. Minimum value: 55.

Response Fields

Field Type Description
confidenceScore integer The confidence level of this possible director match.
countryOfResidence string Director’s usual country of residence.
dateOfBirth string The director’s date of birth normalised to the beginning of the month (Persons only).
directorName string The full director name.
disqualifiedEndDate date Date disqualification ends if the director isDisqualified.
disqualifiedStartDate date Date disqualification starts if the director isDisqualified.
entityType string Type indicating whether this director is a Person or a Company.
firstName string Director’s first name (Persons only).
hasExemption boolean Indicates if the director has any disqualification exemptions.
isDisqualified boolean Indicates if the director is disqualified.
lastName string Director’s last name (Persons only).
matchedDirectorNumber string The director number of the matching director.
middleNames string Director’s middle names (Persons only).
namePrefix string Director’s name prefix (Persons only).
nationality string Director’s nationality (Persons only).
numberOfCurrentAppointments integer Number of current appointments.
numberOfPreviousAppointments integer NUmber of previous appointments.

Disqualifications and disqualification exemptions

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials}
  "id": "D12856715",
  "response": {
        "disqualifications": [
                "startDate": "2016-10-28",
                "endDate": "2026-10-27",
                "reason": "Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (Section 2): Disqualification on conviction of indictable offence"
                "startDate": "2017-09-04",
                "endDate": "2021-03-03",
                "reason": "Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (Section 7): Disqualification order or undertaking; and reporting provisions"
        "exemptions": [
                "companyName": "KINGFISHER UTILITY SERVICES LTD",
                "cinumber": 2588571,
                "registrationNumber": "09412862",
                "endDate": "2021-03-03",
                "startDate": "2017-08-25"

Returns details about possible disqualifications and disqualification exemptions for a director.


GET /api/v1/uk/directors/<directorNumber>/disqualifications

Response Fields

Field Type Description
disqualifications array The list of disqualification objects.
exemptions array The list of disqualification exemption objects.

A disqualification is defined as:

Field Type Description
startDate date Disqualification’s start date.
endDate date Disqualification’s end date.
reason string Disqualification’s reason.

A disqualification exemption is defined as:

Field Type Description
companyName string The name of the company.
cinumber integer The Company Watch identifier of the company.
registrationNumber string The Companies House registration number of the company.
startDate date Disqualification’s start date.
endDate date Disqualification’s end date.

Irish Directors

Our Irish Directors database contains information related to persons and corporate entities who are registered as directors or company secretaries associated to companies registered in Ireland.

Base endpoint


Searching for directors

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d q="margaret+murray" \
 -d limit=2 \
 -d offset=0
    "pagination": {
        "total": 33
    "response": {
        "results": [
                "countryOfResidence": "Northern Ireland",
                "dateOfBirth": "1946-11-01",
                "directorName": "Margaret Murray",
                "directorNumber": "700167012",
                "entityType": "Person",
                "nationality": null,
                "numberOfCurrentAppointments": 0,
                "numberOfPreviousAppointments": 1,
                "relevanceScore": 16.90346
                "countryOfResidence": null,
                "dateOfBirth": null,
                "directorName": "Margaret Murray",
                "directorNumber": "700057130",
                "entityType": "Person",
                "nationality": null,
                "numberOfCurrentAppointments": 1,
                "numberOfPreviousAppointments": 0,
                "relevanceScore": 16.90346

Search for directors associated to companies registered in Ireland.


GET /api/v1/ie/directors?q=<query>&filters={<filter_options>}

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Parameter Required Description
filters false Required if q is not included. Can contain more than 1 filter. See Filter Options for details.
mode Optional keyword - when mode=keyword, results are determined based on director names that contain every word provided in the search query.
relevance - when mode=relevance, results are selected by ranking algorithms that determine the best match based on all the provided search terms.
Defaults to relevance when mode is not specified.
q true Required if filters is not included. Search for relevant directors (by name) for a given query.

Filter Options

Construct more specific queries using just the filter options or in combination with the q relevance search.


Fields supporting filtering by a single term,

Filter Type Description
dob date Filter on the date of birth. Accepted formats: YYYY-MM and YYYY-MM-DD
type string Filter by entity type (Person or Company)


Fields supporting filtering by range,

Filter Type Description
dob date Search for directors who were born within the given date range.


Response Fields

Field Type Description
results array The list of search results objects.

A search result object is defined as:

Field Type Description
countryOfResidence string Director’s usual country of residence.
dateOfBirth date Director’s date of birth.
directorName string Name of the director or corporate entity.
directorNumber string The Company Watch identifier for this director.
entityType string Type indicating whether this director is a Person or a Company.
nationality object Director’s nationality. (Persons only)
code - nationality lookup code.
description - nationality description.
numberOfCurrentAppointments integer Total number of current appointments.
numberOfPreviousAppointments integer Total number of previous appointments.
relevanceScore double Relevance score of the director result based on how well it matches the search query.

Director Profile

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
    "id": "701529011",
    "response": {
        "countryOfResidence": "Northern Ireland",
        "dateOfBirth": "1975-01-01",
        "directorName": "Elaine O'Shea",
        "entityType": "Person",
        "firstName": "Elaine",
        "lastName": "O'Shea",
        "middleNames": null,
        "namePrefix": null,
        "nationality": null,
        "numberOfAllAppointments": 1,
        "numberOfAssociatedInactiveCompanies": 0,
        "numberOfAssociatedLiveCompanies": 1,
        "numberOfCurrentAppointments": 0,
        "numberOfCurrentCompanySecretaryships": 0,
        "numberOfCurrentDirectorships": 0,
        "numberOfPreviousAppointments": 1,
        "numberOfPreviousCompanySecretaryships": 0,
        "numberOfPreviousDirectorships": 1,
        "numberOfShareholdings": 0

Returns details about the director and summary information of appointments held.


GET /api/v1/ie/directors/<directorNumber>/profile

Response Fields

Field Type Description
countryOfResidence string Director’s usual country of residence.
dateOfBirth date Director’s date of birth.
directorName string Name of the director or corporate entity
entityType string Type indicating whether this director is a Person or a Company.
firstName string First name. (Persons only)
lastName string Last name / family name. (Persons only)
middleNames string Middle names. (Persons only)
namePrefix string Title or salutation. (Persons only)
nationality object Director’s nationality. (Persons only)
code - nationality lookup code.
description - nationality description.
numberOfAllAppointments integer Total number of appointments.
numberOfAssociatedInactiveCompanies integer Number of inactive companies associated to this director.
numberOfAssociatedLiveCompanies integer Number of live companies associated to this director.
numberOfCurrentAppointments integer Number of current appointments.
numberOfCurrentCompanySecretaryships integer Number of current company secretary appointments.
numberOfCurrentDirectorships integer Number of current directorships.
numberOfPreviousAppointments integer Number of previous appointments.
numberOfPreviousCompanySecretaryships integer Number of previous company secretary appointments.
numberOfPreviousDirectorships integer Number of previous directorships.
numberOfShareholdings integer Number of shareholding records possibly related to this director.

Appointments: Current

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d limit=1 \
 -d offset=0
    "id": "702147310",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 1
    "response": [
            "appointmentDate": "2018-03-15",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "cwid": "3e246436-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
            "isConsolidated": null,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "latestPeriodEndDate": null,
            "position": {
                "code": "92",
                "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
            "registrationNumber": "622825",
            "resignationDate": null,
            "sales": null,
            "statusNote": null,
            "totalAssets": null

Returns a list of appointments currently held by a director.


GET /api/v1/ie/directors/<directorNumber>/current_appointments

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
appointmentDate date Date director appointed to this position.
cwid string The Company Watch identifier of the company.
companyName string The name of the company.
confidenceScore integer The match confidence level of this director.
currency string Reporting currency of the accounts.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated status of the accounts.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
latestPeriodEndDate date Date of the latest available period of accounts for the company.
position object The appointed position in the company.
registrationNumber string The Companies Registration Office registration number of the company.
sales double Latest sales.
statusNote object The status of the company.
totalAssets double Latest total assets.

Appointments: Previous

curl '' \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d limit=1 \
 -d offset=0
    "id": "701529011",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 1
    "response": [
            "appointmentDate": "2013-09-09",
            "currency": "EUR",
            "cwid": "5325242f-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
            "isConsolidated": false,
            "jobTitle": null,
            "latestPeriodEndDate": "2018-12-31",
            "position": {
                "code": "88",
                "description": "DIRECTOR"
            "registrationNumber": "461788",
            "resignationDate": "2015-10-02",
            "sales": 0,
            "statusNote": null,
            "totalAssets": 0

Returns a list of appointments previously held by a director.


GET /api/v1/ie/directors/<directorNumber>/previous_appointments

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
appointmentDate date Date director appointed to this position.
cwid string The Company Watch identifier of the company.
companyName string The name of the company.
confidenceScore integer The match confidence level of this director.
currency string Reporting currency of the accounts.
isConsolidated boolean Consolidated status of the accounts.
jobTitle object Director’s job title.
latestPeriodEndDate date Date of the latest available period of accounts for the company.
position object The appointed position in the company.
registrationNumber string The Companies Registration Office registration number of the company.
resignationDate date Date director resigned from this position.
sales double Latest sales.
statusNote object The status of the company.
totalAssets double Latest total assets.


curl ''
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d limit=2 \
 -d offset=0
    "id": "701998179",
    "pagination": {
        "total": 2
    "response": [
            "cwid": "9a10cb34-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
            "dateRecorded": "2018-11-28",
            "percentageOfTotal": 50.000,
            "registrationNumber": "607403",
            "shareClass": "ORDINARY"
            "companyName": "BOOST SOCIAL IRELAND LIMITED",
            "cwid": "1bb24042-cf4d-e811-bfa1-0025900429ba",
            "dateRecorded": "2018-10-24",
            "percentageOfTotal": 25.000,
            "registrationNumber": "625381",
            "shareClass": "ORDINARY"

Returns a list of shareholdings in Irish companies possibly linked to a director.


GET /api/v1/ie/directors/<directorNumber>/shareholdings

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
cwid string Company Watch identifier of the company.
companyName string Name of the company the director has a share in.
dateRecorded date The date this entry was recorded in the company’s annual return.
percentageOfTotal percentage Estimated percentage of all shares owned by the director.
registrationNumber string Companies Registration Office registration number of the company.
shareClass string Class type of shares.

UK Non-Limited Businesses

The UK Non-limited Business database contains the population of unincorporated businesses and sole traders in the United Kingdom.

Base endpoint


Searching for businesses

curl `https://{{BASE_URL}}/api/v1/uknonltd/business` \
 --get \
 --user {credentials} \
 -d q=byron+hamburgers \
 -d limit=2 \
 -d offset=0
  "pagination": {
    "total": 63
  "response": {
    "maxScore": 10.86573,
    "timeTaken": 26,
    "results": [
        "businessClassification": "RESTAURANTS",
        "id": "8fe2aa7e-c4d0-4672-823d-026210b76a67",
        "name": "BYRON HAMBURGERS",
        "phoneNumber": "01223 462927",
        "premisesType": "Shops & Retail Outlets",
        "relevanceScore": 10.86573,
        "status": "active"
        "address": "26 BEDFORD STREET, EXETER, DEVON, EX1 1GJ",
        "businessClassification": "RESTAURANTS",
        "id": "e058224a-16e5-44d7-ab00-8fbdd3034653",
        "name": "BYRON HAMBURGERS",
        "phoneNumber": "01392 433340",
        "premisesType": "Shops & Retail Outlets",
        "relevanceScore": 10.86573,
        "status": "active"

Search for businesses and sole traders in the United Kingdom.


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business?q=<query>&filters={<filter options>}

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Parameter Description
filters Required if q is not included. Can contain more than 1 filter. See Filter Options for details.
q Required if filters is not included. Search for relevant businesses for a given query.

Filter Options

Construct more specific queries using just the filter options or in combination with the q relevance search.


Filter Type Description
address string Search by address.
business_classification string Search by business activity.
name string Search by business name.
phone_number string Search by phone number.
postcode string Search by postcode or postal area (UK format).
premises_type string Search by business premise type.
status string Search for active or inactive businesses.

Response Fields

Field Type Description
timeTaken integer Time taken to do the search in milliseconds. Deprecated, it will be removed in the future.
maxScore double The maximum relevance score in the list of results.
results array of SearchResult The list of search results.

A SearchResult object is defined as:

Field Type Description
address string Address of the business.
businessClassification string Business activity classification.
id string The Company Watch identifier (cwid) for this business.
name string Name of the business.
phoneNumber string Business phone number.
premisesType string Business premise type.
relevanceScore double The relevance score of this item based on how well it matches the search query.
status string Indicates if the last known trading status of this business.
active - business is actively trading
inactive - business is not trading.

Business Information

Returns basic information about the business.

  "id": "9d90964c-0de1-4356-8994-b3a1685a0545",
  "response": {
    "address": {
      "line1": "10 AUCTION STREET, ARC CENTRE",
      "line2": "BURY ST EDMUNDS",
      "line3": "SUFFOLK",
      "line4": null,
      "postcode": "IP33 3FA"
    "businessClassification": "RESTAURANTS",
    "businessName": "BYRON HAMBURGERS",
    "establishedDate": "2016-01-01",
    "faxNumber": null,
    "industry": null,
    "numberOfEmployees": null,
    "phoneNumber": {
      "number": "01284 768555",
      "tpsRegistered": true
    "premisesType": "Shops & Retail Outlets",
    "seniorExecutiveName": null,
    "seniorExecutivePosition": null,
    "tradingStatus": true,
    "webUrl": ""


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/info

Response Fields

Field Type Description
address object Address of the business.
line1 - Address line 1
line2 - Address line 2
line3 - Address line 3
line4 - Address line 4
postcode - Postcode
businessClassification string Business activity classification.
businessName string Name of the business.
establishedDate date Date business was established.
faxNumber object PhoneNumber Business fax number.
industry object Industry classification of the business.
code - SIC industry code
description - SIC industry description
numberOfEmployees integer Number of employees.
phoneNumber object PhoneNumber Business phone number.
premisesType string Business premise type.
seniorExecutiveName string Name of the senior executive.
seniorExecutivePosition string Position of the senior executive.
tradingStatus boolean Indicates if the business is actively trading.
webUrl string Business website URL.

Analysis: Credit Ratings

Returns the credit rating history for the business.

  "id": "9d90964c-0de1-4356-8994-b3a1685a0545",
  "response": [
      "date": "2016-03-02",
      "isNotTrading": false,
      "rating": 28,
      "pod": 0


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/credit_ratings

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
date date Effective date of the credit rating.
rating integer Credit rating value.
isNotTrading boolean Indicates if the business is still trading.
pod double Probability of distress value.

Analysis: Credit Limits

Returns the credit limit history for the business.

  "id": "9d90964c-0de1-4356-8994-b3a1685a0545",
  "response": [
      "date": "2016-03-02",
      "limit": 500


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/credit_limits

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
date date Effective date of the credit limit.
credit_limit integer Credit limit value.

County Court Judgments

Returns a list of exact and possible county court judgments registered against the business.

  "id": "5f7aabf0-d623-4a88-b009-a0a12febc15a",
  "response": {
    "exact": [
        "amount": 2615,
        "caseNumber": "3YS55797",
        "date": "2014-01-03",
        "datePaid": "2016-02-03",
        "status": {
          "code": "SS",
          "description": "Satisfied"
        "amount": 2615,
        "caseNumber": "3YS55797",
        "court": "NORTHAMPTON CCMCC",
        "datePaid": null,
        "date": "2014-01-03",
        "status": {
          "code": "JG",
          "description": "Unsatisfied"
    "possible": [
        "amount": 724,
        "caseNumber": "2LS02336",
        "court": "LEEDS",
        "datePaid": "2013-02-27",
        "date": "2012-07-18",
        "status": {
          "code": "SS",
          "description": "Satisfied"
        "amount": 754,
        "caseNumber": "1BS02915",
        "court": "BRISTOL",
        "date": "2011-06-16",
        "datePaid": null,
        "status": {
          "code": "JG",
          "description": "Unsatisfied"


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/ccjs

Response Fields

Field Type Description
exact array of CCJ List of exact matching court judgments registered against the business.
possible array of CCJ List of possible matching court judgments registered against the business.

A CCJ object is defined as:

Field Type Description
amount double Value of the judgment.
caseNumber string Case number at the court.
court string Court where this judgment was recorded.
date date Date this judgment was registered.
datePaid date Date this judgment was paid.
details string Details about the judgment
status object code - status code
description - status description

A CCJ status could be one of the following:


Returns a list of bankruptcy records filed against the business.

  "id": "c3c22431-071f-4c75-b347-00012c1057d0",
  "response": [
      "alternativeAddresses": [],
      "alternativeBusinessNames": [],
      "alternativePersonNames": [],
      "bankruptcyDate": "2016-07-11",
      "caseNumber": "689 OF 2016",
      "firstName": "KEVIN",
      "gazetteNumber": 2578998,
      "matchType": "Name Match",
      "occupation": "UNKNOWN",
      "petitionDate": "2016-03-30",
      "petitionType": "Creditors Petition",
      "serialNumber": 241921,
      "surname": "KEARNEY",
      "tradingAddress": {
        "line1": "6 NEWBOROUGH CLOSE",
        "line2": "CALLANDS",
        "line3": "WARRINGTON",
        "line4": "CHESHIRE",
        "postcode": "WA5 9JG",


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/bankruptcies

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
alternativeAddresses array of Address List of alternative trading addresses asscoiated with the bankruptcy.
alternativeBusinessNames array of string List of alternative business names associated with the bankruptcy.
alternativePersonNames array of string List of alternative persons associated with the bankruptcy.
bankruptcyDate date Date bankruptcy was recorded.
caseNumber string Case number of the filing.
court string Court where the bankruptcy was filed.
firstName string Debtor’s first name.
gazetteNumber integer Related Gazzette number.
matchType string The match criteria for associating this bankruptcy record against this business.
occupation string Debtor’s occupation.
petitionDate date Date of petition.
petitionType string Type of petition.
serialNumber integer Bankruptcy record serial number
surname string Debtor’s last name.
tradingAddress object Address Trading address of the business.

Days Beyond Terms

Returns the Days Beyond Terms (DBT) history for the business.

  "id": "f3551307-8ae6-4644-ab60-0000756c97d6",
  "response": [
      "date": "2016-10-21",
      "daysBeyondTerms": null
      "date": "2016-09-30",
      "daysBeyondTerms": null
      "date": "2016-09-06",
      "daysBeyondTerms": 0
      "date": "2016-02-19",
      "daysBeyondTerms": 8.21
      "date": "2016-02-02",
      "daysBeyondTerms": 7.93
      "date": "2016-01-05",
      "daysBeyondTerms": 7.93


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/days_beyond_terms

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
date date Date DBT value was calculated.
daysBeyondTerms double DBT value.

Phone Numbers

Returns a list of additional phone numbers associated to the business.

  "id": "c3c22431-071f-4c75-b347-00012c1057d0",
  "response": [
      "number": "028 3085 0295",
      "tpsRegistered": false


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/phone_numbers

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
number string The phone number
isTPSRegistered boolean Indicator if the number is registered with the Telephone Preference Service (TPS). It is a legal requirement that no marketing or unsolicited telephone calls are made to phone numbers registered with TPS.


Returns an ordered list of positive or negative comments regarding the business.

  "id": "0af7f96c-7b80-4b99-a793-000015f77b4d",
  "response": [
      "priority": 0,
      "commentary": "Note this is a non-limited business rating (not a company nor an H-Score rating, which requires Accounts).",
      "impactOnScores": null
      "priority": 5,
      "commentary": "Business activity linked to moderate company  insolvencies.",
      "impactOnScores": null
      "priority": 6,
      "commentary": "Trading > 35 years.",
      "impactOnScores": "positive"
      "priority": 8,
      "commentary": "In a location with average level of company insolvencies.",
      "impactOnScores": null
      "priority": 9,
      "commentary": "Property type where  business operates linked to higher level of company insolvencies.",
      "impactOnScores": "negative"


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>/commentaries

Query Parameters

Pagination support: yes

Response Fields

Field Type Description
commentary string Comment about the business.
impactOnScores string Indicates whether the comment is positive, negative, or neither (null).
priority integer Determines the ordering of the commentary. Lower numbers have greater priority.

Data Aggregate

Returns the combined responses from all available endpoints for the business in a single response. A field in an aggregate object refers to the response field content of its associated endpoint.


GET /api/v1/uknonltd/business/<cwid>

Simplified example of an aggregate response

  "id": "9d90964c-0de1-4356-8994-b3a1685a0545",
  "response": {
    "bankruptcies": [],
    "ccjs": {},
    "commentaries": [],
    "credit_limits": [],
    "credit_ratings": [],
    "days_beyond_terms": [],
    "info": {},
    "phone_numbers": []

Response Fields

Field Type Reference
bankruptcies array Bankruptcies
ccjs object County Court Judgments
commentaries array Commentary
credit_limits array Analysis: Credit Limits
credit_ratings array Analysis: Credit Ratings
days_beyond_terms array Days Beyond Terms
info object Business Information
phone_numbers array Phone Numbers

Company Reports

Standard Report

Generate a standard PDF report for a company. This report type is applicable to UK Companies (uk) and Irish Companies (ie).


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/reports/<cinumber|cwid>/standard


A successful request will return a binary content stream of type application/pdf.

Company Monitoring API

Monitor changes to your portfolio of companies using our Company Monitoring API.

This feature is available for UK and Irish companies.

Using the API


  1. Request access to the Company Monitoring feature to be enabled on your account.
  2. Monitoring on UK Companies requires access to UK Companies to be enabled. Likewise, monitoring on Irish Companies requires access to Irish Companies to be enabled.

Getting started

  1. Determine which database the portfolio is for (uk for UK or ie for Ireland)
  2. Create a new portfolio - give it a name and an optional description
  3. Add companies to the portfolio by their registration number or Company Watch identifier (cinumber for UK, cwid for Ireland).
  4. Set up the alert settings to manage email alert options. If opting to receive alerts via email, add one or more recipients who would be receiving the alerts.
  5. Select the types of changes to monitor (conditions). New portfolios are created with no set conditions, meaning that no data changes would generate alerts before setting one or more condition.
  6. After the next scheduled alerts generation is complete, check for available changes to review by inspecting the change history.
  7. If there are new changes for the day, view the list of companies that have changes and the details of the change.

Alerts schedule

UK Alerts

Alerts for the UK are generated every day (Monday - Sunday).

Irish Alerts

Alerts for Ireland are generated once a week (Wednesday).

Email Alerts

Feature only available on production

An HTML version of the change notifications is sent out to email alert recipients added to a portfolio if the feature is enabled. Alternatively, the change notifications can also be received as an attachment in an XLS file in the email (note, that if the number of changes is large, it will default to the XLS attachment).

Base endpoint


Create a new portfolio

Creates a new empty portfolio.


POST /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios

Request entity

  "name": "Portfolio 1",
  "description": "The portfolio description"


Field Type Description
name string Required. The name of the portfolio.
description string Optional. The description of the portfolio.



  "id": "77df23d7-69ca-4069-b3bc-be9c0a15c508"
HTTP code Description
201 Portfolio created successfully.
Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the new portfolio.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Portfolio details not well-formed.
403 Portfolio limit reached.

Duplicate a portfolio

Create a new portfolio by duplicating from an existing portfolio. Duplicates the portfolio name (suffixed with “(copy)”), the portfolio description, alert settings, alert conditions, email alert recipients, and portfolio companies.


POST /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios?source=<portfolio_id>

Query parameters

Field Type Description
source string Identifier of an existing portfolio within the same product-context (UK or Ireland) to create a duplicate from.



  "response": {
    "id": "77df23d7-69ca-4069-b3bc-be9c0a15c508"
HTTP code Description
201 Duplicate portfolio created successfully.
Field Type Description
id string Unique identifier of the new portfolio

Error responses

HTTP code Description
403 Portfolio limit reached.
404 source portfolio does not exist or cannot be accessed.

List portfolios

Returns a list of portfolios for a product (either UK or Ireland).


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios


  "pagination": {
    "total": 1
  "response": [
      "id": "38693227-306f-461a-b2c6-4f1e779ddb9e",
      "name": "Portfolio 1",
      "description": "portfolio description",
      "createdAt": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000",
      "updatedAt": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000"

Query parameters

Pagination support : yes


Field Type Description
createdAt timestamp Date and time the portfolio was created (in UTC).
description string Portfolio’s description.
id string Unique identifier of the portfolio.
name string Portfolio’s name.
updatedAt timestamp Date and time the details was last updated (in UTC).

Portfolio details

Returns the details of a portfolio.


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>


  "id": "38693227-306f-461a-b2c6-4f1e779ddb9e",
  "response": {
    "id": "38693227-306f-461a-b2c6-4f1e779ddb9e",
    "name": "Portfolio 1",
    "description": "portfolio description",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000",
    "updatedAt": "2021-01-01T12:00:00.000"


Field Type Description
createdAt timestamp Date and time the portfolio was created (in UTC).
description string Portfolio’s description.
id string Unique identifier of the portfolio.
name string Portfolio’s name.
updatedAt timestamp Date and time the details was last updated (in UTC).

Error responses

HTTP code Description
404 Portfolio does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Delete a portfolio

Deletes a portfolio, including its list of companies, email alert recipients, settings, and selected monitoring conditions.


DELETE /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>


HTTP code Description
204 Portfolio deleted successfully.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
404 Portfolio does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Update portfolio details

Update the name and/or the description of a portfolio.


PATCH /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>

Request entity

  "name": "New Portfolio Name",
  "description": ""


Field Type Description
name string Optional. The new portfolio name. If provided, the new portfolio name cannot be an empty string.
description string Optional. The new portfolio description. Providing a value of "" clears the description.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "updated": true
Field Type Description
updated boolean true if the details were updated successfully.

Error Responses

HTTP code Description
400 Portfolio details not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or cannot be accessed.

Adding companies

Request entity - for adding UK companies

    "id": 1455001,
    "reference": "low-risk"

Request entity - for adding Irish companies

    "id": "ad477b2f-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
    "reference": null

Add one or more live companies to the portfolio.

Add a company by using its cinumber (for UK companies) or cwid (for Irish companies), along with an optional reference.


POST /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/companies


An array of AddCompanyItem.


Field Type Description
id integer (UK) or string (IE) Required. The company identifier.
UK company cinumber for UK portfolios.
Irish company cwid for Irish portfolios.
reference string Optional. Free-form text.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "added": 2,
    "duplicates": [
        "id": 38868,
        "reference": "high-risk"
    "ignored": [],
    "nonLive": [
        "id": 123,
        "reference": null
Field Type Description
added integer Number of companies added successfully.
duplicates array of AddCompanyItem List of submitted items not added as the companies already exist in the portfolio.
ignored array of AddCompanyItem List of submitted items ignored because the company identifier is not valid, or the company no longer exists in the database.
nonLive array of AddCompanyItem List of submitted items not added because the companies are not live companies (e.g., dissolved)

Alternatively, import companies into the portfolio by company registration number:


Request entity

    "id": "03597613",
    "reference": null

POST /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/companies/import


An array of company registration numbers paired with an optional reference.

Field Type Description
id string Required. Company registration number
reference string Optional. Free-form text.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "added": 10,
    "duplicates": [
        "id": "1234567",
        "reference": null
    "ignored": [
        "id": "250000",
        "reference": null
    "nonLive": [
        "id": "123000",
        "reference": null
Field Type Description
added integer Number of companies added successfully.
duplicates array of AddCompanyItem List of submitted items not added as the companies already exist in the portfolio.
ignored array of AddCompanyItem List of submitted items ignored because the registration number is not valid, or the company no longer exists in the database.
nonLive array of AddCompanyItem List of submitted items not added because the companies are not live companies (e.g., dissolved)

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 List of companies to add is not well-formed.
403 Portfolio companies limit reached.
404 Portfolio does not exist or cannot be accessed.
409 A state conflict occurred mid-operation. The request should be re-attempted.
413 Requested number of items to be added at a time exceeds permitted limit.
Maximum of 5000 companies at a time.

List companies

Returns a list of companies contained in the portfolio, optionally filtered by registration number and/or reference.


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/companies&filters={<filter_options>}

Query parameters

Pagination support : yes

Filter options


Field Type Description
id number or string Filter for a particular company by its id (cinumber for UK companies, cwid for Irish companies).
regnum string Filter for a particular company by its registration number.
reference string Filter for one or more companies by your provided reference.

Response fields - UK

Response - UK portfolio companies

  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 1
  "response": [
      "addedAt": "2021-01-01T08:00:00",
      "companyName": "THURGAR BOLLE LIMITED",
      "companyStatus": {
        "code": "L",
        "description": "Live"
      "id": 41467,
      "reference": null,
      "registrationNumber": "01009431"
Field Type Description
addedAt timestamp Date and time company was added to the portfolio.
cinumber integer Company Watch UK company identifier.
companyStatus object Current status of the company.
name string Company name.
reference string Custom reference.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.

Response fields - Ireland

Response - Irish portfolio companies

  "id": "0ab1c6e7-32c8-4fca-a77a-e3be0bb88ce1",
  "pagination": {
      "total": 1
  "response": [
      "addedAt": "2021-04-29T21:31:44.451",
      "companyName": "DELTON MANAGEMENT LIMITED",
      "companyStatus": {
        "code": "L",
        "description": "Live"
      "cwid": "acfb0f2f-0b2d-e811-89a7-0025900429ba",
      "reference": null,
      "registrationNumber": "238200"
Field Type Description
addedAt timestamp Date and time company was added to the portfolio.
companyStatus object Current status of the company.
cwid string Company Watch Irish company identifier.
name string Company name.
reference string Custom reference.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted filters are not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Deleting companies

Request entity - removing UK portfolio companies


Request entity - removing Irish portfolio companies


Request entity - removing companies by company registration number


Delete one or more companies from the portfolio.


DELETE /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/companies?id_type=<id|regnum>

Query Parameters

Field Type Description
id_type string If id is specified, the request body must contain an integer-array of UK company cinumbers, or a string-array of Irish company cwids.
If regnum is specified, the request body must contain an array of string-array of company registration numbers.
Defaults to id if unspecified.


Takes an array of company identifiers (i.e., cinumber or cwid) or an array of company registration numbers.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "deleted": 2
Field Type Description
deleted integer Number of companies deleted from the portfolio.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted request not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.
413 Number of companies to be deleted at a time exceeds limit.
Maximum of 5000 companies at a time.

Delete all companies

Delete the entire set of companies from the portfolio.


DELETE /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/companies?all=true

Query parameters

Field Type Description
all boolean If true and the submitted request entity is empty, deletes ALL companies from the portfolio.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "deleted": 2
Field Type Description
deleted integer Number of companies deleted from the portfolio.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted request not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Portfolio company details

Response - UK company details

  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "addedAt": "2021-01-01T08:00:00.000",
    "companyName": "ACME UK LTD",
    "companyStatus": {
      "code": "L",
      "description": "Live"
    "id": 1,
    "reference": "reference",
    "registrationNumber": "00000001"

Response - Irish company details

  "id": "0ab1c6e7-32c8-4fca-a77a-e3be0bb88ce1",
  "response": {
    "addedAt": "2021-01-01T08:00:00.000",
    "companyName": "ACME IRELAND LTD",
    "companyStatus": {
      "code": "L",
      "description": "Live"
    "cwid": "1fb09115-9690-4d3e-99d4-598b4f906f50",
    "reference": "reference",
    "registrationNumber": "000001"


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/companies/<company_id>

Response - UK

Field Type Description
addedAt timestamp Date and time company was added to the portfolio (in UTC).
cinumber integer Company Watch UK company identifier.
companyName string Company name.
companyStatus object Current status of the company.
reference string Custom reference.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.

Response - Ireland

Field Type Description
addedAt timestamp Date and time company was added to the portfolio (in UTC).
companyName string Company name.
companyStatus object Current status of the company.
cwid string Company Watch Irish company identifier.
reference string Custom reference.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.

List of possible company status types:

Status code Description
L Live
D Dissolved
R Removed
X Closed

Error responses

HTTP code Description
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible
Company does not exist in portfolio.

Update a company’s reference


PATCH /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/companies/<company_id>


Request entity

  "reference": "new-reference"
Field Type Description
reference string New reference for the company.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "updated": true
Field Type Description
updated boolean true if the company’s reference was updated successfully.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted request is not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible
Company does not exist in portfolio.

Alert settings

Returns the alert settings for this portfolio.


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "receiveByEmail": false,
    "suppressEmptyEmails": true,
    "useExcel": false
Field Type Description
receiveByEmail boolean true if receiving alerts via email is enabled for this portfolio.
useExcel boolean true if the content received via email defaults to an Excel attachment.
suppressEmptyEmails boolean true if emails are not sent when there are no changes for the day/week.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Update the alert settings

Replaces the alert settings for this portfolio.


PUT /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts


Request entity

  "receiveByEmail": false,
  "suppressEmptyEmails": true,
  "useExcel": false
Field Type Description
receiveByEmail boolean Required. Enable/disable receiving alerts via email.
useExcel boolean Required. If true forces the content of the alerts received via email to be provided as an Excel attachment
Note 1: only applicable if receiveByEmail is enabled.
Note 2: an Excel attachment will be used by default when the number of changes in the portfolio exceeds 100.
suppressEmptyEmails boolean Required. Enable/disable receiving alerts via email when there are no changes for the day/week.
Note: only applicable if receiveByEmail is enabled.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "updated": true
Field Type Description
updated boolean true when the alert settings were replaced successfully.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted settings are not well-formed.
403 Account not permitted to make changes.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Selected monitoring conditions

Response - UK conditions

  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43b",
  "response": {
    "hScore": {
      "entersWarningArea": true,
      "exitsWarningArea": true,
      "movementInWarningArea": true,
      "movesAbove": 30,
      "movesBelow": 10,
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true
    "creditLimit": {
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true,
      "percentageIncrease": 25,
      "percentageDecrease": 30
    "riskRating": {
      "movesAbove": 6,
      "movesBelow": 4,
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true
    "contractLimit": {
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true,
      "percentageIncrease": 25,
      "percentageDecrease": 30
    "accounts": {
      "newAccounts": true,
      "lateFiling": true,
      "auditReportComments": true,
      "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
      "docFiledLatestReturns": true,
      "docFiledARDChange": true
    "adverseEvents": {
      "financialDistress": true,
      "ceasingToTrade": true,
      "suspendedStrikeOff": true,
      "windingUpPetition": true,
      "events": [
    "ccjs": {
      "newJudgment": true,
      "judgmentsSatisfied": true,
      "judgmentsExpired": true
    "mortgages": {
      "newCharge": true,
      "satisfied": true,
      "docFiledLodged": true,
      "docFiledSatisfaction": true
    "directors": {
      "appointments": true,
      "resignations": true,
      "detailsChange": true,
      "newDisqualifications": true,
      "newDisqualificationExemptions": true,
      "docFiledDirSecChange": true,
      "docFiledProposedOfficers": true,
      "docFiledOfficerChange": true,
      "docFiledDetailsChange": true
    "psc": {
      "exemption": true,
      "newPscs": true,
      "ceasedPscs": true,
      "nocChanged": true,
      "newStatements": true,
      "withdrawnStatements": true
    "shareCapital": {
      "docFiledAnyStatementCapital": true,
      "docFiledCapitalChange": true,
      "docFiledNameShareVariation": true,
      "docFiledOrderSec899": true,
      "docFiledNoncashAssets": true,
      "docFiledResDisapplyPreemptRights": true
    "incorporation": {
      "docFiledAmendment": true,
      "docFiledReregistration": true,
      "docFiledMemorandum": true,
      "docFiledConvertToSE": true,
      "docFiledPublicTradingCert": true,
      "docFiledRemovedByCRO": true,
      "docFiledRestoredToIndex": true
    "address": {
      "companyNameChange": true,
      "regAddressChange": true,
      "docFiledNameChange": true,
      "docFiledRegAddressChange": true
    "auditor": "any_change",
    "industry": "any_change",
    "profitWarnings": "any_change",
    "unsecuredCreditors": "any_change",
    "unsecuredDebtors": "any_change"

Response - Ireland conditions

  "id": "0ab1c6e7-32c8-4fca-a77a-e3be0bb88ce1b",
  "response": {
    "hScore": {
      "entersWarningArea": true,
      "exitsWarningArea": true,
      "movementInWarningArea": true,
      "movesAbove": 25,
      "movesBelow": 30,
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true
    "creditLimit": {
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true,
      "percentageIncrease": 10,
      "percentageDecrease": 20
    "riskRating": {
      "movesAbove": 7,
      "movesBelow": 3,
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true
    "contractLimit": {
      "increase": true,
      "decrease": true,
      "percentageIncrease": 10,
      "percentageDecrease": 20
    "accounts": {
      "newAccounts": true,
      "lateFiling": true,
      "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
      "docFiledLatestReturns": true
    "adverseEvents": {
      "financialDistress": true,
      "ceasingToTrade": true,
      "windingUpPetition": true,
      "events": [
    "ccjs": {
      "newJudgment": true,
      "judgmentsSatisfied": true
    "mortgages": {
      "newCharge": true,
      "satisfied": true,
      "docFiledLodged": true,
      "docFiledSatisfaction": true
    "directors": {
      "appointments": true,
      "resignations": true,
      "detailsChange": true,
      "docFiledDirSecChange": true
    "address": {
      "companyNameChange": true,
      "regAddressChange": true,
      "docFiledNameChange": true,
      "docFiledRegAddressChange": true
    "auditor": "any_change",
    "industry": "any_change"

Returns the selected conditions for monitoring.


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/conditions

Response - UK

See the UK - Change Categories section for details on each option.

Field Type Description
accounts string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
address string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
adverseEvents string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
auditor string any_change
ccjs string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
contractLimit string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
creditLimit string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
directors string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
groupStructure string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
hScore string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
incorporation string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
industry string any_change
mortgages string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
profitWarnings string any_change
psc string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
riskRating string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
shareCapital string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
unsecuredCreditors string any_change
unsecuredDebtors string any_change

Response - Ireland

See the Ireland - Change Categories section for details on each option.

Field Type Description
accounts string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
address string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
adverseEvents string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
auditor string any_change or a specific set of conditions.
ccjs string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
contractLimit string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
creditLimit string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
directors string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
hScore string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
industry string any_change
mortgages string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.
riskRating string or object any_change or a specific set of conditions.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Update monitoring conditions

Request entity - UK conditions

  "hScore": {
    "entersWarningArea": true,
    "exitsWarningArea": true,
    "movementInWarningArea": true,
    "movesAbove": 30,
    "movesBelow": 10,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "creditLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 25,
    "percentageDecrease": 30
  "riskRating": {
    "movesAbove": 6,
    "movesBelow": 4,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "contractLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 25,
    "percentageDecrease": 30
  "accounts": {
    "newAccounts": true,
    "lateFiling": true,
    "auditReportComments": true,
    "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
    "docFiledLatestReturns": true,
    "docFiledARDChange": true
  "adverseEvents": {
    "financialDistress": true,
    "ceasingToTrade": true,
    "suspendedStrikeOff": true,
    "windingUpPetition": true,
    "events": [
  "ccjs": {
    "newJudgment": true,
    "judgmentsSatisfied": true,
    "judgmentsExpired": true
  "mortgages": {
    "newCharge": true,
    "satisfied": true,
    "docFiledLodged": true,
    "docFiledSatisfaction": true
  "directors": {
    "appointments": true,
    "resignations": true,
    "detailsChange": true,
    "newDisqualifications": true,
    "newDisqualificationExemptions": true,
    "docFiledDirSecChange": true,
    "docFiledProposedOfficers": true,
    "docFiledOfficerChange": true,
    "docFiledDetailsChange": true
  "psc": {
    "exemption": true,
    "newPscs": true,
    "ceasedPscs": true,
    "nocChanged": true,
    "newStatements": true,
    "withdrawnStatements": true
  "shareCapital": {
    "docFiledAnyStatementCapital": true,
    "docFiledCapitalChange": true,
    "docFiledNameShareVariation": true,
    "docFiledOrderSec899": true,
    "docFiledNoncashAssets": true,
    "docFiledResDisapplyPreemptRights": true
  "incorporation": {
    "docFiledAmendment": true,
    "docFiledReregistration": true,
    "docFiledMemorandum": true,
    "docFiledConvertToSE": true,
    "docFiledPublicTradingCert": true,
    "docFiledRemovedByCRO": true,
    "docFiledRestoredToIndex": true
  "address": {
    "companyNameChange": true,
    "regAddressChange": true,
    "docFiledNameChange": true,
    "docFiledRegAddressChange": true
   "groupStructure": {
      "ultimateParent": true,
      "immediateParent": true,
      "topUkConsolidatedParent": true,
      "newSubsidiaries": true,
      "removedSubsidiaries": true
  "auditor": "any_change",
  "industry": "any_change",
  "profitWarnings": "any_change",
  "unsecuredCreditors": "any_change",
  "unsecuredDebtors": "any_change"

Request entity - Ireland conditions

  "hScore": {
    "entersWarningArea": true,
    "exitsWarningArea": true,
    "movementInWarningArea": true,
    "movesAbove": 25,
    "movesBelow": 30,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "creditLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 10,
    "percentageDecrease": 20
  "riskRating": {
    "movesAbove": 7,
    "movesBelow": 3,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "contractLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 10,
    "percentageDecrease": 20
  "accounts": {
    "newAccounts": true,
    "lateFiling": true,
    "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
    "docFiledLatestReturns": true
  "adverseEvents": {
    "financialDistress": true,
    "ceasingToTrade": true,
    "windingUpPetition": true,
    "events": [
  "ccjs": {
    "newJudgment": true,
    "judgmentsSatisfied": true
  "mortgages": {
    "newCharge": true,
    "satisfied": true,
    "docFiledLodged": true,
    "docFiledSatisfaction": true
  "directors": {
    "appointments": true,
    "resignations": true,
    "detailsChange": true,
    "docFiledDirSecChange": true
  "address": {
    "companyNameChange": true,
    "regAddressChange": true,
    "docFiledNameChange": true,
    "docFiledRegAddressChange": true
  "auditor": "any_change",
  "industry": "any_change"

Replaces the monitoring conditions with a new set of selected conditions.


PUT /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/conditions

Request - UK

See the UK - Change Categories section for details on each option.

Field Type Description
accounts string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
address string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
adverseEvents string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
auditor string Optional. any_change
ccjs string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
contractLimit string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
creditLimit string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
directors string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
groupStructure string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
hScore string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
incorporation string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
industry string Optional. any_change
mortgages string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
profitWarnings string Optional. any_change
psc string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
riskRating string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
shareCapital string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
unsecuredCreditors string Optional. any_change
unsecuredDebtors string Optional. any_change

Request - Ireland

See the Ireland - Change Categories section for details on each option.

Field Type Description
accounts string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
address string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
adverseEvents string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
auditor string Optional. any_change
ccjs string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
contractLimit string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
creditLimit string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
directors string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
hScore string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
industry string Optional. any_change
mortgages string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.
riskRating string or object Optional.
any_change or a specific set of changes.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "updated": true
Field Type Description
updated boolean true when updated successfully

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted request is not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Adding email alert recipients

Add one or more email addresses to this portfolio to receive alerts via email.


POST /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/emails


Request entity

  "[email protected]",
  "[email protected]"

An array of email addresses.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "added": 2,
    "duplicates": [
      "[email protected]"
    "ignored": [
Field Type Description
added integer The number of email addresses successfully added.
duplicates array of string The list of submitted email addresses that already exist in the portfolio.
ignored array of string The list of submitted email addresses that have been ignored due to validation errors.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted request is not well-formed.
403 Email recipient limit reached.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.
409 A state conflict occurred during the insertion. Retry.
413 Number of emails to be added at a time exceeded limit.
Maximum of 100 emails at a time.

List email alert recipients

Returns the list of email alert recipients for this portfolio.


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/emails


  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 2
  "response": [{
    "addedAt": "2021-01-01T08:00:00.00",
    "email": "[email protected]"
  }, {
    "addedAt": "2021-0101T08:00:00.00",
    "email": "[email protected]"


Field Type Description
email string The email address of the alert recipient.
addedAt timestamp The date and time the recipient was added to the list.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Delete email alert recipients

Delete one or more email alert recipients from the portfolio.


DELETE /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/emails


Request entity

  "[email protected]",
  "[email protected]"

An array of email addresses.

Note: Email addresses submitted for deletion that are not contained in the portfolio are ignored.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "deleted": 2
Field Type Description
deleted integer Number of email addresses deleted.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted request is not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.
413 Number of emails to be deleted at a time exceeded limit.
Maximum of 100 emails at a time.

Delete all email alert recipients

Deletes the entire set of email alert recipients from the portfolio.


DELETE /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/emails?all=true

Query parameters

Field Type Description
all boolean If all is true, deletes all the email alert recipients from this portfolio. Parameter ignored if the request body contains content.



  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "response": {
    "deleted": 2
Field Type Description
deleted integer Number of email addresses deleted.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted request is not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

List of change notifications

Returns the latest list of change notification records.

Only records containing at least one change notification for the portfolio’s companies and monitoring conditions will be returned.


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/notifications?filters={<filter_options>}


  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 3
  "response": [{
    "totalNotifications": 15,
    "companiesChanged": 15,
    "createdAt": "2021-01-04T00:00:00",
    "snapshotId": 4
  }, {
    "totalNotifications": 6,
    "companiesChanged": 5,
    "createdAt": "2021-01-02T00:00:00",
    "snapshotId": 2
  }, {
    "totalNotifications": 14,
    "companiesChanged": 10,
    "createdAt": "2021-01-01T00:00:00",
    "snapshotId": 1

Query parameters

Pagination support : yes

Filter options


Field Type Description
dateFrom date Return snapshots beginning from a certain date.
Required if dateTo is used.
dateTo date Return snapshots ending before a certain date. Optionally used with dateFrom. If dateTo is null or not provided, all snapshots since dateFrom to the latest are returned.
sinceSnapshotId integer Return snapshots that are greater or equal to sinceSnapshotId. Takes precedence over dateFrom and dateTo filter options.


Field Type Description
totalNotifications integer Total number of notifications across all companies in the portfolio
companiesChanged integer Number of companies for the portfolios that have changes.
createdAt timestamp Date and time of the recorded change (in UTC)
snapshotId integer Snapshot identifier of the recorded changes.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
400 Submitted filters are not well-formed.
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

Change notification details

Response - UK company changes

  "id": "6d3714bc-96f1-45cb-b0c2-ae2c8ea51d43",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 1
  "response": [{
    "changes": [{
      "category": {
        "code": "uk.acc_ann",
        "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
      "conditionCode": "any_change",
      "details": null,
      "summary": "new accounts are available (Annual)"
    }, {
      "category": {
        "code": "uk.hscore",
        "name": "H-Score"
      "conditionCode": "decrease",
      "details": {
        "n": 93,
        "o": 95
      "summary": "H-Score has decreased from 95 to 93"
    "cinumber": 1,
    "companyName": "Company 1",
    "createdAt": "2021-05-19T09:06:29.852",
    "reference": "ref",
    "registrationNumber": "00000001",
    "snapshotId": 3

Response - Irish company changes

  "id": "0ab1c6e7-32c8-4fca-a77a-e3be0bb88ce1",
  "pagination": {
    "total": 1
  "response": [{
    "changes": [{
      "category": {
        "code": "ie.acc_ann",
        "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
      "conditionCode": "any_change",
      "details": [],
      "summary": "new accounts are available for 2020-06-30"
    }, {
      "category": {
        "code": "ie.hscore",
        "name": "H-Score"
      "conditionCode": "decrease",
      "details": {
        "n": 93,
        "o": 95
      "summary": "H-Score has decreased from 95 to 93"
    "cwid": "c8ae0b6b-0a0f-4423-a838-fad0e0d01305",
    "companyName": "Company 1",
    "createdAt": "2021-01-01T08:00:00.000",
    "reference": "ref",
    "registrationNumber": "000001",
    "snapshotId": 3

Returns a list of companies with changes for a particular snapshot.


GET /api/v1/<uk|ie>/portfolios/<portfolio_id>/alerts/notifications/<snapshot_id>

Response - UK

Field Type Description
changes array of Change An array of changes that fulfil the alerting conditions selected.
Refer to the UK - Change Categories section for details.
cinumber integer Company Watch identifier for the UK company.
companyName string Company name.
createdAt timestamp Date and time of the recorded change (in UTC).
reference string Your provided reference for the company.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.
snapshotId integer Snapshot identifier of the recorded change.

Response - Ireland

Field Type Description
changes array of Change An array of changes that fulfil the alerting conditions selected.
Refer to the Ireland - Change Categories section for details.
companyName string Company name.
createdAt timestamp Date and time of the recorded change (in UTC).
cwid string Company Watch identifier for the Irish company.
reference string Your provided reference for the company.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.
snapshotId integer Snapshot identifier of the recorded change.


Field Type Description
category object Category of information of the change.
conditionCode string Selected condition code of the change.
details object Details of the change.
summary string Summary text of what has changed.

Error responses

HTTP code Description
404 Portfolio does not exist or is not accessible.

UK - Change Categories

The following section provides details on the different types of monitoring categories for UK Companies and their specific options, and the details that are returned for each.

Condition options

  "hScore": {
    "entersWarningArea": true,
    "exitsWarningArea": true,
    "movementInWarningArea": true,
    "movesAbove": 30,
    "movesBelow": 10,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "creditLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 25,
    "percentageDecrease": 30
  "riskRating": {
    "movesAbove": 6,
    "movesBelow": 4,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "contractLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 25,
    "percentageDecrease": 30
  "accounts": {
    "newAccounts": true,
    "lateFiling": true,
    "auditReportComments": true,
    "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
    "docFiledLatestReturns": true,
    "docFiledARDChange": true
  "adverseEvents": {
    "financialDistress": true,
    "ceasingToTrade": true,
    "suspendedStrikeOff": true,
    "windingUpPetition": true,
    "events": [
  "ccjs": {
    "newJudgment": true,
    "judgmentsSatisfied": true,
    "judgmentsExpired": true
  "mortgages": {
    "newCharge": true,
    "satisfied": true,
    "docFiledLodged": true,
    "docFiledSatisfaction": true
  "directors": {
    "appointments": true,
    "resignations": true,
    "detailsChange": true,
    "newDisqualifications": true,
    "newDisqualificationExemptions": true,
    "docFiledDirSecChange": true,
    "docFiledProposedOfficers": true,
    "docFiledOfficerChange": true,
    "docFiledDetailsChange": true
  "psc": {
    "exemption": true,
    "newPscs": true,
    "ceasedPscs": true,
    "nocChanged": true,
    "newStatements": true,
    "withdrawnStatements": true
  "shareCapital": {
    "docFiledAnyStatementCapital": true,
    "docFiledCapitalChange": true,
    "docFiledNameShareVariation": true,
    "docFiledOrderSec899": true,
    "docFiledNoncashAssets": true,
    "docFiledResDisapplyPreemptRights": true
  "incorporation": {
    "docFiledAmendment": true,
    "docFiledReregistration": true,
    "docFiledMemorandum": true,
    "docFiledConvertToSE": true,
    "docFiledPublicTradingCert": true,
    "docFiledRemovedByCRO": true,
    "docFiledRestoredToIndex": true
  "address": {
    "companyNameChange": true,
    "regAddressChange": true,
    "docFiledNameChange": true,
    "docFiledRegAddressChange": true
  "groupStructure": {
    "ultimateParent": true,
    "immediateParent": true,
    "topUkConsolidatedParent": true,
    "newSubsidiaries": true,
    "removedSubsidiaries": true
  "auditor": "any_change",
  "industry": "any_change",
  "profitWarnings": "any_change",
  "unsecuredCreditors": "any_change",
  "unsecuredDebtors": "any_change",
  "paymentPractice": "any_change",
  "vigilance": {
    "abnormalIncreaseInNetWorth": true,
    "abnormalInitialShareCapital": true,
    "adverseAnnotations": true,
    "amendedAccountsWhenDormant": true,
    "uniqueAuditorsOrPresenters": true,
    "abnormalBenfordLawDistribution": true,
    "duplicateAccounts": true,
    "earlyAccountsFiled": true,
    "fastAccountsFiled": true,
    "multipleRegisteredOfficeChanges": true,
    "revaluationReserveExceededThreshold": true,
    "virtualRegisteredOffice": true,
    "noVatRegistrationAndTurnoverExceedsThreshold": true
  "phoenix": "any_change"
Field Category Options
accounts Accounts & Confirmation Statement null
Specific changes
address Company Name & Registered Office Address null
Specific changes
adverseEvents Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading null
Specific changes
auditor Auditor null
ccjs County Court Judgments null
Specific changes
contractLimit Contract Limit null
Specific changes
creditLimit Credit Limit null
Specific changes
directors Company Directors & Officers null
Specific changes
groupStructure Group Structure null
Specific changes
hScore H-Score null
Specific changes
incorporation Incorporation & Articles null
Specific changes
industry Industry null
mortgages Mortgages null
Specific changes
paymentPractice Payment Practice null
phoenix Phoenixism null
profitWarning Profit Warning null
psc Persons of Significant Control null
Specific changes
riskRating Risk Rating null
Specific changes
shareCapital Share Capital null
Specific changes
unsecuredCreditors Unsecured Creditors null
unsecuredDebtors Unsecured Distressed Debtors null
vigilance Vigilance null
Specific changes

Accounts & Confirmation Statement

Condition options

  "accounts": {
    "newAccounts": true,
    "lateFiling": true,
    "auditReportComments": true,
    "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
    "docFiledLatestReturns": true,
    "docFiledARDChange": true

Category code: uk.acc_ann

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
ev_UK_P (deprecated, replaced by ev_UK_N)
Specific Changes
newAccounts boolean new_acc New accounts data available.
lateFiling boolean late_filing Accounts overdue.
auditReportComments boolean audit_report_comments Change in audit report comments.
docFiledARDChange boolean ev_UK_H Filing event - Change of Accounting Reference Date.
docFiledLatestReturns boolean ev_UK_R Filing event - Latest Confirmation Statement filed at Companies House.
docFiledLatestAccounts boolean ev_UK_N Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at Companies House.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "events": [
        "date": "2019-12-31",
        "eventType": "UK_N"
    "auditReportComments": {
      "codeChange": {
        "newValue": "C",
        "originalValue": "O"
      "commentsChange": {
        "newValue": "Qualified - Limitations of scope",
        "originalValue": "Unqualified - No adverse comments"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "new accounts are available (Annual); the audit report comments have changed from 'Unqualified - No adverse comments' to 'Qualified - Limitations of scope'; Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at Companies House",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
auditReportComments object Change in audit report comments.
events array of Event List of filing events.

New accounts data available

  "details": {
    "accountType": "Annual"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "new accounts are available (Annual)",
  "conditionCode": "new_acc"

New accounts data available

Field Type Description
accountType string Type of the latest set of accounts. Annual or Interim.

Accounts overdue (late filing)

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "latest accounts overdue",
  "conditionCode": "late_filing"

Change in audit report comments

  "details": {
    "codeChange": {
      "newValue": "B",
      "originalValue": "O"
    "commentsChange": {
      "newValue": "Unqualified - Going concern",
      "originalValue": "Unqualified - No adverse comments"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "the audit report comments have changed from 'Unqualified - No adverse comments' to 'Unqualified - Going concern'",
  "conditionCode": "audit_report_comments"

Change in audit report comments

Field Type Description
codeChange object Change in comment code.
newValue - latest code
originalValue - previous code
commentsChange object Change in comment.
newValue - latest comment
originalValue - previous comment

Filing event - Latest confirmation statement filed at Companies House

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-14",
    "eventType": "UK_R"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "Filing event - Latest confirmation statement filed at Companies House",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_R"

Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at Companies House

  "details": {
    "date": "2020-12-31",
    "eventType": "UK_N"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at Companies House",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_N"

Filing event - Change of Accounting Reference Date

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-13",
    "eventType": "UK_H"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change of Accounting Reference Date",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_H"

Filing event

Field Type Description
date date Date of the event.
eventType string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
UK_H Change of Accounting Reference Date
UK_N Latest Accounts filed at Companies House
UK_R Latest confirmation statement filed at Companies House

List of deprecated filing events:

Event code Description
UK_P Latest Accounts filed at Companies House

Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading

Condition options

  "adverseEvents": {
    "financialDistress": true,
    "ceasingToTrade": true,
    "suspendedStrikeOff": true,
    "windingUpPetition": true,
    "noiAppointAdministrators": true,
    "unadvertisedWindingUpPetition": true,
    "windingUpPetitionApplication": true,
    "events": [

Category code: uk.adv_ev

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
financialDistress boolean fin_distress Financial distress.
ceasingToTrade boolean ceasing_trade Ceasing to trade.
suspendedStrikeOff boolean sus_strike_off Suspended strike-off.
windingUpPetition boolean wind_up_pet Winding-up petition.
noiAppointAdministrators boolean noi_appoint_administrators Notice filed in the court.
unadvertisedWindingUpPetition boolean unadvertised_wind_up_pet Unadvertised winding-up petition.
windingUpPetitionApplication boolean wind_up_pet_application Winding-up petition application.
events array of Event codes picked Selection of adverse event types to monitor for.

List of adverse event codes:

Event code Description
UK_QVM Abstracts & Payments
UK_ODA Administration Notice - Gazette
UK_O Administration Order
UK_OB Administrator Appointed - Gazette
UK_ODB Admin-Meeting of Creditors - Gazette
UK_VAA Application for strike off (NI)
UK_TOC Appointment of Judicial Factor
UK_QL Appointment of Liquidator
UK_QLA Appointment of provisional Liquidator
UK_TB Appointment of Receiver by a court
UK_SW Appointment of Liquidator Compulsory - Gazette
UK_RWW Appointment of Liquidator Creditors - Gazette
UK_RWX Appointment of Liquidator - Gazette
UK_QK Appointment of Liquidator Member - Gazette
UK_OD Appointment of Administrator
UK_S Appointment of Liquidator Court Wind Up
UK_TA Appointment of Receiver
UK_RQJ Court order release of Official Receiver
UK_QST Ceasing to Act as Voluntary Liquidator
UK_QSX Completion of Winding-Up
UK_VAM Compulsory strike-off cancelled
UK_VAF Compulsory strike-off suspended
UK_RQB Court order case rescind
UK_QLS Court Order Sisting Proceeding
UK_QSO Court Order Stay in Winding Up
UK_RQC Court Order Stay in Winding Up
UK_QS Declaration of Solvency
UK_ODZ Defer date of Dissolution
UK_OX Discharge of Administration Order
UK_Y Dissolution
UK_X Dissolution (Final)
UK_ODX End of Administration
UK_QWA F 1.11 Start of Moratorium
UK_QWB F 1.12 Extension of Moratorium
UK_QWX F 1.14 Ending of Moratorium
UK_QWD F 1.16 Withdrawal of consent
UK_U Final Meeting of Creditor
UK_RQX Meeting of Creditors - Gazette
UK_ODY Move from Administration to Dissolution
UK_ODW Move from Administration to Liquidation
UK_SR Notice Removal of Liquidator
UK_TX Notice ceasing to act Receiver
UK_RQF Order of Court Cancelled/Set aside
UK_RWY Order for Dissolution Wind Up
UK_RQD Order of Court Recall Provisional Liquidator
UK_RQE Order of Court Recind Winding Up
UK_RPX Petitions Winding-Up - Gazette
UK_T Receivership Document Lodged
UK_OA Receivership notice - Gazette
UK_QSA Resolution Creditors Wind-up
UK_QSB Resolution Members Wind-up
UK_QLL Resolution to wind up
UK_QSC Statement of Affairs
UK_TBG Statement of Affairs 3.3
UK_QSR Vacation of Voluntary Liquidator
UK_OWR Variation of Administration Order
UK_QVX Voluntary Arrangement completion
UK_VZ Voluntary Dissolution Discontinued
UK_VA Voluntary Dissolution Requested
UK_VL Voluntary Dissolution Requested
UK_VS Voluntary Dissolution Suspended
UK_VW Voluntary Dissolution Withdrawn
UK_Q Voluntary Administration/Wind up/Liquidation
UK_QV Voluntary Arrangement
UK_V Warning notice, striking-off
UK_RQA Winding-Up Order
UK_RPY Winding-up Orders - Gazette
UK_VWW Withdrawal of Strike-off (NI)
UK_QLI Resolution Appointment of Liquidator
UK_QVK Voluntary Administration Revocation or Suspension
UK_RQK Release of Liquidator

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "events": [
        "date": "2020-06-22",
        "eventType": "UK_QV"
    "overallDistress": {
      "n": "D",
      "o": null
    "noiAppointAdministrators": [
        "igCode": {
          "code": "NOI1",
          "description": "A notice of intention to appoint an administrator"
        "caseType": "Companies - Application - Notice of Intention to appoint an administrator",
        "filedDate": "2022-10-25",
        "regNumber": "06753941",
        "caseNumber": "CR-2022-003846",
        "updateDate": "2022-10-25",
        "jurisdiction": "UK",
        "caseTitleCompanyName": "Jehu Group Limited",
        "applicantLegalRepresentative": "Darwin Gray LLP"
    "unadvertisedWindingUpPetition": [],
    "windingUpPetitionApplication": []
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Financial Distress; Early warning insolvency flag - Court filing of notice of intention to appoint an administrator; Filing event - Voluntary Arrangement",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
events array of Event List of adverse events.
overallDistress object Change in distress status.
noiAppointAdministrators array of NoiAppointAdministrators Early warning insolvency flag - New court filing of notices of intention to appoint an administrator
unadvertisedWindingUpPetition array of UnadvertisedWindingUpPetition Early warning insolvency flag - New unadvertised winding up petitions
windingUpPetitionApplication array of WindingUpPetitionApplication Early warning insolvency flag - Winding up petition applications

Financial distress

  "details": {
    "n": "D"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Financial Distress",
  "conditionCode": "fin_distress"

Ceasing to trade

  "details": {
    "n": "C"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Ceasing To Trade",
  "conditionCode": "ceasing_trade"

Suspended strike-off

  "details": {
    "n": "S",
    "o": "C"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Suspended Strike Off",
  "conditionCode": "sus_strike_off"

Winding-up petition

  "details": {
    "n": "P",
    "o": null
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Winding Up Petition",
  "conditionCode": "wind_up_pet"

Notice filed in the court

  "details": [
      "igCode": {
        "code": "NAAA3",
        "description": "A notice to appoint an administrator"
      "caseType": "Companies - Application - Notice of Appointment to appoint an administrator",
      "filedDate": "2022-06-28",
      "regNumber": "10082836",
      "caseNumber": "CR-2022-BHM-000293",
      "updateDate": "2022-06-28",
      "jurisdiction": "UK",
      "caseTitleCompanyName": "Domo Developments Ltd",
      "applicantLegalRepresentative": "EVERSHEDS"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Early warning insolvency flag - Court filing of notice of intention to appoint an administrator",
  "conditionCode": "noi_appoint_administrators"

Unadvertised winding-up petition

  "details": [
      "court": "Companies Court",
      "courtId": "CR-2022-001284",
      "courtName": "ROLLS BUILDING",
      "courtType": "Companies Winding Up (Chancery Division)",
      "regNumber": "09739952",
      "companyName": "Elite Construction Group Ltd",
      "enteredDate": "2022-07-05",
      "hearingDate": "2022-07-06",
      "companyStatus": "active",
      "companyNameMatchedCH": "ELITE CONSTRUCTION GROUP LTD"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Early warning insolvency flag - Unadvertised winding up petition",
  "conditionCode": "unadvertised_wind_up_pet"

Winding-up petition application

  "details": [
      "caseType": "Event Description Companies - Petition - Winding Up Petition",
      "filedDate": "2022-08-25",
      "regNumber": "00393087",
      "caseNumber": "CR-2022-002781",
      "companyName": "Billing Aquadrome Limited",
      "jurisdiction": "UK",
      "petitionerName": "HMRC",
      "caseTitleCompanyName": "Billing Aquadrome Limited",
      "companyRepresentative": "Litigant in Person",
      "petitionerRepresentative": "HMRC, 14 Westfield Avenue, Stratford, London E20 1HZ"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Early warning insolvency flag - Winding up petition application",
  "conditionCode": "wind_up_pet_application"

Change in distress status

Field Type Description
n string Latest distress status.
o string Previous distress status.

New court filing of notices of intention to appoint an administrator

Field Type Description
applicantLegalRepresentative string Name of the legal representative.
caseNumber string Court case number.
caseTitleCompanyName string Name of the company.
caseType string Court case type.
filedDate string Date document was filed at the court.
igCode object Type of the document filed. See possible values below.
jurisdiction string Jurisdiction the notice applies to.
regNumber string The UK company registration number.
updateDate string Date document was updated at the court.

New unadvertised winding up petitions

Field Type Description
companyName string Name of the company.
companyNameMatchedCH string Name of the company in Companies House.
companyStatus string Status of the company.
court string Court identifier.
courtId string Petition identifier.
courtName string Name of the court where the petition was filed.
courtType string Type of court where the petition was filed.
enteredDate string Date the petition was entered.
hearingDate string Date of the petition hearing date at the court.
regNumber string The UK company registration number.

Winding up petition applications

Field Type Description
caseNumber string Court case number.
caseTitleCompanyName string Name of the company.
caseType string Court case type.
companyName string Name of the company.
companyRepresentative string The name of the entity that represented the company at the court.
filedDate string Date that the application was filed at the court.
jurisdiction string Jurisdiction the petition application applies to.
petitionerName string The petitioner’s name.
petitionerRepresentative string The petitioner’s representative.
regNumber string The UK company registration number.


  "details": [
      "date": "2021-04-26",
      "eventType": "UK_QK"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse Events & Cessation of Trading"
  "summary": "Filing event - Appointment of Liquidator Member - Gazette",
  "conditionCode": "picked"

Selected adverse events

Field Type Description
date date Date of the event filing.
eventType string Event type code.

IG codes - Notice Types

Code Description
CVA1 Company Voluntary Arrangement
NAA2 Administration application
NOI1 A notice of intention to appoint an administrator
NAAA3 A notice to appoint an administrator
MOR1 Part A1 moratorium


Condition options

  "auditor": "any_change"

Category code: uk.auditor

Condition Type Code Description
Any change string any_change Change of company auditor.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": {
      "code": "UK_41O",
    "o": {
      "code": "UK_CA7",
      "description": "CARSTON & CO"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.auditor",
    "name": "Auditor"
  "summary": "auditor has changed from 'CARSTON & CO' to 'CARSTON CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS'",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
n object Latest auditor.
o object Previous auditor.

Company Directors & Officers

Condition options

  "directors": {
    "appointments": true,
    "resignations": true,
    "detailsChange": true,
    "newDisqualifications": true,
    "newDisqualificationExemptions": true,
    "docFiledDirSecChange": true,
    "docFiledProposedOfficers": true,
    "docFiledOfficerChange": true,
    "docFiledDetailsChange": true

Category code: uk.dirs

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
appointments boolean apts New director appointments.
resignations boolean resigns Directors resigned.
detailsChange boolean changed Directors’ details changed.
newDisqualifications boolean disqualified New director disqualification details.
newDisqualificationExemptions boolean disq_exemptions New disqualification exemptions.
docFiledDirSecChange boolean ev_dir_sec_off Filing event - Directors/Secretary/Officers change.
docFiledProposedOfficers boolean ev_p_f_off Filing event - Proposed first officers.
docFiledOfficersChange boolean ev_chg_off Filing event - Change of Officers.
docFiledDetailsChange boolean ev_ch_dtls_off Filing event - Change to details of officer.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "apts": [
        "address": "Chiswick Park Building 5, Ground Floor, 566 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5YF",
        "jobTitle": {
          "code": "CM",
          "description": "COMMERCIAL DIRECTOR"
        "position": {
          "code": "88",
          "description": "Director"
        "isCurrent": true,
        "entityType": "person",
        "dateOfBirth": "1977-03-01",
        "directorName": "Mr Carlos Arango",
        "hasExemption": false,
        "directorNumber": "D26637470",
        "isDisqualified": false,
        "appointmentDate": "2021-05-20"
    "disq": [],
    "modified": [
        "changes": [
            "change": {
              "newValue": "Dr Jacqueline Kay Swinburne",
              "originalValue": "Jacqueline Kay Swinburne"
            "fieldName": "name",
            "positionCode": "89",
            "directorNumber": "D26246274"
        "director": {
          "address": "15 Canada Square, London, E14 5GL",
          "position": {
            "code": "89",
            "description": "LLP Member"
          "isCurrent": true,
          "entityType": "person",
          "dateOfBirth": "1967-06-01",
          "directorName": "Dr Jacqueline Kay Swinburne",
          "hasExemption": false,
          "directorNumber": "D26246274",
          "isDisqualified": false,
          "appointmentDate": "2019-09-03"
    "resigned": [
        "address": "Chiswick Park Building 5, Ground Floor, 566 Chiswick High Road, London, W4 5YF",
        "jobTitle": {
          "code": "149",
          "description": "EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR"
        "position": {
          "code": "88",
          "description": "Director"
        "isCurrent": false,
        "entityType": "person",
        "dateOfBirth": "1982-01-01",
        "directorName": "Mrs Michele Louise Batty",
        "hasExemption": false,
        "directorNumber": "D25422164",
        "isDisqualified": false,
        "appointmentDate": "2018-11-28",
        "resignationDate": "2021-05-19"
    "cooEvents": [
        "date": "2021-05-25",
        "eventType": "UK_K2"
    "ctoEvents": [],
    "dsoEvents": [],
    "pfoEvents": [],
    "disqExemptions": []
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director have been appointed; 1 director has resigned; 1 director has had their details changed; Filing event - Change of Officers",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
apts array of Director Newly appointed directors.
modified array of DirectorChange Directors with changes to their details.
disq array of Disqualified Current directors with new disqualification records.
disqExemptions array of DisqualificationExemption New disqualification exemptions.
resigned array of Director Resigned directors.
cooEvents array of Event Event codes related to Change of Officers.
ctoEvents array of Event Event codes related to Change to details of officer.
dsoEvents array of Event Event codes related to Directors/Secretary/Officers change.
pfoEvents array of Event Event codes related to Proposed first officers.

New directors appointed

  "details": [
      "address": "14 Gresley Road, London, England, N19 3JZ",
      "jobTitle": {
        "code": "B9236",
        "description": "PSYCHOANALYST"
      "position": {
        "code": "88",
        "description": "Director"
      "isCurrent": true,
      "entityType": "person",
      "dateOfBirth": "1954-11-01",
      "directorName": "Ms Mary Louise Lyon",
      "hasExemption": false,
      "directorNumber": "D28329272",
      "isDisqualified": false,
      "appointmentDate": "2021-05-14"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director has been appointed",
  "conditionCode": "apts"

Director resignations

  "details": [
      "address": "The Old Workshop 1 Ecclesall Road South, Sheffield, S11 9PA",
      "jobTitle": {
        "code": "DIR",
        "description": "DIRECTOR"
      "position": {
        "code": "88",
        "description": "Director"
      "isCurrent": false,
      "entityType": "person",
      "dateOfBirth": "1928-07-01",
      "directorName": "Eric George Pearce",
      "hasExemption": false,
      "directorNumber": "D06728637",
      "isDisqualified": false,
      "appointmentDate": "1991-05-31",
      "resignationDate": "2020-11-03"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director has resigned",
  "conditionCode": "resigns"


Field Type Description
address string Director’s address.
appointmentDate date Date director was appointed.
dateOfBirth date Director’s date of birth. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
directorName string Director’s name.
directorNumber string Director identifier.
entityType string person - director is an individual
company - director is a company
hasExemption boolean true if the director has disqualification records and has exemptions.
isCurrent boolean true if the director is a currently appointed director.
isDisqualified boolean true if the director has disqualification records.
jobTitle object Job title.
position object Director’s position.
resignationDate date Date director resigned.

Change in directors’ details

  "details": [
      "changes": [
          "change": {
            "newValue": "Mrs Magdalene Ka Hung Miller",
            "originalValue": "Magdalene Ka Hung Miller"
          "fieldName": "name",
          "positionCode": "88",
          "directorNumber": "D27744731"
      "director": {
        "address": "Calton Square 1 Greenside Row, Edinburgh, Scotland, EH1 3AN",
        "jobTitle": {
          "code": "DIR",
          "description": "DIRECTOR"
        "position": {
          "code": "88",
          "description": "Director"
        "isCurrent": true,
        "entityType": "person",
        "dateOfBirth": "1962-11-01",
        "directorName": "Mrs Magdalene Ka Hung Miller",
        "hasExemption": false,
        "directorNumber": "D27744731",
        "isDisqualified": false,
        "appointmentDate": "2020-11-26"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director has had their details changed",
  "conditionCode": "changed"

Director details change

Field Type Description
director object Director that has had details changed.
changes array of DetailsChange List of changes.


Field Type Description
directorNumber string Director identifier.
positionCode string Director position code.
fieldName string Attribute that changed:
name - director’s name has changed
address - director’s address has changed
change object Change in value.
newValue - Latest value (name or address)
originalValue - Previous value (name or address)

New disqualifications

  "details": [
      "reason": {
        "code": "CDDA 1986 S7",
        "description": "Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 (Section 7): Disqualification order or undertaking; and reporting provisions"
      "endDate": "2031-05-18",
      "startDate": "2020-05-19",
      "directorName": "Mr Michael Edward Ernest Hawkins",
      "directorNumber": "D18870661"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 current director has new disqualification details",
  "conditionCode": "disqualified"

Director disqualfication

Field Type Description
directorName string Director name.
directorNumber string Director identifier.
endDate date Date disqualification period ends.
reason object Reason for disqualification.
startDate date Date disqualification begins.

New disqualification exemptions

  "details": [
      "exemptions": [
          "endDate": "2021-04-07",
          "startDate": "2019-12-10",
          "exemptionCinumber": 1584560,
          "exemptionCompanyName": "AREA SQ. LIMITED"
          "endDate": "2021-04-07",
          "startDate": "2019-12-10",
          "exemptionCinumber": 3315576,
          "exemptionCompanyName": "FOURFRONT HOLDINGS LIMITED"
      "directorName": "Mr Sion Davies",
      "directorNumber": "D12850756"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 current director has new disqualification exemptions",
  "conditionCode": "disq_exemptions"

Disqualification exemption

Field Type Description
endDate date Date that the disqualification exemption period ends.
exemptionCinumber integer Company Watch identifier of the company that has been exempted.
exemptionCompanyName string Name of the company that has been exempted.
startDate date Date that the disqualification exemption period begins.

Filing event - Directors/Secretary/Officers change

  "details": [
      "date": "2021-04-27",
      "eventType": "UK_K"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "Filing event - Directors/Secretary/Officers change",
  "conditionCode": "ev_dir_sec_off"

Filing event - Proposed first officers

  "details": [
      "date": "2021-04-27",
      "eventType": "UK_K1"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "Filing event - Proposed first officers",
  "conditionCode": "ev_p_f_off"

Filing event - Change of Officers

  "details": [
      "date": "2021-05-17",
      "eventType": "UK_K2"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change of Officers",
  "conditionCode": "ev_chg_off"

Filing event - Change to details of officer

  "details": [
      "date": "2021-05-17",
      "eventType": "UK_K3"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change to details of officer",
  "conditionCode": "ev_ch_dtls_off"

Filing events

Field Type Description
date date Date of the filing event.
eventType string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
UK_K Directors/Secretary/Officers change.
UK_K1 Proposed first officer.
UK_K2 Change of Officers.
UK_K3 Change to details of officers.

List of deprecated filing events:

Event code Description
UK_K10 - UK_K99 Directors/Secretary/Officers change.
UK_K1A - UK_K1Z Proposed first officer.
UK_K2A - UK_K2Z Change of Officers.
UK_K3A - UK_K3Z Change to details of officers.

Company Name & Registered Office Address

Condition options

  "address": {
    "companyNameChange": true,
    "regAddressChange": true,
    "docFiledNameChange": true,
    "docFiledRegAddressChange": true

Category code: uk.name_address

Condition Type Code Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
companyNameChange boolean name Change in company name.
regAddressChange boolean address Change in registered office address.
docFiledNameChange boolean ev_UK_B Filing event - Change of Name.
docFiledRegAddressChange boolean ev_UK_C Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "events": [
        "date": "2020-09-09",
        "eventType": "UK_C"
        "date": "2020-09-09",
        "eventType": "UK_B"
    "address": {
      "n": "PO Box 1000,EDINBURGH,EH12 1HQ",
      "o": "24-25 St. Andrew Square,Edinburgh, Midlothian,EH2 1AF"
    "name": {
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "The registered office address has changed; The company name has changed; Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address; Filing event - Change of Name",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
address object Change in address.
name object Change in name.
events array of Event List of filing events.

Change in company name

  "details": {
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "The company name has changed",
  "conditionCode": "name"

Change in company name

Field Type Description
n string Latest company name.
o string Previous company name.

Change in registered office address

  "details": {
    "n": "2 Gregory Street,HYDE,SK14 4HR",
    "o": "Church Bridge House,Henry Street,Church,ACCRINGTON,BB5 4EE"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "The registered office address has changed",
  "conditionCode": "address"

Change in registered office address

Field Type Description
n string Latest address.
o string Previous address.

Filing event - Change of Name

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-14",
    "eventType": "UK_B"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change of Name",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_B"

Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-13",
    "eventType": "UK_C"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_C"

Filing events

Field Type Description
date date Date of the filing event.
eventType string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
UK_B Change of Name
UK_C Change in Registered Office Address

Contract Limit

Condition options

  "contractLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 25,
    "percentageDecrease": 30

Category code: uk.contract_limit

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
decrease boolean decrease Contract Limit decreased.
increase boolean increase Contract Limit increased.
percentageDecrease integer percent_decrease Contract Limit decreased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-100.
percentageIncrease integer percent_increase Contract Limit increased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-10,000.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": 86000000,
    "o": 70000000
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit has increased from 70,000,000 to 86,000,000",
  "conditionCode": "increase"

Any change


  "details": {
    "n": 5200000,
    "o": 8000000
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit has decreased from 8,000,000 to 5,200,000",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 870000,
    "o": 620000
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit has increased from 620,000 to 870,000",
  "conditionCode": "increase"

Increased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": 870000,
    "o": 620000
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit increased over 25.0 percent", 
  "conditionCode": "percent_increase"

Decreased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": 5200000,
    "o": 8000000
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit decreased over 30.0 percent",
  "conditionCode": "percent_decrease"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest Contract Limit.
o integer Previous Contract Limit.

County Court Judgments

Condition options

  "ccjs": {
    "newJudgment": true,
    "judgmentsSatisfied": true,
    "judgmentsExpired": true

Category code: uk.ccjs

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
newJudgment boolean new Newly filed CCJs.
judgmentsSatisfied boolean satisfied Satisfied CCJs.
judgmentsExpired boolean expired Expired CCJs.
CCJs registered over 5 years ago

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "expired": [
        "amount": 1226,
        "caseNumber": "B36YJ950",
        "statusCode": "U",
        "dateRegistered": "2015-05-15"
    "satisfied": [
        "amount": 179,
        "datePaid": "2021-04-22",
        "caseNumber": "G14YY213",
        "statusCode": "S",
        "dateRegistered": "2020-10-27"
    "newlyFiled": [
        "court": "PAISLEY",
        "amount": 764,
        "caseNumber": "PAI-SG1208-19",
        "statusCode": "U",
        "dateRegistered": "2020-06-08"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.ccjs",
    "name": "County Court Judgments"
  "summary": "1 new CCJ has been filed; 1 CCJ has been satisfied; 1 CCJ has expired",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
expired array of CCJ Expired judgments.
newlyFiled array of CCJ New judgments.
satisfied array of CCJ Satisfied judgments.

Newly filed CCJs

  "details": [
      "amount": 1570,
      "caseNumber": "H4QZ64F4",
      "statusCode": "U",
      "dateRegistered": "2021-05-12"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.ccjs",
    "name": "County Court Judgments"
  "summary": "1 new CCJ has been filed",
  "conditionCode": "new"

Satisfied CCJs

  "details": [
      "amount": 179,
      "datePaid": "2021-04-22",
      "caseNumber": "G14YY213",
      "statusCode": "S",
      "dateRegistered": "2020-10-27"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.ccjs",
    "name": "County Court Judgments"
  "summary": "1 CCJ has been satisfied",
  "conditionCode": "satisfied"

Expired CCJs

  "details": [
      "amount": 1226,
      "caseNumber": "B36YJ950",
      "statusCode": "U",
      "dateRegistered": "2015-05-15"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.ccjs",
    "name": "County Court Judgments"
  "summary": "1 CCJ has expired",
  "conditionCode": "expired"

CCJ details

Field Type Description
amount double The value of the judgment in GBP.
caseNumber string Judgment case number.
court string Court where the judgment was filed.
datePaid date Date judgment was paid.
dateRegistered date Date judgment was registered.
statusCode string U - Unsatisfied
S - Satisfied

Credit Limit

Condition options

  "creditLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 25,
    "percentageDecrease": 30

Category code:

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
decrease boolean decrease Credit Limit decreased
increase boolean increase Credit Limit increased
percentageDecrease integer percent_decrease Credit Limit decreased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-100.
percentageIncrease integer percent_increase Credit Limit increased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-10,000.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": 4700000,
    "o": 3900000
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit has increased from 3,900,000 to 4,700,000",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change


  "details": {
    "n": 8000,
    "o": 8100
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit has decreased from 8,100,000 to 8,000,000",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 100,
    "o": 67
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit has increased from 67,000 to 100,000", 
  "conditionCode": "increase"

Increased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": 100,
    "o": 67
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit increased over 25.0 percent",
  "conditionCode": "percent_increase"

Decreased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": 960,
    "o": 1500
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit decreased over 30.0 percent",
  "conditionCode": "percent_decrease"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest Credit Limit.
o integer Previous Credit Limit.


Condition options

  "hScore": {
    "entersWarningArea": true,
    "exitsWarningArea": true,
    "movementInWarningArea": true,
    "movesAbove": 30,
    "movesBelow": 10,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true

Category code: uk.hscore

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
decrease boolean decrease H-Score decreased.
entersWarningArea boolean enter_warning_area H-Score enters the Warning Area (25 and lower).
exitsWarningArea boolean exit_warning_area H-Score exits the Warning Area.
increase boolean increase H-Score increased.
movesAbove integer mv_above H-Score moved above X.
Valid range: 0-99.
movesBelow integer mv_below H-Score moved below X.
Valid range: 1-100.
movesWithinWarningArea boolean mv_within_warning Any H-Score movement within the Warning Area.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": 36,
    "o": 14
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score has increased from 14 to 36",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Move within Warning Area

  "details": {
    "n": 8,
    "o": 17
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now  8) has moved within the Warning Area",
  "conditionCode": "mv_within_warning"

Enter Warning Area

  "details": {
    "n": 21,
    "o": 45
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now 21) has entered the Warning Area",
  "conditionCode": "enter_warning_area"

Exit Warning Area

  "details": {
    "n": 58,
    "o": 3
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now 58) has exited the Warning Area",
  "conditionCode": "exit_warning_area"

Moves below X

  "details": {
    "n": 8,
    "o": 17
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now  8) has moved below 10",
  "conditionCode": "mv_below"

Moves above X

  "details": {
    "n": 58,
    "o": 3
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now 58) has moved above 30",
  "conditionCode": "mv_above"


  "details": {
    "n": 8,
    "o": 17
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score has decreased from 17 to  8",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 50,
    "o": 39
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score has increased from 39 to 50",
  "conditionCode": "increase"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest H-Score.
o integer Previous H-Score.

Group Structure

Condition options

  "groupStructure": {
    "ultimateParent": true,
    "immediateParent": true,
    "topUkConsolidatedParent": true,
    "newSubsidiaries": true,
    "removedSubsidiaries": true

Category code: uk.group_structure

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
ultimateParent boolean ultimate_parent Change in the ultimate parent company.
immediateParent boolean immediate_parent Change in the immediate parent company.
topUkConsolidatedParent integer top_uk_consol_parent Change in the top UK parent company filing consolidated accounts.
newSubsidiaries boolean new_subsidiaries Added subsidiary companies.
removedSubsidiaries boolean removed_subsidiaries Removed subsidiary companies.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "ultimateParent": {
      "n": {
        "name": "HARWOOD PRIVATE EQUITY V L.P.",
        "cinumber": 12734284,
        "isoCountry": {
          "code": "826",
          "description": "U.KINGDOM"
        "registrationNumber": "LP020344"
      "o": null
    "topUkConsolidatedParent": {
      "n": {
        "name": "CD&R WOLF SARL",
        "cinumber": -10148082,
        "isoCountry": {
          "code": "442",
          "description": "LUXEMBOURG"
        "registrationNumber": "#0148082"
      "o": {
        "name": "WOLSELEY GROUP LIMITED",
        "cinumber": 13821443,
        "isoCountry": {
          "code": "826",
          "description": "U.KINGDOM"
        "registrationNumber": "13087930"
    "newSubsidiaries": [],
    "removedSubsidiaries": [
        "name": "W. COY & SON LIMITED",
        "cinumber": 227391,
        "registrationNumber": "00591455",
        "status": {
          "code": "D",
          "description": "Dormant"
        "isoCountry": {
          "code": "826",
          "description": "U.KINGDOM"
        "cinumber": -20600249,
        "isoCountry": {
          "code": "372",
          "description": "IRELAND"
        "registrationNumber": "IE600249"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.group_structure",
    "name": "Group Structure"
  "summary": "New ultimate parent company; Change in top UK consolidated parent company; 2 removed subsidiaries",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
ultimateParent object Addition, removal or change in ultimate parent.
n - latest GroupStructureEntity
o - previous GroupStructureEntity
immediateParent object Addition, removal or change in immediate parent.
n - latest GroupStructureEntity
o - previous GroupStructureEntity
topUkConsolidatedParent object Addition, removal or change in top UK consolidate parent.
n - latest GroupStructureEntity
o - previous GroupStructureEntity
newSubsidiaries array of GroupStructureEntity List of added subsidiaries.
removedSubsidiaries array of GroupStructureEntity List of removed subsidiaries.

Change in the ultimate parent company

  "details": {
    "n": {
      "cinumber": 12928838,
      "isoCountry": {
        "code": "826",
        "description": "U.KINGDOM"
      "registrationNumber": "12260782"
    "o": null
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.group_structure",
    "name": "Group Structure"
  "summary": "New ultimate parent company",
  "conditionCode": "ultimate_parent"

Change in the immediate parent company

  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": {
      "cinumber": 12354968,
      "isoCountry": {
        "code": "826",
        "description": "U.KINGDOM"
      "registrationNumber": "11732177"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.group_structure",
    "name": "Group Structure"
  "summary": "Removal of immediate parent company",
  "conditionCode": "immediate_parent"

Change in the top UK parent company filing consolidated accounts

  "details": {
    "n": {
      "name": "CD&R WOLF SARL",
      "cinumber": -10148082,
      "isoCountry": {
        "code": "442",
        "description": "LUXEMBOURG"
      "registrationNumber": "#0148082"
    "o": {
      "cinumber": 13821443,
      "isoCountry": {
        "code": "826",
        "description": "U.KINGDOM"
      "registrationNumber": "13087930"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.group_structure",
    "name": "Group Structure"
  "summary": "Change in top UK consolidated parent company",
  "conditionCode": "top_uk_consol_parent"

Added subsidiaries

  "details": [
      "cinumber": 12271785,
      "registrationNumber": "11655476",
      "isoCountry": {
        "code": "826",
        "description": "U.KINGDOM"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.group_structure",
    "name": "Group Structure"
  "summary": "1 new subsidiary",
  "conditionCode": "new_subsidiaries"

Removed subsidiaries

  "details": [
      "name": "W. COY & SON LIMITED",
      "cinumber": 227391,
      "registrationNumber": "00591455",
      "status": {
        "code": "D",
        "description": "Dormant"
      "isoCountry": {
        "code": "826",
        "description": "U.KINGDOM"
      "cinumber": -20600249,
      "isoCountry": {
        "code": "372",
        "description": "IRELAND"
      "registrationNumber": "IE600249"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.group_structure",
    "name": "Group Structure"
  "summary": "2 removed subsidiaries",
  "conditionCode": "removed_subsidiaries"


Field Type Description
name string Company name.
cinumber integer The Company Watch company identifier of the company.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.
isoCountry object Country of the company.
status object Company status.

Incorporation & Articles

Condition options

  "incorporation": {
    "docFiledAmendment": true,
    "docFiledReregistration": true,
    "docFiledMemorandum": true,
    "docFiledConvertToSE": true,
    "docFiledPublicTradingCert": true,
    "docFiledRemovedByCRO": true,
    "docFiledRestoredToIndex": true

Category code: uk.inc_art

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
docFiledAmendment boolean ev_UK_D2 Filing event - Amendment to Articles.
docFiledReregistration boolean ev_UK_B3 Filing event - Re-Registration.
docFiledMemorandum boolean ev_UK_D Filing event - Memorandum & Articles.
docFiledConvertToSE boolean ev_UK_SEP Filing event - Proposed convert PLC to SE (Societas Europaea - European Public Limited company).
docFiledPublicTradingCert boolean ev_UK_W Filing event - Public Company Trading Certificate.
docFiledRemovedByCRO boolean ev_UK_YZ Filing event - Removed by C.R.O.
docFiledRestoredToIndex boolean ev_UK_Z Filing event - Restored to index.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": [
      "date": "2020-08-18",
      "eventType": "UK_D2"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Amendment to Articles",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Filing event - Amendment to Articles

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-07",
    "eventType": "UK_D2"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Amendment to Articles",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_D2"

Filing event - Re-registration

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-17",
    "eventType": "UK_B3"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Re-Registration",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_B3"

Filing event - Memorandum & Articles

  "details": {
    "date": "2009-09-30",
    "eventType": "UK_D"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Memorandum & Articles",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_D"

Filing event - Proposed convert PLC to SE

  "details": {
    "date": "2009-09-30",
    "eventType": "UK_SEP"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Proposed convert PLC to SE (Societas Europaea - European Public Limited company)",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_SEP"

Filing event - Public Company Trading Certificate

  "details": {
    "date": "1987-04-27",
    "eventType": "UK_W"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Public Company Trading Certificate",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_W"

Filing event - Removed by C.R.O.

  "details": {
    "date": "2020-07-08",
    "eventType": "UK_YZ"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Removed by C.R.O.",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_YZ"

Filing event - Restored to Index

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-04-29",
    "eventType": "UK_Z"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.inc_art",
    "name": "Incorporation & Articles"
  "summary": "Filing event - Restored to Index",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_Z"
Field Type Description
date date Date of the event.
eventType string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
UK_B3 Re-registration
UK_D Memorandum & Articles
UK_D2 Amendment to Articles
UK_SEP Proposed convert PLC to SE (Societas Europaea - European Public Limited company)
UK_W Public Company Trading Certificate
UK_YZ Removed by C.R.O.
UK_Z Restored to index


Condition options

  "industry": "any_change"

Category code: uk.sic

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Changes to the primary industry classification of this company.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": {
      "code": "66220",
    "o": {
      "code": "65202",
      "description": "NON-LIFE REINSURANCE"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.sic",
    "name": "Industry Classification"
  "summary": "industry has changed from '65202: NON-LIFE REINSURANCE' to '66220: ACTIVITIES OF INSURANCE AGENTS AND BROKERS'",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"
Field Type Description
n object Latest primary industry.
code- 5-digit SIC.
description - industry description
o object Previous primary industry.
code- 5-digit SIC.
description - industry description


Condition options

  "mortgages": {
    "newCharge": true,
    "satisfied": true,
    "docFiledLodged": true,
    "docFiledSatisfaction": true

Category code: uk.mortgages

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
newCharge boolean new New charge records.
satisfied boolean satisfied Charge satisfied.
docFiledLodged boolean ev_UK_L Filing event - Charge Lodged.
docFiledSatisfaction boolean ev_UK_M Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "events": [
        "date": "2020-07-24",
        "eventType": "UK_M"
        "date": "2020-07-23",
        "eventType": "UK_L"
    "newCharge": [
        "charge": "Outstanding",
        "status": "O",
        "created": "2020-07-22",
        "registered": "2020-07-23",
        "description": "LEGAL CHARGE",
        "mortgageNumber": 2,
        "personsEntitled": "BARCLAYS BANK PLC",
    "satisfied": [
        "charge": "Satisfied 24 Jul 2020",
        "status": "S",
        "created": "2009-09-17",
        "registered": "2009-09-25",
        "description": "GUARANTEE & DEBENTURE",
        "mortgageNumber": 3,
        "personsEntitled": "BARCLAYS BANK PLC",
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "1 new charge; 1 satisfied charge; Filing event - Charge Lodged; Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
events array of Event Filing events.
newCharge array of Charge New charges.
satisfied array of Charge Satisfied charges.

New charges

  "details": [
      "charge": "Outstanding",
      "status": "O",
      "created": "2021-04-30",
      "registered": "2021-05-12",
      "description": "LEGAL CHARGE",
      "mortgageNumber": 37,
      "personsEntitled": "REDROW HOMES LIMITED",
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "1 new charge",
  "conditionCode": "new"

Satisfied charges

  "details": [
      "charge": "Satisfied 12 May 2021",
      "status": "S",
      "created": "2013-07-15",
      "registered": "2013-07-27",
      "description": "LEGAL CHARGE",
      "mortgageNumber": 35,
      "personsEntitled": "BARCLAYS BANK PLC",
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "1 satisfied charge",
  "conditionCode": "satisfied"

New and satisfied charge details

Field Type Description
charge string Type of the charge.
created date Date charge was created.
description string Description of the charge.
mortgageNumber integer Mortgage charge record number at Companies House
personsEntitled string Details on persons entitled to this charge.
registered date Date charge was registered.
shortParticulars string Short particulars of the charge.
status string Charge status.
O - Outstanding
S - Satisfied

Filing event - Charge Lodged

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-12",
    "eventType": "UK_L"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "Filing event - Charge Lodged",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_L"

Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-12",
    "eventType": "UK_M"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_M"

Filing event

Field Type Description
date date Date of the event.
eventType string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
UK_L Charge Lodged
UK_M Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged

Payment Practice

Condition options

  "paymentPractice": "any_change"  

Category code: uk.payment_practice

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change New payment practice reports.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": [
      "reportId": 15,
      "filingDate": "2024-05-09",
      "startDate": "2023-09-01",
      "endDate": "2024-02-29"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.payment_practice",
    "name": "Payment Practice Report"
  "summary": "1 new payment practice report available",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"
Field Type Description
endDate date Reporting period end date.
filingDate date Date payment practice report was filed.
reportId integer Identifier of the payment practice report.
startDate date Reporting period start date.

Profit Warning

Condition options

  "profitWarnings": "any_change"  

Category code: uk.profit_warning

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change New profit warnings.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": [
      "date": "2021-05-21",
      "description": "In the past the Group has raised funds via equity contributions from new and existing shareholders, thereby ensuring the Group remains a going concern until such time that revenues are earned through the sale or development and mining of a mineral deposit. There can be no assurance that such funds will continue to be available on reasonable terms, or at all in future. The Directors regularly review cash flow requirements to ensure the Group can meet financial obligations as and when they fall due."
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.profit_warning",
    "name": "Profit Warning"
  "summary": "profit warning announcement",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"
Field Type Description
date date Date of the profit warning announcement.
description string Details of the announcement.

Persons of Significant Control

Condition options

  "psc": {
    "exemption": true,
    "newPscs": true,
    "ceasedPscs": true,
    "nocChanged": true,
    "newStatements": true,
    "withdrawnStatements": true

Category code: uk.psc

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
exemption boolean exemption Change in PSC reporting exemption status.
newPscs boolean new_pscs New PSCs.
ceasedPscs boolean ceased_pscs Ceased PSCs.
nocChanged boolean noc_pscs PSCs with changes to their condition of control.
newStatements boolean new_statements New PSC statements.
withdrawnStatements boolean withdrawn_statements Withdrawn PSC statements.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "exemption": {},
    "newPscs": [],
    "ceasedPscs": [],
    "newStatements": [],
    "withdrawnStatements": [],
    "natureOfControlChanged": [
        "added": [
            "code": "N19",
            "description": "Right to appoint and remove directors"
        "pscKey": "f2ef0c640c77d270e8d081b38d4a91e4",
        "pscName": "Angus Howard Cundey",
        "removed": []
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.psc",
    "name": "Persons of Significant Control"
  "summary": "1 PSC has changes to their conditions of control",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
exemption object Change in PSC reporting exemption status.
n - Latest exemption status
o - Previous exemption status.
ceasedPscs array of PSC Ceased PSCs.
newPscs array of PSC New PSCs.
natureOfControlChanged array of NOCChange PSCs with changes to their conditions of control.
newStatements array of Statement New statements.
withdrawnStatements array of Statement Withdrawn statements.

Change in PSC exemption status

  "details": {
    "n": false,
    "o": true
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.psc",
    "name": "Persons of Significant Control"
  "summary": "company is not exempt from reporting PSC information",
  "conditionCode": "exemption"

New PSCs

  "details": [
      "kind": {
        "code": "2",
        "description": "Individual"
      "title": "Mrs",
      "pscKey": "cf6f21c72759094e7edfd28aa11981d1",
      "address": "Lychgate House, Church Lane, Ellastone, Ashbourne, DE6 2HB, England",
      "pscName": "Mrs Gillian Patricia Key",
      "surname": "Key",
      "ceasedOn": null,
      "forename": "Gillian",
      "legalForm": null,
      "pscRegnum": null,
      "notifiedOn": "2020-06-13",
      "dateOfBirth": "1957-03-01",
      "nationality": "British",
      "pscCinumber": null,
      "legalAuthority": null,
      "otherForenames": "Patricia",
      "natureOfControl": [
          "code": "N01",
          "description": "Ownership of shares - between 25% and 50%"
      "placeRegistered": null,
      "countryRegistered": null,
      "pscDirectorNumber": "D07338277",
      "countryOfResidence": "England"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.psc",
    "name": "Persons of Significant Control"
  "summary": "1 new PSC",
  "conditionCode": "new_pscs"

Ceased PSCs

  "details": [
      "kind": {
        "code": "1",
        "description": "Corporate entity"
      "title": null,
      "pscKey": "2d100a5fdbadcc831d418c7459c55a7d",
      "address": "57, Saltergate, Chesterfield, S40 1UL, England",
      "pscName": "Jh And Fw Green Limited",
      "surname": null,
      "ceasedOn": "2021-05-14",
      "forename": null,
      "legalForm": "Limited Company",
      "pscRegnum": null,
      "notifiedOn": "2016-04-06",
      "dateOfBirth": null,
      "nationality": null,
      "pscCinumber": null,
      "legalAuthority": "Companies Act",
      "otherForenames": null,
      "natureOfControl": [
          "code": "N03",
          "description": "Ownership of shares - above 75%"
      "placeRegistered": null,
      "countryRegistered": null,
      "pscDirectorNumber": null,
      "countryOfResidence": null
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.psc",
    "name": "Persons of Significant Control"
  "summary": "1 ceased PSC",
  "conditionCode": "ceased_pscs"

PSC details

Field Type Description
address string The address of the PSC.
ceasedOn date Date PSC record became inactive.
countryOfResidence string Individuals only - the PSC’s country of residence.
countryRegistered string Companies only - the PSC’s country of registration.
dateOfBirth date Individuals only - the date of birth of the PSC. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
forename string Individuals only - the forename.
legalAuthority string Companies only - the legal authority that the PSC is registered with.
legalForm string Companies only - the legal form of the PSC.
nationality string Individuals only - the PSC’s nationality.
notifiedOn date Date PSC record became active.
kind object The PSC kind
code - PSC kind lookup code
description - description of the kind of PSC.
natureOfControl array of NOC PSC’s conditions of control.
otherForename string Individuals only - other names.
placeRegistered string Companies only - the place the PSC is registered (e.g., Companies House).
pscCinumber integer Companies only - the Company Watch company identifier of the PSC if it matches a company in the database.
pscDirectorNumber string The UK director identifier if the PSC has been matched to one.
pscKey string The internal PSC record identifier.
pscName string The full name of the PSC.
pscRegnum string Companies only - the UK company registration number if the PSC has been matched to one.
surname string Individuals only - the surname.
title string Individuals only - the PSC’s title.

PSCs with changes to their conditions of control

  "details": [
      "added": [
          "code": "N01",
          "description": "Ownership of shares - between 25% and 50%"
          "code": "N10",
          "description": "Ownership of voting rights - between 25% and 50%"
      "pscKey": "780c715b58ec825993933318473c88a1",
      "pscName": "Mr Howard Henry Crocker",
      "removed": [
          "code": "N22",
          "description": "Has significant influence or control"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.psc",
    "name": "Persons of Significant Control"
  "summary": "1 PSC has changes to their conditions of control",
  "conditionCode": "noc_pscs"

PSC with changes to conditions of control

Field Type Description
added array of NOC List of new conditions of control.
removed array of NOC List of conditions of control removed.
pscKey string The internal PSC record identifier.
pscName string Name of the PSC.

New statements

  "details": [
      "code": "S01",
      "description": "no individual or entity with significant control",
      "longDescription": "The company knows or has reasonable cause to believe that there is no registrable person or registrable relevant legal entity in relation to the company.",
      "notifiedOn": "2021-01-01"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.psc",
    "name": "Persons of Significant Control"
  "summary": "1 new statement added",
  "conditionCode": "new_statements"

Withdrawn statements

  "details": [
      "code": "S01",
      "description": "no individual or entity with significant control",
      "longDescription": "The company knows or has reasonable cause to believe that there is no registrable person or registrable relevant legal entity in relation to the company.",
      "notifiedOn": "2021-01-01",
      "withdrawnOn": "2021-05-01"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.psc",
    "name": "Persons of Significant Control"
  "summary": "1 new statement withdrawn",
  "conditionCode": "withdrawn_statements"

New and withdrawn statements

Field Type Description
code string Statement type lookup code.
description string Short statement details.
longDescription string Longer description of the statement details.
notifiedOn date Date statement became active.
withdrawnOn date Date statement was withdrawn.

Risk Rating

Condition options

  "riskRating": {
    "movesAbove": 6,
    "movesBelow": 4,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true

Category code: uk.risk

Condition Type Code Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
decrease boolean decrease Risk Rating decreased.
increase boolean increase Risk Rating increased.
movesAbove integer mv_above Risk Rating moves above X.
Valid range: 1-9.
movesBelow integer mv_below Risk Rating moves below X.
Valid range: 2-10.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": 4,
    "o": 7
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value has decreased from 7 to 4",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Moved below X

  "details": {
    "n": 3,
    "o": 4
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value (now 3) has moved below 4",
  "conditionCode": "mv_below"

Moved above X

  "details": {
    "n": 7,
    "o": 6
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value (now 7) has moved above 6",
  "conditionCode": "mv_above"


  "details": {
    "n": 3,
    "o": 4
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value has decreased from 4 to 3",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 7,
    "o": 6
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value has increased from 6 to 7",
  "conditionCode": "increase"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest Risk Rating
o integer Previous Risk Rating

Share Capital

Condition options

  "shareCapital": {
    "docFiledAnyStatementCapital": true,
    "docFiledCapitalChange": true,
    "docFiledNameShareVariation": true,
    "docFiledOrderSec899": true,
    "docFiledNoncashAssets": true,
    "docFiledResDisapplyPreemptRights": true

Category code: uk.share_cap

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
docFiledAnyStatementCapital boolean ev_UK_G1 Filing event - Any Statement in Capital.
docFiledCapitalChange boolean ev_UK_G Filing event - Change in Share Capital.
docFiledNameShareVariation boolean ev_UK_G7 Filing event - New name of shares/variation.
docFiledOrderSec899 boolean ev_UK_I2 Filing event - Order sec 899/900.
docFiledNoncashAssets boolean ev_UK_G4 Filing event - Non cash assets.
docFiledResDisapplyPreemptRights boolean ev_UK_G3 Filing event - Resolution dis-applying pre-emption rights.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": [
      "date": "2021-05-12",
      "eventType": "UK_G7"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.share_cap",
    "name": "Share Capital"
  "summary": "Filing event - New name of shares/variation",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Filing event - Any Statement in Capital

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-05-14",
    "eventType": "UK_G1"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.share_cap",
    "name": "Share Capital"
  "summary": "Filing event - Any Statement in Capital",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_G1"

Filing event - Change in Share Capital

  "details": {
    "date": "2009-09-30",
    "eventType": "UK_G"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.share_cap",
    "name": "Share Capital"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change in Share Capital",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_G"

Filing event - New name of shares/variation

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-04-17",
    "eventType": "UK_G7"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.share_cap",
    "name": "Share Capital"
  "summary": "Filing event - New name of shares/variation",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_G7"

Filing event - Order sec 899/900

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-01-01",
    "eventType": "UK_I2"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.share_cap",
    "name": "Share Capital"
  "summary": "Filing event - Order sec 899/900",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_I2"

Filing event - Report, Non cash assets

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-01-01",
    "eventType": "UK_G4"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.share_cap",
    "name": "Share Capital"
  "summary": "Filing event - Report, Non cash assets",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_G4"

Filing event - Resolution dis-applying pre-emption rights

  "details": {
    "date": "2021-04-29",
    "eventType": "UK_G3"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.share_cap",
    "name": "Share Capital"
  "summary": "Filing event - Resolution dis-applying pre-emption rights",
  "conditionCode": "ev_UK_G3"
Field Type Description
date date Date of the event.
eventType string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
UK_G Change in Share Capital
UK_G1 Any Statement in Capital
UK_G3 Resolution dis-applying pre-emption rights
UK_G4 Non cash assets
UK_G7 New name of shares/variation
UK_I2 Order sec 899/900

Unsecured Creditors

Condition options

  "unsecuredCreditors": "any_change"  

Category code: uk.unsecured_creditors

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change New records of unsecured creditors.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": [
      "amount": 97.89,
      "cinumber": 4523748,
      "companyName": "BRITISH GAS LIMITED",
      "statementDate": "2021-04-08",
      "registrationNumber": "05266924"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.unsecured_creditors",
    "name": "Unsecured Creditors"
  "summary": "1 new unsecured creditor",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"
Field Type Description
amount double Amount in GBP.
cinumber integer Company Watch identifier of the creditor if it matches a UK company in the database.
companyName string Creditor company name.
registrationNumber string Company registration number of the creditor if it matches a UK company in the database.
statementDate date Date of the statement (Statement of Affairs or Liquidation).

Unsecured Distressed Debtors

Condition options

  "unsecuredDebtors": "any_change"  

Category code: uk.unsecured_debtors

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change New records of unsecured distress debtors.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": [
      "amount": 37015,
      "cinumber": 2211494,
      "companyName": "PRESTON GUILD HALL LIMITED",
      "statementDate": "2019-07-25",
      "registrationNumber": "09065223"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.unsecured_debtors",
    "name": "Unsecured Distressed Debtors"
  "summary": "1 new unsecured distressed debtor",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"
Field Type Description
amount double Amount in GBP.
cinumber integer Company Watch identifier of the debtor if it matches a UK company in the database.
companyName string Debtor company name.
registrationNumber string Company registration number of the debtor if it matches a UK company in the database.
statementDate date Date of the statement (Statement of Affairs or Liquidation).


Condition options

  "vigilance": {
    "abnormalIncreaseInNetWorth": true,
    "abnormalInitialShareCapital": true,
    "adverseAnnotations": true,
    "amendedAccountsWhenDormant": true,
    "uniqueAuditorsOrPresenters": true,
    "abnormalBenfordLawDistribution": true,
    "duplicateAccounts": true,
    "earlyAccountsFiled": true,
    "fastAccountsFiled": true,
    "multipleRegisteredOfficeChanges": true,
    "revaluationReserveExceededThreshold": true,
    "virtualRegisteredOffice": true,
    "noVatRegistrationAndTurnoverExceedsThreshold": true

Category code: uk.vigilance

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
abnormalIncreaseInNetWorth boolean abd_inc_net_worth Abnormal Increase In Net Worth.
abnormalInitialShareCapital boolean abd_share_cap Abnormal Initial Share Capital.
adverseAnnotations boolean adv_annotations Adverse Annotations.
amendedAccountsWhenDormant boolean amd_acc_dormant Amended Accounts When Dormant.
uniqueAuditorsOrPresenters boolean uni_audit Unique Auditors or Presenters.
abnormalBenfordLawDistribution boolean benfords Abnormal Benford distribution.
duplicateAccounts boolean dup_acc Duplicate Accounts.
earlyAccountsFiled boolean early_acc Early Accounts Filed.
fastAccountsFiled boolean fast_acc Fast Accounts Filed.
multipleRegisteredOfficeChanges boolean mul_off_changes Multiple Regsitered Office Changes.
revaluationReserveExceededThreshold boolean rev_res_exc Revaluation Reserve Exceeded Threshold.
virtualRegisteredOffice boolean virt_off Virtual Registered Office.
noVatRegistrationAndTurnoverExceedsThreshold boolean turnover_vs_vat No VAT Registration and Turnover Exceeds Threshold.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Abnormal increase in net worth has been detected; Duplicate accounts have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Abnormal Increase In Net Worth

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Abnormal increase in net worth has been detected",
  "conditionCode": "abd_inc_net_worth"

Abnormal Initial Share Capital

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Abnormal initial share capital has been detected",
  "conditionCode": "abd_share_cap"

Adverse Annotations

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Adverse annotations have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "adv_annotations"

Amended Accounts When Dormant

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Amended accounts when dormant have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "amd_acc_dormant"

Unique Auditors or Presenters

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Unique auditors or presenters have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "uni_audit"

Abnormal Benford distribution

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Abnormal Benford Distribution has been detected",
  "conditionCode": "benfords"

Duplicate Accounts

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Duplicate accounts have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "dup_acc"

Early Accounts Filed

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Early accounts filed have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "early_acc"

Fast Accounts Filed

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Fast accounts filed have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "fast_acc"

Multiple Registered Office Changes

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Multiple registered office changes have been detected",
  "conditionCode": "mul_off_changes"

Revaluation Reserve Exceeded Threshold

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Abnormal Revaluation / Share Premium Reserve has been detected",
  "conditionCode": "rev_res_exc"

Virtual Registered Office

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Virtual registered office has been detected",
  "conditionCode": "virt_off"

No VAT Registration and Turnover Exceeds Threshold

  "category": {
    "code": "uk.vigilance",
    "name": "Vigilance"
  "summary": "Filed turnover has been detected that does not conform to VAT Registration",
  "conditionCode": "turnover_vs_vat"


Condition options

  "phoenix": "any_change"  

Category code: uk.phoenix

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Either one of:
New suspected phoenix companies identified, or
New associated distressed companies identified.

Change details

Field Type Description
newPhoenix array List of one or more newly identified suspected phoenix companies.
newDistressPhoenix array List of one or more newly identified associated companies in distress.

Change details

New suspected phoenix companies identified

    "newPhoenix": [
        "cinumber": 14126201,
        "companyName": "ANETOS HOMES LTD",
        "registrationNumber": "13368299",
        "incorporationDate": "2021-04-30",
        "daysBetweenDistressAndIncorporation": 567
    "newDistressPhoenix": []
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.phoenix",
    "name": "Phoenixism"
  "summary": "1 new associated phoenix company",
  "phoenix": "any_change"  

New suspected phoenix company details

Field Type Description
cinumber integer Company Watch identifier.
companyName string Company name.
daysBetweenDistressAndIncorporation integer Number of days between the incorporation of the company and the date the associated company went into distress.
incorporationDate date Incorporation date of the company.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.

New associated distressed companies identified

    "newPhoenix": [],
    "newDistressPhoenix": [
        "cinumber": 264137,
        "registrationNumber": "01054968",
        "incorporationDate": "1972-05-18",
        "daysBetweenDistressAndIncorporation": 7,
        "distressDate": "2022-11-02",
        "distressType": {
          "code": "ADM",
          "description": "In Administration"
  "category": {
    "code": "uk.phoenix",
    "name": "Phoenixism"
  "summary": "1 new associated distressed company",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

New associated distressed company details

Field Type Description
cinumber integer Company Watch identifier.
companyName string Company name.
daysBetweenDistressAndIncorporation integer Number of days between the incorporation of the company and the date the associated company went into distress.
distressDate date Date company went into distress.
distressType object Distress type.
incorporationDate date Incorporation date of the company.
registrationNumber string Company registration number.

Ireland - Change Categories

The following section provides details on the different types of monitoring categories for Irish Companies and their specific options, and the details that are returned for each.

Condition options

  "creditLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 10,
    "percentageDecrease": 20
  "hScore": {
    "entersWarningArea": true,
    "exitsWarningArea": true,
    "movementInWarningArea": true,
    "movesAbove": 25,
    "movesBelow": 30,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "riskRating": {
    "movesAbove": 7,
    "movesBelow": 3,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true
  "contractLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 10,
    "percentageDecrease": 20
  "adverseEvents": {
    "financialDistress": true,
    "ceasingToTrade": true,
    "windingUpPetition": true,
    "events": [
  "ccjs": {
    "newJudgment": true,
    "judgmentsSatisfied": true
  "mortgages": {
    "newCharge": true,
    "satisfied": true,
    "docFiledLodged": true,
    "docFiledSatisfaction": true
  "directors": {
    "appointments": true,
    "resignations": true,
    "detailsChange": true,
    "docFiledDirSecChange": true
  "address": {
    "companyNameChange": true,
    "regAddressChange": true,
    "docFiledNameChange": true,
    "docFiledRegAddressChange": true
  "accounts": {
    "newAccounts": true,
    "lateFiling": true,
    "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
    "docFiledLatestReturns": true
  "auditor": "any_change",
  "industry": "any_change"
Field Category Options
accounts Accounts & Confirmation Statement null
Specific changes
address Company Name & Registered Office Address null
Specific changes
adverseEvents Adverse events & cessation of trading null
Specific changes
auditor Auditor null
ccjs Court Judgments null
Specific changes
contractLimit Contract Limit null
Specific changes
creditLimit Credit Limit null
Specific changes
directors Company Directors & Officers null
Specific changes
hScore H-Score null
Specific changes
industry Industry null
mortgages Mortgages null
Specific changes
riskRating Risk Rating null
Specific changes

Accounts & Confirmation Statement

Condition options

  "accounts": {
    "newAccounts": true,
    "lateFiling": true,
    "docFiledLatestAccounts": true,
    "docFiledLatestReturns": true

Category code: ie.acc_ann

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
newAccounts boolean new_acc New accounts data available.
lateFiling boolean late_filing Accounts overdue (late filing).
docFiledLatestAccounts boolean ev_P Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at CRO.
docFiledLatestReturns boolean ev_R Filing event - Latest Confirmation Statement filed at CRO.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": [
      "date": "2020-02-22 00:00:00",
      "type": "R"
      "date": "2019-07-31 00:00:00",
      "type": "P"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "new accounts are available for 2019-07-31; Filing event - Latest confirmation statement filed at Companies Registration Office; Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at Companies Registration Office",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
details array of Event Filing events.

New accounts data available

  "details": {
    "n": "2020-12-31",
    "o": "2019-12-31"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "new accounts are available for 2020-12-31",
  "conditionCode": "new_acc"

New accounts data available

Field Type Description
n date Latest accounting period end date.
o date Previous accounting period end date.

Accounts overdue (late filing)

  "category": {
    "code": "ie.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "latest accounts overdue (late filing)",
  "conditionCode": "late_filing"

Filing event - Latest Confirmation Statement filed at CRO

  "details": {
    "date": "2020-09-04 00:00:00",
    "type": "R"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "Filing event - Latest confirmation statement filed at Companies Registration Office",
  "conditionCode": "ev_R"

Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at CRO

  "details": {
    "date": "2019-12-31 00:00:00",
    "type": "P"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.acc_ann",
    "name": "Accounts & Confirmation Statement"
  "summary": "Filing event - Latest Accounts filed at Companies Registration Office",
  "conditionCode": "ev_P"

Filing events

Field Type Description
date date Date of the filing event.
type string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
P Latest Accounts filed at Companies Registration Office
R Latest Confirmation Statement filed at Companies Registration Office

Adverse events & cessation of trading

Condition options

  "adverseEvents": {
    "financialDistress": true,
    "ceasingToTrade": true,
    "windingUpPetition": true,
    "events": [

Category code: ie.adv_ev

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
picked - includes all adverse event types
Specific Changes
financialDistress boolean fin_distress Financial distress.
ceasingToTrade boolean ceasing_trade Ceasing to trade.
windingUpPetition boolean wind_up_pet Winding-up petition.
events array of Event codes picked Selection of adverse events to monitor.

The list of Event code options:

Event code Description
EXA Petitions Appointment of Examiner
RPX Petitions Winding-Up (Gazette)
RQX Meeting of Creditors (Gazette)
RWW Appointment of Liquidator Creditors (Gazette)
RWX Appointment of Liquidator (Gazette)
QK Appointment of Liquidator Member (Gazette)
SW Appointment of Liquidator Court Order(Gazette)
T Receivership Document Lodged
TAA Appointment of Receiver (Gazette)
UME Un-specified Material Event

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "overallDistress": {
      "n": "D"
    "events": [
        "date": "2020-06-05 00:00:00",
        "type": "QK"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse events & cessation of trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Financial Distress; Filing event - Appointment of Liquidator Member (Gazette)",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"


Any change

Field Type Description
overallDistress object Change in distress status.
events array of Event New adverse events.

Financial distress

  "details": {
    "n": "D"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse events & cessation of trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Financial Distress",
  "conditionCode": "fin_distress"

Ceasing to trade

  "details": {
    "n": "C",
    "o": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse events & cessation of trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Ceasing To Trade",
  "conditionCode": "ceasing_trade"

Winding-up petition

  "details": {
    "n": "P",
    "o": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse events & cessation of trading"
  "summary": "Distress Status is now Winding Up Petition",
  "conditionCode": "wind_up_pet"

Change in distress status

Field Type Description
n string Latest distress status.
o string Previous distress status.

Distress status codes

Code Description
D Financial distress
C Ceasing to trade
P Winding-up petition

Selected adverse events

  "details": [
      "date": "2020-06-05 00:00:00",
      "type": "QK"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.adv_ev",
    "name": "Adverse events & cessation of trading"
  "summary": "Filing event - Appointment of Liquidator Member (Gazette)",
  "conditionCode": "picked"

Selected adverse events

Field Type Description
date date Date of the filing event.
type string Event code.


Condition options

  "auditor": "any_change"

Category code: ie.auditor

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Change in the company’s auditor.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": {
      "code": "J68",
      "description": "JOHN MACMAHON & CO"
    "o": {
      "code": "OT",
      "description": "DOYLE KELLY & CO"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.auditor",
    "name": "Auditor"
  "summary": "auditor has changed from 'DOYLE KELLY & CO' to 'JOHN MACMAHON & CO'",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"
Field Type Description
n object Latest auditor.
code - auditor code
description - auditor name
o object Previous auditor.
code - auditor code
description - auditor name

Company Directors & Officers

Condition options

  "directors": {
    "appointments": true,
    "resignations": true,
    "detailsChange": true,
    "docFiledDirSecChange": true

Category code: ie.dirs

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
appointments boolean apts New directors appointed.
resignations boolean resigns Directors resigned.
detailsChange boolean changed Change in director’s name / address.
docFiledDirSecChange boolean ev_dir_sec_off Directors/Secretary/Officers change.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "apts": [
        "name": "Barbara Tos",
        "jobTitle": null,
        "isCompany": false,
        "isCurrent": true,
        "dateOfBirth": "1977-07-01",
        "nameDetails": {
          "first": "Barbara",
          "title": null,
          "middle": null,
          "prefix": null,
          "suffix": null,
          "surname": "Tos"
        "directorType": {
          "code": "92",
          "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
        "directorNumber": "702614267",
        "appointmentDate": "2021-03-31",
        "directorAddress": {
          "address": {
            "postCode": null,
            "postalArea": null,
            "fullAddress": "5 Ros Na Ri, Commons Road, Navan,meath,ireland",
            "addressLine1": "5 Ros Na Ri",
            "addressLine2": "Commons Road",
            "addressLine3": null,
            "addressLine4": "Navan,meath,ireland",
            "addressLine5": null
          "isServiceAddress": null
        "resignationDate": null,
        "isMajorShareholder": null
    "resigned": [],
    "modified": [],
    "dsoEvents": []
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director has been appointed",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
apts array of Director Director appointments.
resigned array of Director Resigned directors.
modified array of DirectorChanges Directors with changed details.
dsoEvents array of Event Filing events.

New directors appointed

  "details": [
      "name": "Barbara Tos",
      "jobTitle": null,
      "isCompany": false,
      "isCurrent": true,
      "dateOfBirth": "1977-07-01",
      "nameDetails": {
        "first": "Barbara",
        "title": null,
        "middle": null,
        "prefix": null,
        "suffix": null,
        "surname": "Tos"
      "directorType": {
        "code": "92",
        "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
      "directorNumber": "702614267",
      "appointmentDate": "2021-03-31",
      "directorAddress": {
        "address": {
          "postCode": null,
          "postalArea": null,
          "fullAddress": "5 Ros Na Ri, Commons Road, Navan,meath,ireland",
          "addressLine1": "5 Ros Na Ri",
          "addressLine2": "Commons Road",
          "addressLine3": null,
          "addressLine4": "Navan,meath,ireland",
          "addressLine5": null
        "isServiceAddress": null
      "resignationDate": null,
      "isMajorShareholder": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director has been appointed",
  "conditionCode": "apts"

Director resignations

  "details": [
      "name": "Robert Pickett",
      "jobTitle": null,
      "isCompany": false,
      "isCurrent": false,
      "dateOfBirth": "1965-04-01",
      "nameDetails": {
        "first": "Robert",
        "title": null,
        "middle": null,
        "prefix": null,
        "suffix": null,
        "surname": "Pickett"
      "directorType": {
        "code": "92",
        "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
      "directorNumber": "701655808",
      "appointmentDate": "2020-04-02",
      "directorAddress": {
        "address": {
          "postCode": null,
          "postalArea": null,
          "fullAddress": "80 Hampton Court, Clontarf, Dublin 3",
          "addressLine1": "80 Hampton Court, Clontarf",
          "addressLine2": "Dublin 3",
          "addressLine3": null,
          "addressLine4": null,
          "addressLine5": null
        "isServiceAddress": null
      "resignationDate": "2021-03-31",
      "isMajorShareholder": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director has resigned",
  "conditionCode": "resigns"

New and Resigned director details

Field Type Description
name string Director name.
nameDetails object Name details.
first - First name
title - Title
middle - Middle name
prefix - Prefix
suffiz - Suffix
surname - Last name
jobTitle object Job title.
code - Job title code
description - Job title description
isCompany boolean true if the director is a corporate entity instead of an individual.
isCurrent boolean true if the director is a current director.
dateOfBirth date Director’s date of birth. The day component has been normalized to the first of the month.
directorType object Director type.
code - the director type code
description - description of the director type
directorNumber string Director identifier.
appointmentDate date Date director was appointed.
directorAddress object Director’s registered address. See below for the address field list.
resignationDate date Date director resigned.
isMajorShareholder boolean true if the director is a major shareholder in the company.


Field Type Description
address.postCode string Post code.
address.postalArea string Postal area.
address.fullAddress string Full address combined from each component.
address.addressLine1 string Line 1 of the address.
address.addressLine2 string Line 2 of the address.
address.addressLine3 string Line 3 of the address.
address.addressLine4 string Line 4 of the address.
address.addressLine5 string Line 5 of the address.
isServiceAddress boolean Indicates if the address is a company’s service address.

Director’s details changed

  "details": [
      "director": {
        "name": "Keith Langrell",
        "jobTitle": null,
        "isCompany": false,
        "isCurrent": true,
        "dateOfBirth": "1980-11-01",
        "nameDetails": {
          "first": "Keith",
          "title": null,
          "middle": null,
          "prefix": null,
          "suffix": null,
          "surname": "Langrell"
        "directorType": {
          "code": "92",
          "description": "COMPANY SECRETARY"
        "directorNumber": "702544009",
        "appointmentDate": "2020-08-20",
        "directorAddress": {
          "address": {
            "postCode": null,
            "postalArea": null,
            "fullAddress": "Rathduffbeg, Kiltegan, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow",
            "addressLine1": "Rathduffbeg",
            "addressLine2": "Kiltegan",
            "addressLine3": "Baltinglass",
            "addressLine4": "Co. Wicklow",
            "addressLine5": null
          "isServiceAddress": null
        "resignationDate": null,
        "isMajorShareholder": null
      "nameChange": {
        "newValue": "Keith Langrell",
        "originalValue": "Keith M. Langrell"
      "addressChange": {
        "newValue": {
          "address": {
            "postCode": null,
            "postalArea": null,
            "fullAddress": "Rathduffbeg, Kiltegan, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow",
            "addressLine1": "Rathduffbeg",
            "addressLine2": "Kiltegan",
            "addressLine3": "Baltinglass",
            "addressLine4": "Co. Wicklow",
            "addressLine5": null
          "isServiceAddress": null
        "originalValue": {
          "address": {
            "postCode": null,
            "postalArea": null,
            "fullAddress": "Rathduffbeg, Kiltegan, Baltinglass, Co. Wicklow,w91 D5w0,irel",
            "addressLine1": "Rathduffbeg",
            "addressLine2": "Kiltegan",
            "addressLine3": "Baltinglass",
            "addressLine4": "Co. Wicklow,w91 D5w0,irel",
            "addressLine5": null
          "isServiceAddress": null
      "isMajorShareholderChange": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "1 director has had their details changed",
  "conditionCode": "changed"

Director with changed details

Field Type Description
director object See director details fields above.
nameChange object A change in the director’s name.
newValue - Latest name of the director.
originalValue - Previous name of the director.
addressChange object A change in the directors’s service address.
newValue - Latest address of the director.
originalValue - Previous address of the director.
isMajorShareholderChange object A change in the major shareholder status of the director.

Filing event - Directors/Secretary/Officers change

  "details": [
      "date": "2020-12-03 00:00:00",
      "type": "K"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.dirs",
    "name": "Company Directors & Officers"
  "summary": "Filing event - Directors/Secretary/Officers change",
  "conditionCode": "ev_dir_sec_off"

Filing event - Directors/Secretary/Officers change

Field Type Description
date date Date of the filing event.
type string Event code - K.

Company Name & Registered Office Address

Condition options

  "address": {
    "companyNameChange": true,
    "regAddressChange": true,
    "docFiledNameChange": true,
    "docFiledRegAddressChange": true

Category code: ie.name_address

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
companyNameChange boolean name Change in company name.
regAddressChange boolean address Change in registered address.
docFiledNameChange boolean ev_B Filing event - Change of Name.
docFiledRegAddressChange boolean ev_C Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "events": [
        "date": "2020-09-16 00:00:00",
        "type": "C"
    "address": {
      "n": {
        "address": {
          "postCode": "D11 YT02",
          "postalArea": "D11",
          "fullAddress": "14 Seagrave Rise, Dublin 11, Co. Dublin, D11 YT02",
          "addressLine1": "14 Seagrave Rise",
          "addressLine2": null,
          "addressLine3": null,
          "addressLine4": "Dublin 11",
          "addressLine5": "Co. Dublin"
        "stdNumber": null,
        "telephone": null,
        "isHeadOffice": false,
        "isAccountantOrSolicitorAddress": true
      "o": {
        "address": {
          "postCode": "D11 YT02",
          "postalArea": "D11",
          "fullAddress": "16 Seagrave Close, Dublin 11, Co. Dublin, D11 YT02",
          "addressLine1": "16 Seagrave Close",
          "addressLine2": null,
          "addressLine3": null,
          "addressLine4": "Dublin 11",
          "addressLine5": "Co. Dublin"
        "stdNumber": null,
        "telephone": null,
        "isHeadOffice": false,
        "isAccountantOrSolicitorAddress": true
    "name": {
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "The company name has changed; The registered office address has changed; Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
events array of Event Filing events.
address object Change in address.
n - Latest address details.
o - Previous address details.
name object Change in name.
n - Latest company name.
o - Previous company name.

Change in company name

  "details": {
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "The company name has changed",
  "conditionCode": "name"

Change in company name

Field Type Description
n string Latest company name.
o string Previous company name.

Change in registered address

  "details": {
    "n": {
      "address": {
        "postCode": null,
        "postalArea": null,
        "fullAddress": "Lugalisheen North, Ballindine, Claremorris Co Mayo, Claremorrismayo",
        "addressLine1": "Lugalisheen North",
        "addressLine2": "Ballindine",
        "addressLine3": "Claremorris Co Mayo",
        "addressLine4": "Claremorrismayo",
        "addressLine5": null
      "stdNumber": null,
      "telephone": null,
      "isHeadOffice": false,
      "isAccountantOrSolicitorAddress": true
    "o": {
      "address": {
        "postCode": null,
        "postalArea": null,
        "fullAddress": "Lugalisheen North, Ballindine, Claremorris, Co. Mayo",
        "addressLine1": "Lugalisheen North",
        "addressLine2": "Ballindine",
        "addressLine3": null,
        "addressLine4": "Claremorris",
        "addressLine5": "Co. Mayo"
      "stdNumber": null,
      "telephone": null,
      "isHeadOffice": false,
      "isAccountantOrSolicitorAddress": true
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "The registered office address has changed",
  "conditionCode": "address"

Change in registered office address

Field Type Description
n object Latest address details.
o object Previous address details.


Field Type Description
address.postCode string Post code.
address.postalArea string Postal area.
address.fullAddress string Full address combined from each component.
address.addressLine1 string Line 1 of the address.
address.addressLine2 string Line 2 of the address.
address.addressLine3 string Line 3 of the address.
address.addressLine4 string Line 4 of the address.
address.addressLine5 string Line 5 of the address.
stdNumber string Area dialing code.
telephone string Telephone number at registered address.
isHeadOffice boolean true if the address is the head office.
isAccountantOrSolicitorAddress true if the registered office address is that of an accountant or solicitor.

Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address

  "details": {
    "date": "2020-11-24 00:00:00",
    "type": "C"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change in Registered Office Address",
  "conditionCode": "ev_C"

Filing event - Change of Name

  "details": {
    "date": "2020-05-25 00:00:00",
    "type": "B"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.name_address",
    "name": "Company Name & Registered Office Address"
  "summary": "Filing event - Change of Name",
  "conditionCode": "ev_B"

Filing events

Field Type Description
date date Date of the filing event.
type string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
B Change of Name
C Change in Registered Office Address

Contract Limit

Condition options

  "contractLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 10,
    "percentageDecrease": 20

Category code: ie.contract_limit

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
decrease boolean decrease Contract Limit decreased
increase boolean increase Contract Limit increased
percentageDecrease integer percent_decrease Contract Limit decreased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-100.
percentageIncrease integer percent_increase Contract Limit increased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-10,000.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": 3000,
    "o": 2000
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit has increased from 2,000 to 3,000",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"


  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": 7000
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit has decreased from 7,000 to N/A",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 3000,
    "o": 2000
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit has increased from 2,000 to 3,000",
  "conditionCode": "increase"

Decreased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": 7000
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit decreased over 20.0 percent",
  "conditionCode": "percent_decrease"

Increased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": 6000,
    "o": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.contract_limit",
    "name": "Contract Limit"
  "summary": "contract limit increased over 10.0 percent",
  "conditionCode": "percent_increase"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest Contract Limit.
o integer Previous Contract Limit.

Court Judgments

Condition options

  "ccjs": {
    "newJudgment": true,
    "judgmentsSatisfied": true

Category code: ie.ccjs

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
newJudgment boolean new New court judgments available.
judgmentsSatisfied boolean satisfied Court judgments have been satisfied.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "newlyFiled": [
        "court": "UNKNOWN",
        "amount": 6002,
        "datePaid": null,
        "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN  1",
        "statusCode": "U",
        "dateRegistered": "2019-07-15",
        "sequenceNumber": 1
    "satisfied": [
        "court": "UNKNOWN",
        "amount": 5702,
        "datePaid": "2019-01-22",
        "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN  1",
        "statusCode": "S",
        "dateRegistered": "2018-02-15",
        "sequenceNumber": 3
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.ccjs",
    "name": "Court Judgments"
  "summary": "1 new judgment has been filed; 1 judgment has been satisfied",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
newlyFiled object Newly filed court judgments.
satisfied object Satisfied court judgments.

New court judgments

  "details": [
      "court": "UNKNOWN",
      "amount": 6002,
      "datePaid": null,
      "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN  1",
      "statusCode": "U",
      "dateRegistered": "2019-07-15",
      "sequenceNumber": 1
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.ccjs",
    "name": "Court Judgments"
  "summary": "1 new judgment has been filed",
  "conditionCode": "new"

Court judgments satisfied

  "details": [
      "court": "UNKNOWN",
      "amount": 5702,
      "datePaid": "2019-01-22",
      "caseNumber": "UNKNOWN  1",
      "statusCode": "S",
      "dateRegistered": "2018-02-15",
      "sequenceNumber": 1
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.ccjs",
    "name": "Court Judgments"
  "summary": "1 judgment has been satisfied",
  "conditionCode": "satisfied"

Court judgment details

Field Type Description
caseNumber string Court case number.
court string Court where the judgement was filed.
datePaid date If the judgment is satisfied, the date the judgment was paid.
dateRegistered date When the judgment was filed.
sequenceNumber integer Judgment sequence number.
statusCode string Status of the judgment.
U - unsatisfied
S - satisfied.

Credit Limit

Condition options

  "creditLimit": {
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true,
    "percentageIncrease": 10,
    "percentageDecrease": 20

Category code:

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
decrease boolean decrease Credit limit decreased.
increase boolean increase Credit limit increased.
percentageDecrease integer percent_decrease Credit limit decreased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-100.
percentageIncrease integer percent_increase Credit limit increased over X percent.
Valid range: 1-10,000.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": 20000,
    "o": 13000
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit has increased from 13,000 to 20,000",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"


  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": 0
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit has decreased from 0 to N/A",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 20000,
    "o": 13000
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit has increased from 13,000 to 20,000",
  "conditionCode": "increase"

Decreased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": 20000
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit decreased over 20.0 percent",
  "conditionCode": "percent_decrease"

Increased over X percent

  "details": {
    "n": 25000,
    "o": 19000
  "category": {
    "code": "",
    "name": "Credit Limit"
  "summary": "credit limit increased over 10.0 percent",
  "conditionCode": "percent_increase"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest Credit Limit.
o integer Previous Credit Limit.


Condition options

  "hScore": {
    "entersWarningArea": true,
    "exitsWarningArea": true,
    "movementInWarningArea": true,
    "movesAbove": 25,
    "movesBelow": 30,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true

Category code: ie.hscore

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category include:
Specific Changes
decrease boolean decrease H-Score decreased.
entersWarningArea boolean enter_warning_area Enters the Warning Area.
exitsWarningArea boolean exit_warning_area Exits the Warning Area.
increase boolean increase H-Score increased.
movementInWarningArea boolean mv_within_warning H-Score movement within Warning Area.
movesAbove integer mv_above H-Score moved above X.
Valid range: 0-99.
movesBelow integer mv_below H-Score moved below X.
Valid range: 1-100.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": 56
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score has decreased from 56 to N/A",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Movement within Warning Area

  "details": {
    "n": 2,
    "o": 10
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now  2) has moved within the Warning Area",
  "conditionCode": "mv_within_warning"

Enters the Warning Area

  "details": {
    "n": 1,
    "o": 32
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now  1) has entered the Warning Area",
  "conditionCode": "enter_warning_area"

Exits the Warning Area

  "details": {
    "n": 66,
    "o": 17
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now 66) has exited the Warning Area",
  "conditionCode": "exit_warning_area"

Moved below X

  "details": {
    "n": 1,
    "o": 32
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now  1) has moved below 30",
  "conditionCode": "mv_below"

Moved above X

  "details": {
    "n": 66,
    "o": 17
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score value (now 66) has moved above 25",
  "conditionCode": "mv_above"


  "details": {
    "n": 65,
    "o": 98
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score has decreased from 98 to 65",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 92,
    "o": 85
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.hscore",
    "name": "H-Score"
  "summary": "H-Score has increased from 85 to 92",
  "conditionCode": "increase"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest H-Score.
o integer Previous H-Score.


Condition options

  "industry": "any_change"

Category code: ie.sic

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Change in the primary industry of the company.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": {
      "code": "8511",
      "description": "HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES"
    "o": {
      "code": "7499",
      "description": "NON-TRADING OR CEASED TO TRADE"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.sic",
    "name": "Change In Sic"
  "summary": "industry has changed from '7499: NON-TRADING OR CEASED TO TRADE' to '8511: HOSPITAL ACTIVITIES'",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"
Field Type Description
n object Latest primary industry.
code - 4-digit industry code
description - industry description
o object Previous primary industry.
code - 4-digit industry code
description - industry description


Condition options

  "mortgages": {
    "newCharge": true,
    "satisfied": true,
    "docFiledLodged": true,
    "docFiledSatisfaction": true

Category code: ie.mortgages

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category include:
Specific Changes
newCharge boolean new New charges.
satisfied boolean satisfied Satisfied charges.
docFiledLodged boolean ev_L Filing event - Charge Lodged.
docFiledSatisfaction boolean ev_M Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "newCharge": [
        "charge": "Outstanding",
        "statusFlag": "O",
        "dateCreated": "2018-08-27",
        "amountSecured": "",
        "dateRegistered": "2018-08-23",
        "mortgageNumber": 1,
        "personEntitled": "THE GOVERNOR & COMPANY OF THE BANK OF IRELAND",
        "shortParticulars": "No Mortgage Particulars provided",
        "restrictingProvision": null
    "satisfied": [
        "charge": "Satisfied 14 Jul 2020",
        "statusFlag": "S",
        "dateCreated": "2019-05-23",
        "amountSecured": "",
        "dateRegistered": "2019-05-30",
        "mortgageNumber": 16,
        "shortParticulars": "No Mortgage Particulars provided",
        "restrictingProvision": null
    "events": [
        "date": "2020-07-06 00:00:00",
        "type": "M"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "1 new charge; 1 satisfied charge; Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Any change

Field Type Description
events array of Event Filing events.
newCharge array of Charge New charges.
satisfied array of Charge Satisfied charges.

New charges

  "details": [
      "charge": "Outstanding",
      "statusFlag": "O",
      "dateCreated": "2018-08-27",
      "amountSecured": "",
      "dateRegistered": "2018-08-23",
      "mortgageNumber": 1,
      "shortParticulars": "No Mortgage Particulars provided",
      "restrictingProvision": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "1 new charge",
  "conditionCode": "new"

Satisfied charges

  "details": [
      "charge": "Satisfied 14 Jul 2020",
      "statusFlag": "S",
      "dateCreated": "2019-05-23",
      "amountSecured": "",
      "dateRegistered": "2019-05-30",
      "mortgageNumber": 16,
      "shortParticulars": "No Mortgage Particulars provided",
      "restrictingProvision": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "1 satisfied charge",
  "conditionCode": "satisfied"

New and satisfied charges

Field Type Description
amountSecured string Details on the amount secured in this charge.
charge string The type of the charge.
dateCreated date Date charge was created.
dateRegistered date Date charge was registered.
description string Description of the charge.
mortgageNumber integer Mortgage charge record number at Companies Registration Office.
personEntitled string Details on persons entitled to this charge.
restrictingProvision string Restricting provision description.
shortParticulars string Short particulars of the charge.
statusFlag string Status of the charge.
O - Outstanding
S - Satisfied

Filing event - Charge Lodged

  "details": {
    "date": "2020-11-09 00:00:00",
    "type": "L"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "Filing event - Charge Lodged",
  "conditionCode": "ev_L"

Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged

  "details": {
    "date": "2020-07-06 00:00:00",
    "type": "M"
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.mortgages",
    "name": "Mortgages"
  "summary": "Filing event - Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged",
  "conditionCode": "ev_M"

Filing events

Field Type Description
date date Date of the filing event.
type string Event type code.

List of filing events:

Event code Description
L Charge Lodged
M Memorandum of Satisfaction Lodged

Risk Rating

Condition options

  "riskRating": {
    "movesAbove": 7,
    "movesBelow": 3,
    "increase": true,
    "decrease": true

Category code: ie.risk

Condition Type conditionCode Description
Any change string any_change Any changes in this category includes:
Specific Changes
decrease integer decrease Risk Rating decreased.
increase integer increase Risk Rating increased.
movesAbove integer mv_above Risk Rating moved above X.
Valid range: 1-9.
movesBelow integer mv_below Risk Rating moved below X.
Valid range: 2-10.

Change details

Change details

Any change

  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": 1
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value has decreased from 1 to N/A",
  "conditionCode": "any_change"

Moved below X

  "details": {
    "n": 1,
    "o": 6
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value (now 1) has moved below 3",
  "conditionCode": "mv_below"

Moved above X

  "details": {
    "n": 10,
    "o": 7
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value (now 10) has moved above 7",
  "conditionCode": "mv_above"


  "details": {
    "n": null,
    "o": 1
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value has decreased from 1 to N/A",
  "conditionCode": "decrease"


  "details": {
    "n": 10,
    "o": null
  "category": {
    "code": "ie.risk",
    "name": "Risk Rating"
  "summary": "risk rating value has increased from N/A to 10",
  "conditionCode": "increase"
Field Type Description
n integer Latest Risk Rating.
o integer Previous Risk Rating.

Financial Health Scoring API

Evaluate the financial health of companies by submitting accounts data for scoring.

Using the API


Request access to the Financial Health Scoring feature to be enabled on your account.

Calculate Financial Health Scores

Evaluate a given set accounts and return the Company Watch financial scores.


POST /api/v1/scoring/financial_health

Request entity

  "companyInformation": {
    "identifier": "",
    "quoted": false,
    "isoCountryOfIncorporation": "GBR",
    "isoCurrency": "GBP",
    "currencyUnits": 1,
    "accountsReferenceDate": "2000-01-01",
    "isMemberOfGroup": false, 
    "broadIndustrySectorCode": 15,
    "incorporationDate": "2000-01-01"
  "accounts": [
      "periodEndDate": "2020-12-31",
      "monthsInPeriod": 12,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "quotedStatus": false,
      "sales": 0,
      "costOfSales": 0,
      "operatingProfit": 0,
      "exceptionalItems": 0,
      "interestIncomeAndOther": 0,
      "interestExpense": 0,
      "profitBeforeTax": 0,
      "tax": 0,
      "otherPostTax": 0,
      "dividends": 0,
      "numberOfEmployees": 0,
      "amortisationAndImpairmentOfIntangibles": 0,
      "retainedEarningsMovement": 0,
      "intangibleAssets": 0,
      "propertyPlantAndEquipment": 0,
      "otherLongTermAssets": 0,
      "inventory": 0,
      "accountsReceivable": 0,
      "otherCurrentAssets": 0,
      "groupBalancesReceivable": 0,
      "cashAndEquivalents": 0,
      "shortTermInvestments": 0,
      "otherNonLiquidAssets": 0,
      "accountsPayable": 0,
      "accrualsAndDeferredIncome": 0,
      "otherCurrentLiabilities": 0,
      "groupBalancesPayable": 0,
      "shortTermDebt": 0,
      "longTermDebt": 0,
      "longTermGroupBalancesPayable": 0,
      "otherLongLiabilities": 0,
      "minorityInterest": 0,
      "shareholdersEquity": 0


Field Type Description
companyInformation ScoreCompanyInfo object Basic company information to determine the type of model used for scoring.
accounts array of ScoreAccounts objects The set of accounts to calculate scores for.

The ScoreCompanyInfo object

Field Type Description
accountsReferenceDate date Optional. The date the set of accounts were issued. Defaults to the current date if no date is provided.
broadIndustrySectorCode number The Company Watch Broad Industry Classification code. Defaults to Other (code: 15). See the Broad Industry Sectors table for the full list.
currencyUnits number The currency units of the accounts. Defaults to 1.
Options: 1, 1000, 1000000
identifier string Optional. A unique identifier for the company being scored.
incorporationDate date Optional. The incorporation date of the company.
isMemberOfGroup boolean Indicates if the company is part of a group structure. Defaults to false.
isoCountryOfIncorporation string The country code of the company. Country codes follow the ISO 3166 alpha-3 standard.
isoCurrency string The currency code of the accounts. Currency codes follow the 3-letter ISO 4217 standard.
quoted boolean Indicates if the company is publicly listed or a private company.
true - Accounts for a quoted company
false - Accounts are for a private company

Broad Industry Sectors

Code Description
1 Agriculture & Mining
2 Manufacturing
3 Utilities
4 Construction
5 Retail & Wholesale
6 Transport & Storage
7 Hospitality & Food
8 Communications & Technology
9 Banking & Finance
10 Real Estate
11 Professional Services
12 Support & Other Services
13 Health & Education
14 Sport & Entertainment
15 Other

The ScoreAccounts object

The Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet fields below are listed in the order expected for accounts to add-down correctly.

Accounts header fields:

Field Type Description
periodEndDate date The accounting period end date.
monthsInPeriod number The duration of the accounting period in months.
Between 1 - 24
rateToGBP number Optional. The exchange rate between the currency of the accounts to GBP. If a rate is not provided, an estimate is provided automatically.
quotedStatus boolean The quoted status of the company during the accounting period.

Profit and Loss fields:

Field Type Description
sales number Sales. Must be a value of zero or greater.
costOfSales number Cost of sales.
exceptionalItems number Exceptional items. Note: exceptionalItems is excluded from operatingProfit and comes after the item in the add-down for UK and Ireland
operatingProfit number Operating profit.
interestIncomeAndOther number Interest and other income.
interestExpense number Interest paid.
profitBeforeTax number Profit before tax.
tax number Tax.
otherPostTax number Other post-tax items.
dividends number Dividends.
numberOfEmployees number Number of employees.

Additional fields relevant to the H-Score:

Field Type Description
amortisationAndImpairmentOfIntangibles number Amortisation and impairment of Intangibles.
retainedEarningsMovement number Profit & Loss account - movement in retained profit. Only applicable if the period of accounts is considered Abbreviated.

Balance Sheet items:

Field Type Description
intangibleAssets number Intangible assets.
propertyPlantAndEquipment number Property, plant, and equipment / Tangible fixed assets.
otherLongTermAssets number Other long term assets / Other fixed assets.
inventory number Stock / W.I.P. / Inventory.
accountsReceivable number Accounts receivable / Trade debtors.
otherCurrentAssets number Other current assets / Other debtors.
groupBalancesReceivable number Group Balances (receivable).
cashAndEquivalents number Cash and equivalents.
shortTermInvestments number Short term investments.
otherNonLiquidAssets number Other non-liquid assets.
accountsPayable number Accounts payable / Trade creditors.
accrualsAndDeferredIncome number Accruals and deferred income.
otherCurrentLiabilities number Other current liabilities / Other creditors.
groupBalancesPayable number Group balances (payable).
shortTermDebt number Short term debt.
longTermDebt number Long term debt.
longTermGroupBalancesPayable number Group balances (long term payable).
otherLongLiabilities number Other long liabilities / Provision and other creditors greater than 1 year.
minorityInterest number Minority interest.
shareholdersEquity number Shareholders equity / Shareholders funds.


Response entity

  "companyInformation": {
    "identifier": "",
    "quoted": false,
    "isoCountryOfIncorporation": "GBR",
    "isoCurrency": "GBP",
    "currencyUnits": 1,
    "accountsReferenceData": "2000-01-01",
    "isMemberOfGroup": false,
    "broadIndustrySectorCode": 15,
    "incorporationDate": "2000-01-01"
  "scores": [
      "missingScoreReason": {
        "code": -999,
        "description": "no scores available"
      "scoreDate": "2021-12-31"
      "assetManagementKeyFactor": 22,
      "contractLimit": 200000000,
      "creditLimit": 210000000,
      "currentAssetCoverFactor": 5,
      "currentFundingFactor": 44,
      "debtDependencyFactor": 28,
      "equityBaseFactor": 14,
      "fundingManagementKeyFactor": 17,
      "hScore": 29,
      "inventoryAndReceivablesFactor": 85,
      "liquidityFactor": 10,
      "probabilityOfDistress1Year": 2.1,
      "probabilityOfDistress3Years": 8.4,
      "profitManagementFactor": 20,
      "profitManagementKeyFactor": 20,
      "rateToGBP": 1,
      "riskRating": 7,
      "scoreDate": "2020-12-31"
Field Type Description
companyInformation ScoreCompanyInfo object Returns the basic company information provided in the initial request.
scores array of ScoreInfo or MissingScore objects The set of results from the evaluation. Each provided period of accounts is associated to either a ScoreInfo when successfully scored, or a MissingScore if the period accounts could not be scored.

The ScoreInfo object

Field Type Description
assetManagementKeyFactor integer The Asset Management summary score.
contractLimit number The Company Watch suggested contract limit value (in the same currency as the accounts). May return null for periods other than the latest period, or when the contract limit is no longer applicable (i.e., accounts are too old).
creditLimit number The Company Watch suggested credit limit value (in the same currency as the accounts). May return null for periods other than the latest period, or when the credit limit is not applicable (i.e., accounts are too old).
currentAssetCoverFactor integer The Current Asset Cover factor.
currentFundingFactor integer The Current Funding factor.
debtDependencyFactor integer The Debt Dependency factor.
equityBaseFactor integer The Equity Base factor.
fundingManagementKeyFactor integer The Funding Management summary score.
hScore integer The value of the H-Score.
inventoryAndReceivablesFactor integer The Inventory and Receivables factor.
liquidityFactor integer The Liquidity factor.
probabilityOfDistress1Year double Probability of Distress within the next 12 months.
probabilityOfDistress3Years double Probability of Distress within the next 3 years.
profitManagementFactor integer The Profit Management factor.
profitManagementKeyFactor integer The Profit Management summary score.
rateToGBP number The exchange rate used between the currency of the accounts to GBP for scoring. If an exchange rate was not provided as part of the request, this returns the estimated exchange rate.
riskRating integer The Risk Rating value. Value ranges from 1 (lowest risk) to 10 (highest risk).
scoreDate date The associated periodEndDate from the set of accounts sumbitted.

The MissingScore object

Field Type Description
missingScoreReason object Lookup object describing why the set of scores was not given.
scoreDate date The associated periodEndDate from the set of accounts sumbitted.

Reasons for a missing scores

Code Description
1 Scores not calculated as the accounts do not balance.
2 Scores not calculated as an unknown error has occurred.
3 Scores not calculated as Total tangible assets is zero or less.
4 Scores not calculated as the period has negative sales.
5 Scores not calculated as the balance sheet is too small to evaluate.
6 Scores not calculated as the accounts cannot be interpreted.
7 Scores not calculated as the accounts are not suitable.
8 An error occurred while calculating scores.
-999 No scores available.